#Miner'sRespite – October 13, 2013

Va'ynna descends the staircase, silently hoping it'll go better this time. She is wearing a dark red dress with a slgihtly brighter part in the center running the length of her person. It's modest, but clings somewhat to her. She makes her way over to the bar, and takes seat. She takes her time looking over the menu, not recognizing most of what's on it, especially the food.

Jason struts in through the front door in his weathered blue-and-white hardsuit and marches over to the bar. He gives a quick glance around for the only face familiar to him in Freedom Falls. Given her absence, Jason takes a seat on a stool beside the asari and taps at the counter to draw the bartenders attention. "Rum and coke." he orders with a smirk. As he waits for his drink, he turns in his seat, looking the place over once again.

Va'ynna remains quiet as the bartender takes the order of the human beside her. She observes him briefly in the corner of her eyes, but makes no further acknowledgement. After yesterday, she was still a bit wary of the people here. The reason for her silence might just be indecision as she is still looking the screens on the wall behind the counter for anything sounding vaguely familiar. If one follows her gaze, it'll be obvious she is looking at the dinner menu.

Jason leans back in his seat and stretches, rolling his shoulder to work out some aches. He spins back to face the counter as his drink is set down, catching a glimpse of Va`ynna in the process. He gives her a second look as he grips his drink and takes a sip. Worried his stares may give the wrong impression, he decides to speak up, "Uhh... A little overdressed for this place, aren't ya?" he asks before clearing his throat.

Va'ynna turns her head to the side, staring quietly for a second before speaking. "Um, am I?" she says. "I just got here yesterday... so, I wasn't too sure." She moves her hand furthest from him to idly scratch the side of her outermost crest. Like yesterday, she seemed a bit tense.

Jason takes a heavy swig of his drink and sets it back down on the counter. "Function over fashion is the name of the game out here." he says, rotating on his stool to better face the asari, "Haven't been here too long myself, though. What's brought you out this way?"

Va'ynna "I'll probably see if there's anything in town, then." She looks at the menu in the background, not maintaining eye contact. "And well, I... wanted to see what's out here," she says, seeming to tense up a little. "I grew bored of life back home... simple as that."

Jason chuckles loudly and leans against the counter. "Bored? You came to the Terminus Systems because you were bored? That must be some boredom. Where are you running from that's so quiet that you felt the need to hurl yourself into potential danger just to spice things up? I'll make a note to avoid it."

Va'ynna brings a hand up to her forehead, and sighs. She's silent for a few seconds, not feeling any more comfortable to put it at least. "Young asari are risk-takers," she tries to explain. "Could we please talk about something else?"

Jason sighs loudly, taking note of the asari's frustration. He follows her gaze to the menu and gives a nod in its direction, "Stare any harder and you might put a hole in it." he jokes, "So how is the grub around here? Worth checking out?"

Va'ynna | "No idea," she answers. "I don't recognize any of it... think I should just pick something at random and hope for the best..." She looks at the menu again, though also at the patron beside her in the corner of her eye.

Jason points at an arbitrary point on the menu. "Hard to fuck up a burger. Can't go wrong with that." he says. After a moment of deep burger thought, he waves down the bartender and places an order of his own.

Va'ynna orders the same, and an unspecific light alcoholic drink to go with it. "So," she begins, finally looking at him, but not really maintaining eye contact. "Can I ask what brought you here?" She sounded a bit nervous while asking the question.

Jason begins rotating his shoulder once again, cringing slightly at the stiff pain. "Eh, nothing too exciting. Me and my-..." he clears his throat, " 'better half'... decided to throw in our chips and try to get our own freelance agency off the ground. We've both got a bit of experience in the field, figured we could capitalize on it out here in the Terminus. I thought we'd be better off heading back to Omega, but she decided Aite would be a good place to settle. I stood my ground. Told her Omega was where the opportunity was." He takes another swig of his drink and gives a stern, satisfied nod. "And that's how I ended up on Aite."

Va'ynna gives no reaction while listening to him, but a slight nod could be seen once he's done speaking. "Ah, I hope that's going well?" she says. "I probably don't have what it takes to be part of that. I've had use of my basic telekinetic biotics, and can move pretty heavy stuff, but I'm not all that good with a gun."

