#Miner'sRespite – July 10, 2013

Galatea is sitting in a booth by a window all by herself, very poised and immaculately dressed. Despite the pub's rather rowdy male clientele and her very shapely figure, nobody seems to be paying her any attention, though. The looks shot her way by the bar's patrons are more reminiscent of the kind one would give a crazy or mentally retarded person.

Renala enters the Miner's Respite for the first time, having just arrived in Freedom Falls. The asari is wearing a brown leather jacket, halfway zipped up, with a blue top underneath; showing just the pale sky-blue skin below the neck but just far enough to not show even the faintest bit of cleavage. She wears simple dark-gray pants. Her clothing has a very low-end personal-defense grade shielding system that would give her a heads up if bullets started coming her way. In her left hand is a rather large red travel bag, the asari employing a biotic field to reduce its mass. She looks around the room thoughtfully, once glancing at the human woman sitting alone in a booth; and the glances her way from the other patrons. Her gaze then settles on the bar and the matron wanders over and takes a seat, letting the travel bag rest against the stool. She waves a bartender down and orders a beer.

Galatea notices the asari who walks in, looking at her briefly and then going back to staring straight ahead, interrupted only by a quick sip of her drink.

Fera'Sel steps into the bar and looks around for a moment, content to just take in the sights. She moves up towards the bar and looks at the collection of drinks available for consumption before finally deciding on a cheap ale. After ordering the drink, she looks around a second time. However, this was more to see the type of people who were around.

Tyranniac | After handing Renala her drink, the bartender looks at Fera, clearly rather surprised to see a quarian. "Uh, yeah... dextro drinks, okay... I'll see if we have any."

Tyranniac | The bartender disappears under the counter for a while and then returns with a crate of beer covered in a thin layer of dust. He pulls out a bottle and studies the label briefly. "Here ya go, authentic turian... champagne?" He shrugs, and puts the bottle down.

Renala casts another glance in the direction of that human woman, before the bartender hands her the drink. "Thanks," she nods before picking it up and taking a long swig of it. A slight hint of tiredness and 'space-lag' could be noticed about her.

Fera'Sel looks back around towards the bartender and nods, then pulls out a credit chit. She hesitates for a moment as she calculates how much money she has left, but puts it down on the counter after a moment.

Tyranniac | Eyes the credit chit twice before handling the payment and handing it back. He looks at the quarian with both curiosity and suspicion. "Don't see many of you people here. Last one was that... Krazl kid."

Fera'Sel chuckles and puts the chit back in its own compartment, then glances down at her armor while she speaks.

I may be a quarian, but I don't plan on working low-level, high-risk jobs my entire life. I see an opportunity here and I plan to take it.

Tyranniac The bartender nods faintly. "Uh-huh. Make sure you get an honest job." He seems to remain suspicious.

Galatea | There is a group of rather rowdy and drunken youths in one corner of the bar, and after a while, one of them approaches Galatea with what he seems to think is a swagger, accompanied by the cheers and wolf-whistles of his friends. His exact words cannot be heard very far over the general background noise, but the leering expression should give some idea.

Galatea 's face remains blank, and she stares down the young man silently and almost unblinkingly.

Renala turns in her seat, beer glass in hand, and observes the commotion going on; mostly due to boredom. She makes no effort to hide her doing so, however.

Fera'Sel grabs the bottle and lifts it up as a response without any words. She places it back down on the counter and glances around the bar.

Galatea | As the staring match continues, the enterprising youth seems to lose momentum as all his leery comments run up against Galatea's blank stare and he seems to get annoyed, waving his hand in front of her face to try to get a reaction - without success.

Renala chuckles as she stands up, deciding to sate her curiosity. She picks up her bag, and adds the biotic field onto it, for she doesn't trust the people present yet. "Tck, tck, kid," she says when within earshot. "That's not how you pick up a lady." A not so subtle smirk follows.

Galatea | The young man, caught between the stare and the biotic, stammers a bit and then quickly retreats back to his mates, looking rather embarrassed.

Galatea turns her stare to Renala. It is not hostile, just completely blank.

Fera'Sel hears the asari speak and decides to see what's going on. She turns around on her stool and watches the commotion happen and catches the man leaving the situation. She chuckles softly and watches to see what happens next.

Renala | "Hmph," Renala shakes her head at the young man before her gaze fall upon the human. She's a bit taken aback at the stare, but doesn't falter. "Care to tell me what the hell that was about?"

I believe the man wished to interact.

Renala stifles a laugh well, but a grin is clear on her face; the asari most amused about how she said that with a straight face. "That's one way to put it," she says. "That's how the locals here interact, huh?" Her question's tone implies she wasn't serious.

The compiled results from several dozen tests suggest that it is, yes.

Renala catches herself staring at the human at that, an eyebrow raised, but breaks the stare shortly after. "You're sounding a bit like a VI," the asari says. "No offense." She glances at the seats opposite the human. "Mind if I take a seat?"

All seats are freely available. Please stand by for a moment, I need to adjust my protocols.

Galatea stares blankly ahead for a moment, then nods and turns her attention back to Renala.

Renala tilts her head before placing the drink on the table and slipping into the innermost seat opposite Galatea, thet travel bag beside her under the table. "I've worked with people who used the techie terms too much colloquially," she says. "That an act you put up to mess with me?" Her tone implies nothing more than mere curiosity.

My interaction skills are still under development. Please try to act as naturally as possible to provide usable data.

Fera'Sel smiles in her mask and stands up. She grabs the bottle and moves over to where the two are currently interacting, stopping a couple steps away. This should be interesting.

Hey, am I interrupting anything?

We are interacting.

