#Miner'sRespite – October 12, 2013

Va'ynna enters the Respite, wearing a gray long modest dress with orange-yellow trims, clinging to her features somewhat. The first thing anyone would notice is that she's on the taller side for an asari, and with a slender build. She's of a dark purple color with faint green marking above her eyes it. With two seemingly heavy travel bags, and a backpack, it's obvious that the asari's just arrived in Freedom Falls. She begins making her way through the establishment's first floor, moving rather slowly as she weaves her way between tables without hitting anyone with the bags.

Moatiana raises her head to the acknowledgement of the female, even though she saw little, she saw enough to gain her own opinions of the other. "Hit me again" she would call to the barkeep, looking for little more then a chance to get wasted. Batarian Ale. Hell, she would drink anything right now "And offer that chick a drink" she smiled.

Va'ynna | "Me? But I don't... oh well, um, I guess one drink wouldn't be hurt," she says, slightly audible above the sound of ambient chatter. She stops by the bar and stacks the bags to the left of the seat to Moatiana's left, keeping the backpack on. "Um, thank you."

Moatiana | Flashing a small grin to Va'ynnq_Atana, Moatiana would clamp her hands together resting her chin on top "Nothing to thank, In truth I may just be using you as a excuse to drink more" she smirks slightly more to herself, downing her drink in one "AGAIN" she yells smashing her beaker to the floor.

Va'ynna loosely grips the glass, turning it a slight bit to the side idly, a faint chuckle escaping her. "Don't do that, I'd feel responsible for your... you drinking too much," she says, not looking at the other asari. She seems slightly tense.

Moatiana | "Please I happen to have been drinking for a while now miss" Moatiana drunkenly slurs, as she once again downed the third drink since the other asari had joined her "One more!" she calls slamming her credit chit on the table "and make it a double" her head turns to look at the other "So whats a sweet thing like yourself doing her? Missionary?"

Va'ynna hums thoughtfully why staring at her drink, trying to figure out how she would put it. "No," she drawls out. "Just wanting to see the galaxy, and all that... like any typical asari maiden, you know."

Moatiana 's eyes study the maiden the best they can, her teeth biting down on her black lips as she studies "Well my maiden days must have been highly different to yours, by now I would of had any poor sucker buying me a drink under the table and begging me to take his hard earned money" she says chuckling to herself as she gets passed the next drink.

Va'ynna glances at the other asari, still not seeming to relax much. "Um, really? I mean, I wouldn't... accept an offer like that." She turns the drink a bit again, looking at it. "What... is it?"

Moatiana rolling her clouded eyes she turns her whole body to face the over "Batarian ale, now drink the damn stuff, it helps" she sighed trying to in a drunken state make the other drink.

Va'ynna looks at the drink, slowly bringing it up to her lips and takes a small tentative sip of the green liquid. She puts the drink down, the burn in her throat evoking a cough. Batarian ale can get pretty strong.

Moatiana breaks down into a fir of laughter, she almost doubles over in two as she pounds her arm on the bar itself "There is a lot you got to learn hunnie"

Va'ynna places the glass on the counter. "I'm not much of a drinker," she admits - probably stating the obvious -, not maintaining eye contact at all. "So," she tries to change the subject, "what are you doing here? On Aite, I mean."

Moatiana snarls at such a stupid comment and getting rather annoyed even by the idea "Minding my own business" she hissed slamming her drink down as it shattered into pieces on the table, she turned away and (while not being able to move in a straight line) walked upstairs to her room.

Va'ynna just sits there, mouth agape, as she watches the asari leave in the corner of her eyes. "That... could have gone much better," she mutters to herself once the other asari is out of earshot and turns towards the bar.

Va'ynna waits for the bartender to clean up the mess the other asari made. After that, she books a room, paying for fifteen days' stay in advance. Not owing anything else, she picks up her bags and makes her way upstairs.

(No suggestions)