Jason gives a shrug. "Eh, it's going... Not sure how well, but we'll see. These things take time." he says, glancing towards the bartender for any sign of his order. He sighs at the lack of a delicious, juicy burger coming his way, and turns back to Va`ynna. "Hey, lifting heavy stuff can be plenty useful. You'll have no problem securing a long career in furniture delivery." he says with a smirk.

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah... I'll check job listings later," she says. "Not sure if there are any such jobs here..." She glances in the direction of the door to what she assumes is the kitchen, frowning a bit as she sees no one emerging. "And, um, I hope all turns out well for you."

Jason opens his mouth to inform the asari that he was merely kidding about her choice of employment, but quickly decides against it as his attention is pulled towards the plate being set on the counter in front of him. "I don't know about 'well'. 'Well' is aiming pretty high. I'd settle for simply 'okay'." he says as he pulls the plate closer and looks over his meal. "Hell, with the luck I've had, 'terrible' is a step above what I'm used to." he jokes.

Va'ynna looks at the delivered meal, studying it curiously. A rumbling in her stomack make her pick up the burger rather than look at it, however. "Oh," she says. "What... happened?" A second passes before her brows raise as realiation hit her. "If-if I can ask, of coruse," she adds nervously. She takes a tentative bite of the burger once she's done speaking.

Jason grips his burger and bites into it. "Been a fucked up couple of years." he says with a mouthful of what's more than likely cloned beef. "Just one string of bad luck after another." he says, gesturing with his burger at nothing in particular. He gulps hard, swallowing his food before continuing, "But that's life sometimes, right? Gotta take the good with the bad."

Va'ynna nods slowly. "Yeah, sounds like the life I know too," she says. "Wish the amount of bad came with more good, though." She takes another, larger bite of the burger, finding the taste of it to be pleasant, if a bit alien to her. She sips the drink, as well, grimacing a bit at the taste.

Jason sets down the burger and empties the rest of his glass. He waves down the bartender for a refill before responding to the asari. "Ain't that the truth." he sighs distantly. "So..." he begins in an attempt at pushing the conversation in a less depressing direction as he nods towards the asari's plate, "Whaddya think?"

Va'ynna lets out a small smile. "It's good," she says, "It's not what I'm used to, but I think I can get used to it." She takes a sip of her drink, and another bite of it. She doesn't seem very tense anymore, though, but she usually averted eye contact.

Jason nods confidently. "See, what did I tell ya? Can't go wrong with a burger. When it comes to our food, all the basic meats are fine. Looking for breakfast? Go with eggs. Desserts? Ice cream is fine, but steer clear of pie. Stick with me and I'll have ya fed like royalty!"

Va'ynna covers her mouth with her free hand as a faint, badly supressed gigle escape her. "I'll keep that in mind," she says. "Thanks... for the help."

Jason shrugs and takes a drink from his refilled glass. "Any time." he says, pleased with himself for getting a laugh out of the asari. "So," he begins, "planning on sticking around for a bit?" he asks, shoveling another bite of his burger into his mouth. "On Aite I mean."

Va'ynna nods. "I paid for fifteen days at this place," she says, "after that... I'll have to see, I guess. Not too trilled about moving again, though." She takes a sip of her drink. "Why did you want to know?" she asks before taking another bite of her burger.

Jason takes another swig of his drink to wash down his food. "Just good to have friendly faces around is all. So you're staying here?" he asks, glancing around the room until he spots the staircase leading to the second floor. "How are the rooms? Seems like it could get pretty loud around here."

Va'ynna | "Rooms are pretty quiet," she says. "Not a fan of sharing a kitchen, but for the price, I guess I can't complain... much." She pauses, taking a long sip of her dirnk. "I couldn't find any other place like this when I looked it up on the 'Net."

Jason pushes his empty plate back across the counter. "Whatever works." he says, "Speaking of work... You mentioned checking out the job listings. What kind of work are you planning on looking for?"

Va'ynna hums thoughtfully. "Something simple enough, I guess," she says. "Storage room work, maybe. Worse come to worst, I can take a retail job."

Jason nods at the bartender. "What about here? You check with the staff? Could probably make a killing serving drinks." he says, "Not to mention the convenience of living above your job."

Va'ynna thinks for a moment. "I'd... want to check my options first," she says. "If that woman I met yesterday is any example, I'd prefer not working with people who has had a drink too much." She takes another bite of the burger, and a sip of the drink.

