#Miner'sRespite – November 30, 2013

Va'ynna is standing behind the bar counter, seeming slightly bored as it's a very slow late-afternoon with few patrons about. She's wearing her dark gray dress with orange trims.

Zaylus enters the Respite and shambles over to a place at the bar, similar to usual in his simple armor, but his demeanor seems careless and some could argue he should already be leaving a bar as opposed to entering one. He pulls himself onto a seat and orders a strong drink from whoever, hardly looking up as he does so. He's mumbling or grumbling to himself uninteligibly.

Va'ynna | "Got it," she nods and goes off to search for the bottle on the rack among the not-so-wide variety of dextro-amino drinks. Despite that, it seem to take a moment while she looks for it. She is still within earshot of the turian patron.

Zaylus tries to pull himself up against the counter, settling with his head in his hands. From this position he finally notices Va'ynna behind the bar and ceases making noise under his breath. Instead, he calls out a bit loudly in confusion: "What are you doing back there?" He questions, puzzled and almost even alarmed that she's taken a job serving drinks.

Va'ynna | "Helping myself to some drinks, of course," she says jokingly before finally grabbing the bottle and making her way over to the bar. "I work here," she clarifies. "Probably not the best I could have found... but it's not bad." She finds a clean empty glass beneath the counter and puts it on the surface before pouring some of the bottle's content into it.

Zaylus frowns, slumping a bit in his seat. He appears disheartened and speaks a bit more quietly now. "Oh. I'm sorry." He offers a bit of sincere condolences, rather melodramatic about the whole thing. "Just... temporary, right?" He asks, tapping the ends of his fingers together as he looks on hopefully.

Va'ynna puts the lid back on the bottle. "Maybe," she says. "It's not many better jobs I can do out here. If any at all." She goes over to return the bottle to its original place before returning back to near the turian.

Zaylus scoots the glass closer to him, bending down to meet it as he takes a generous sip of its contents. Placing it back down, he returns his somewhat preoccupied attention to the asari. "There's always better than this." He grumbles, "this planet." The young turian adds venomously, seeming to wish Aite had a face just so he could spit in it. "Find someplace better." He finally implores her.

Va'ynna frowns, shaking her head. "It's not that easy," she says with a sigh. "First I have to afford a shuttle off, and then find a job on another world." She pauses, and places her hands flat on the counter, not seeming too comfortable standing behind there yet. "Is something wrong?" she asks. "If... if you don't mind me asking."

Zaylus rests his head again on one hand, lightly tapping his glass with the other. "I... I'm just sick of this planet." He sighs. "but I've invested too much to just leave. 'fraid we're both stuck." He brings the glass back to his lips but doesn't yet drink, "The bright spot is we're stuck here together." He laughs, attempting to shake off the sullen mood as best he can, throwing in a wink before taking another sip. "You're still roomed upstairs, is that right?"

Va'ynna smiles slightly, taking a step back. "I am," she says. "I get to live there for free now that I work here." She glances to the sides to see if any more patrons have arrived, but sees none signaling for a bartender for the time being.

Zaylus chuckles, glass still in hand. "I must not be around enough to run into you." He follows her gaze around the bar, noticing no one to interrupt him and continues, "I should spend more time in my room before I run out of credits for it. Besides," He starts, turning around in his seat to scan the rest of the establishment. "Up there I have less chance of running into that disgusting human." The young turian makes a face, laughing at his own antics as the effects of the intoxication become more evident. "You seen em?"

Va'ynna nods. "I've not seen a human by that description, no," she says, having a decent guess who he'd call that, but decided not to act on it. "Who are you talking about?"

Zaylus frowns, trying to think of a name. He almost gives up when his eyes spark with realization. Digging one hand into a crevice of his armor, he produces a small card, crinkled and worn, but still, for the most part, intact. He drops it on the counter between them, the words "Redrock Agency" visibile despite the fact that it's folded and bent. "That guy!" He points at the business card to add emphasis, grinning proudly at his own resourcefulness.

Va'ynna looks at the note, frowning. "Aw," she says. "Why do you think he's that bad?" She pauses, glancing over the bar yet again to make sure she didn't miss someone waiting for service.

Zaylus snorts, "I don't know how anyone could stand him." He mutters, swirling the liquid in his glass. "With any luck, he won't show his face around here again." Upon finishing speaking, the disgruntled turian polishes off his drink, swaying a bit in his seat as he pushes the glass back to Va'ynna. Settling his head in his hands, he tries to stay himself in his seat. "Can I...uh, rest here a minute?" He mutters. "I'd go to my room, but there are no pretty faces in there."

Va'ynna tilts her head, her cheeks growing a tidbit more purple if that's even possible. "Um, sure, I guess," she says. "I don't think I could... um, deny someone to sit here." She pauses, taking the glass to place it beneath the counter for the time being. "Why can't you stand him?" she then asks. "I've no issue with him."

Zaylus makes a noise similar to a groan or grunt, expressing his distaste for the very thought of this human. "He thinks he's some bigshot. 'Ooh, look at me.'" He mimicks Jason, using instead a high falsetto in place of his normal voice. "'I'm a big human and I have an Agency. Ooh. Whatever that is.'" Zaylus continues to taunt, the direction of his parody rather unclear even to him. "'Ooh, I think I'm better than people.' He's a joke." He adds the last thought in his regular voice, a dismissive hand gesture almost sending him off balance.

Va'ynna quickly moves a hand up to cover her mouth during his parodies, a giggle escaping her, but it's not easy to tell what she finds funny. "Goddess," she says. "I... just can't relate to that." She pauses. "I... think he's a nice guy."

Zaylus lays his head against the counter, slumping so significantly it surely cannot be comfortable. He caresses his head with one hand, "Just thinking about him hurts. I'm going to rest here." He murmurs.

Va'ynna frowns, tilting her head. "That... can't be comfortable," she says. "My shift's over in a few minutes, so I won't be around to talk."

Zaylus | "Okay..." He murmurs, resting on the bar for a bit before eventually slinking up to his room.

Va'ynna | "See you again," she says with a sweet smile before going to get the dirty glasses laying around. She then heads back into the kitchen with it. Another member of the bar staff takes the next shift.

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Va'ynna Atana
Zaylus Velrin

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Va'ynna Atana
Zaylus Velrin