Renala looks up at the quarian. "You're not interrupting anything," she says, before returning her gaze to Galatea. "I… see. So, could you tell me where to get a temporary place to stay here in town?"

Being the main spaceport of the region, this town sees a lot of people passing through and offers various kinds of short-term lodgings. I can assemble a list if you like.

Fera'Sel nods and motions towards the booth next to the human.

Can I sit?

I have made no claim on any of the seats.

Renala picks up her drink and brings it up to her lips. "Go ahead, dearie," she nods before looking at Galatea, humming thoughtfully. "Thanks, but just tell me which is closest." She sips her beer.

The physically closest rooms for hire are in this very building, one floor up.

Fera'Sel nods and seats herself at the booth next to the human. She gets a bendy straw out from one of her suit's compartments and pops open the bottle before sticking it in. She quickly puts the straw through her induction port and takes a small sip as she listens.

Renala | "Oh, that close? I suppose I'll check with the bar personnel afterwards then," Renala says. "Thank you, dearie." A small smile escapes her before she takes a swig of her glass.

It was the expected response.

Renala | "Making bets on what I'm saying now, are you?" Renala chuckles, her tone joking. Her expression grows a bit thoughtful as she pauses. "So, pardon my bluntness, but what's up with you?" the asari inquires. "The way you speak, I mean."

Fera'Sel glances over to the human as she continues sipping the champagne. She had been wondering the same thing, but had not wanted to bring attention to it herself.

My apologies, but I am still refining my speech patterns. Your evoked negative response has been recorded and taken into consideration for further adjustments. Thank you for your contribution.

Renala chuckles faintly, realization slightly evident in her expression. "That explains the way those people," a slight bobbing of her head towards the group that pestered her first, "spoke to you." She pauses, taking a sip of her drink before placing it on the table. "Now, where are my manners…" she extends a hand towards the human woman. "Name's Renala."

Galatea takes the hand and shakes it with what seems like good practice, a somewhat blank smile on her face.

I am pleased to meet you. I am designated Galatea.

Fera'Sel slips the straw out of the induction port and watches the handshake. Her mind worked with how she wanted to approach this situation, but nothing came to mind immediately. She laid both arms on the table and leaned back, content to watch for the moment.

Renala returns the smile, nodding. "The pleasure's all mine, Galatea." Her eyes fall upon the quarian as she let's go of Galatea's hand. "You've been quiet, kid," she says while she proffers her hand towards her. "Wight I at least get a name out of you?"

Fera'Sel leans forward slightly and firmly grabs the offered hand.

You two were having a nice conversation, so I didn't want to interrupt. Fera'Sel nar Veltar. Nice to meet you, Renala.

Renala | "Very thoughtful," Renala smiles slightly as she releases her hand. "Good meeting you too, Fera." She picks up her glass and leans back in her seat. "So, what do you two do for a living around here?"

I am emloyed in VI field testing for Cord-Hislop aerospace.

That's what I'm here to find out. I only got here two days ago.

Renala nods. "Good to hear at least one of us is established here, then," she chuckles. "I find myself in a similar situation as you, Fera'Sel." She pauses for a moment. "I'm considering going back to merc work, but my skills have gathered a fair bit of dust of the last few years."

Fera'Sel shakes her head and fiddles with the bottle for a moment.

I'm no fighter. I'd be better off doing maintenence or something similar with how this place is.

Renala | "I wouldn't put myself in the line of fire if I was in such a suit either, to be honest," Renala says. "No offence intended, of course." She downs the rest of her drink and stands up. "It was a pleasure talking with you, Fera and Galatea, but it's been a long day," she says. "I'll see you around."

Of course. Thank you for the interaction.

Fera'Sel nods.

None taken. I wouldn't expect most people would. I hope we meet again, Renala.

Renala picks up her glass and picks up her back. She makes her way over to the bar and downs the rest of her beer before planning the glass on the counter. She waves down the bartender and says, "Excuse me? I heard this place offered rooms for rent; any vacant ones?"

Renala later emerges from the bar, a relieved smile on her face. She had paid for her drink and a 7 days' stay. The asari picks up her bag and makes her way to the second floor with a last glance at the two in the booth where she was.

Galatea takes a sip of her water and then turns her impassive stare on the quarian.

Fera'Sel takes a drink from the bottle before turning towards the human in kind.

You've been here for a while, Galatea?

Specify "here".

Fera'Sel glances around.

The city, specifically.

I came here a few hours ago from my workplace.

Fera'Sel leans against the back of the booth and closes her eyes.

I see... Keelah...

Are you intoxicated?

Fera'Sel doesn't answer for a few moments.

Ugh... this is stronger than what I drank back on Illium. Give me a sec.

Of course. I will suspend interaction until further notice if you wish.

Fera'Sel takes a deep breath and pushes the bottle away for the moment.

Sorry, you said you were only in the city for a few hours? Does that mean you work outside of it?

The Cord-Hislop facility is located in the mountains, outside of town. This provides a better work environment for employees, as well as ensuring corporate security.

Fera'Sel ponders this for several moments.

Is there... any job openings there?

I am not in the personnel division and can provide no information on the subject.

Fera'Sel nods understanding and pulls the straw out of the bottle. She places it back into her compartment and closes the bottle.

I see. Thanks anyway. I should go; I had only planned on being here for a short time, but now I need to go back to job hunting. Nice meeting you, Galatea.

Thank you for the contribution to my social protocols.

Fera'Sel nods once more to the human before grabbing the bottle and strolling out of the bar.

Galatea goes back to staring straight ahead, interrupted by the occasional sip at her drink.

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Renala T'Iavay
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar
Renala T'Iavay
Fera'Sel nar Veltar