Jason tilts his head to the side. "Can't say I blame you... But 'people who have had a drink too much' tend to tip well. Especially if you show up to work in one of those dresses." he teases, chuckling to himself.

Va'ynna looks at her drink, her purple cheeks deepening a little. "Yeah... true," she says. "I'm not too comfortable working in something like this, though." She shrugs.

Jason recognizes her discomfort and lowers his gaze back to the counter. "Sorry... I'm just messin' with ya." he says before taking a sip of his rum and coke. "Ya know," he begins, rotating in his seat to face the asari, "I still haven't gotten your name. Jason." he offers, extending a hand towards her.

Va'ynna hesitates for a moment, but turns to face him. "Va'ynna," she says after taking his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Jason."

Jason shakes the asari's hand. "Va'ynna." he repeats slowly, his pronunciation probably off. "The honor's all mine." he says, settling back into his seat with a smirk.

Va'ynna returns to facing the counter, a small amused smile at the misprounciation, but she decides against pressing it. "So," she tries to think of anything to talk about. "How long have you been here? Aite, I mean."

Jason finishes off his second glass and puts a hand up, signalling to the bartender that he needs a refill. "Hmm? Uhh... A week?" he says, lifting his head to think on it for a moment, "Yeah... Yeah, just over a week. It's been pretty quiet so far. Just been finding my way around Freedom Falls. You know, taking in the sights." He nods in approval as the bartender refills his glass again. "And by taking in the sights, I of course mean getting absolutely shitfaced every night." he smiles, raising his glass up and taking a long swig.

Va'ynna smiles, grimacing a bit as she manages to restrain laughter. "I should probably look around town," she says, "Not the... getting shitfaced part, of course..." She pauses. "Is it safe enough that I don't need to have a gun on my person?" She takes the last bite of her burger, and another sip of her almost empty drink.

Jason glances around at some of the other patrons in the bar and gives a shrug. "Haven't had any issues myself." he says. He stares at his drink for a moment before continuing, "But... Well, you know how it is out here. Can never be too safe."

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah, I've heard about it," she says. "That's why I asked." She sips the rest of her drink, and places the empty glass next to her plate. "I should probably see if I can find a holster for my gun too, since I kind of forgot that when I bought one in Nos Astra on my way here."

Jason raises an eyebrow. "Nos Astra? That's not where you're from, is it? I spent a little time there... Not exactly what I'd describe as 'boring'."

Va'ynna shakes her head. "There were no direct shuttles from Thessia to Aite, at least none that I could find, so I went via Nos Astra," she says. "I only stayed there a night, though, so I didn't get to see much of the city."

Jason takes a deep breath and leans back in his seat, smiling widely. "It's a beautiful city. Absolutely gorgeous. Had an apartment there." he says, a distant look on his face, "Most amazing view." he continues, nodding to himself a few times.

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah, it is," she says. "I've only been there once before, but I was too young to care for things like that." She pauses. "What... made you leave Nos Astra?" she asks curiously.

Jason leans forward once again, resting his forearms against the counter. "Life. Just-... You know. Complications." he says, taking a short sip of his drink. "Work complications." he elaborates. "Uhh... Complications on a job." he corrects himself, "Had to head back to Earth for a while. Take some time off." He sighs loudly, "Would love to head back some day, but it's an expensive place to be. Maybe when I'm old and rich." he says with a wink.

Va'ynna nods a few times while listening to his story. "I'm, um, sorry to hear that," she says. "Well, maybe when the agency you're working on gets successful enough, you can do that?"

Jason drains the rest of his third drink and sets the glass down a bit harder than intended. "Absolutely!" he says, a smirk still present, although slightly somber. "When our agency gets successful..." he repeats with a nod.

Va'ynna notices a clock on one of the interfaces, brows raising a bit. "Um, I have to go," she says. "I was supposed to make a call four minutes ago." She pauses, turning towards the human. "It was good talking with you, Jason," she adds with a smile.

Jason nods and slides his empty glass across the counter. "Take care of yourself, Va'ynna." he says, still managing to mispronounce her name. "I'll be around, so I'm sure we'll run into each other again."

Va'ynna nods. "I hope so," she says before leaving the bar, and making her way over to the staircase. Once there, she ascends it, leaving the first floor.

Jason orders another drink once the asari is out of sight, propping his head up with his hand as he stares distantly at the counter.

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Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe