#Miner'sRespite – July 12, 2013

Renala enters the Respite with two plastic bags, both having the logo of the nearest grocery store in the town. Without looking at the bar, she goes straight for the staircase up. As she ascends the stairs up, she casts a glance down at the room to see whether anyone from last time she visited the bar was present.

Galatea enters the Respite a short time later, walking up to the bar with a purposeful air to order a glass of water.

Galatea receives her drink and sits down in one of the booths again, staring straight ahead and occasionally sipping her drink.

Renala glimpsed Galatea entering before she was up, and a small smile may have been be seen before she retracted her head. Merely three minutes later, the asari matron walks down the stairs and heads over to the peculiar human woman. "Hello, 'Tea," she says before slipping into the seat opposite her without asking. "How's it going?"

Specify "it"

Renala sighs, though a small amused smile is visible. "It's a common colloquial phrase," she says before humming thoughtfully. "How has your day been, so far?"

I have arrived in town and am currently socializing.

Renala | "It's more about how you felt about the day," Renala explains it further, her tone not implying anything. "Not only what you're up to at this very moment." She's taken such phrases for granted for centuries, without really dissecting them.

Ah. I see. My day has not been very productive so far, but our conversation has already helped me implement several new protocols, so I am hopeful.

Renala nods. "Wish I could call going out for a drink productive," she grins amusedly. She glances at the bar for a moment, wondering whether to go get a drink. "How long have you been working on that?" she then asks out of professional curiosity. "These protocols, I mean."

Two days, five hours and seventeen minutes since I was assigned to this task.

Renala | "Ah," Renala says, thinking for a moment. "Have you tried looking at vids, for a decent enough dataset for a training pass?"

Studies suggest that interaction in media, since scripted, is not a realiable base for VI protocols.

Renala nods. "Of course," she says, "but wouldn't it suffice for a fundament to build upon with real interaction?" She pauses, clearing her throat. "Not really my field of software development, I have to add."

Protocols quality is better if built of from scratch rather than modified out of an existant script, so I am drawing all source material from real interaction.

Renala | "Interesting," Renala leans back in her seat. "I settle down on Thessia for a few decades, and return to see Vis going to the bar." A faint chuckle escapes her.

That is technically incorrect. My implants allow me to run VI programming, but I am human.

Renala | "I see," Renala says, her lips curling into a smile. "So why do you defer to the VI for conversation?"

Because I need data for the VI's interaction protocols, which can only be acquired by using them.

Renala hums thoughtfully. "You said you were working with Starship Vis yesterday, didn't you?" she asks. "Wouldn't they only need to serve requests rather than engage in organic conversation?"

That is standard protocol for ship VIs, yes. However, Cord-Hislop Aerospace takes pride in always being one step ahead of the market. Our new VI models will provide warm, natural interaction that will make you feel right at home in your ship.

Renala | "Oh," Renala says. "Y commend their ambition, even If I'm probably far out of their customer group." She glances at the bar once more. "Does that mean you could converse without the VI protocols?"

I have been assigned a task and am therefore currently working, which requires me to use them.

What if that weren't the case?

I would of course converse normally.

Renala | "That was what I asked when using the word could," Renala says with a slight sigh, "unless the translator messed up, of course." She then stands up. "I'm going to get myself something to drink," she continues. "Anything I could get for you while I'm there?"

I have sufficient water left to sustain me.

Renala still hasn't started walking out of the booth. "You sure you don't want something stronger?" she says. "It's on me."

I take care to keep myself in prime physical condition.

Renala | "Hmph, we're not poisoning ourselves like that for no good reason, you know," Renala says with a smile as she gets out of the booth and heads over to the bar. When there, she waves down a bartender and orders a beer.

Galatea reverts to her passive state.

Renala gets her beer and nods appreciatively to the bartender, and then wanders back to towards the table. "So," she says as she places her glass on the table and reclaims her previous seat. "Your implants, are they solely for your work?"

I am afraid my VI programming includes little information on the subject, but the implants enhance intelligence, reaction time, and technical aptitude.

Renala nods. "Is it common they do that on your workplace?" she asks. "Implanting their employees, I mean."

It is not work-related. My implants were a personal decision.

Renala | "Ah," Renala picks up her glass and brings it up to her lips. "I know it's not my place to pry," she says before taking a sip, "but what inspired that choice?"

It was logical.

Renala | "So, you just implanted yourself with such tech because it was logical?" Renala says with an amused smile. "Interesting bunch, you humans..."

I will take that statement under consideration.

Renala takes another sip of her drink, pondering for a moment. "So," she begins. "Anywhere in this town that sells weapons and armor suits?"


Could you be more specific?

There is an establishment at the south end of town named "Crazy Bob's Armoury" that I believe fits your description.

Renala | "I certainly hope that's not describing whoever's behind the counter," Renala says with a slight chuckle. "Thanks, 'Tea."

You are welcome.

Renala takes a long swig of her beer. "Is Cord-Hislop paying you for this?" she asks out of curiosity mostly. "Going here to gather data, I mean."

Of course.

Renala | "Not bad," Renala says with a grin. "Except for the annoying people, of course." She sips her beer. "Speaking of, are they still doing what the one who was there when I met you did?"

I have made it clear I am not open to overtures of a sexual nature, but word does not seem to have spread.

Renala can't help but chuckle, stealing a glance at the woman's cleavage. "I take it you're very aware what might have provoked such desire among them?"

They respond to simple stimuli, it is quite logical.

Steve enters the Respite with a large rucksack slung over his shoulder. As if the bags beneath his eyes weren't enough to betray his lively smile, his unkempt hair and wrinkled, partially tucked t-shirt told the story of a long night. After a moment of glancing around the room, he adjusts the shoulder strap and makes his way over to the bar. Leaning his forearms against the counter, he gestures for the attention of the bartender. "Couldn't help but notice the sign." he says as the bartender approaches him, "I'm looking for a room. I can pay for a week up front." he adds as he digs through his pocket before producing a credit chit and sliding it across the bar. After a short conversation with the bartender, Steve places the chit back into his pocket and takes a seat at the nearest stool.

Renala | "Excuse my bluntness here," Renala says as she brings her glass up to her lips, looking at Galatea, "but you wear tight-fitting clothing, that put some… points of interest out on display. That naturally evokes such attention." She glanced at the human going through the room.

I strive to maintain generally accepted standards of fashion. Evoked responses are predictable, yet unavoidable.

Renala sips her glass. "Suit yourself, then," she shrugs. "You'll just have to deal with their crap if you keep teasing them like that, you know."

I fail to understand the problem.

Renala | "Well, you said you made it clear to them that you're not interested in sex," Renala says. "So, I thought that was a problem." She shrugs.

A moment, processing...

No, I'm afraid I do not understand.

Renala sighs, taking a long swig of her now almost-empty glass of beer. "Never mind."

Very well, I shall record this.

Renala chuckles. "Well, I doubt it'll be useful for a starship VI interface," she says, but is interrupted by her omni-tool's constant notification before she can say anthing more. She stands up. "I'll see you around, 'Tea."

I look forward to further interaction.

Renala nods, steps out of the booth and approaches the bar. She answers the call with, "I'll call you back in a minute, sweetie," and terminates the call. The asari downs the rest of her beer and places the empty glass on the counter once she arrives at the bar. She then pays for her drink and makes for the second floor; leaving

Galatea returns to her default posture, sitting perfectly still and expressionless, and occasionally sipping from her water..

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Steven Briggs
Renala T'Iavay
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Renala T'Iavay

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Renala T'Iavay