#Miner'sRespite – January 25, 2014

Iressa descends from the upper floor of the Respite, dressed rather casually as if she had just spent most of the day indoors. She scans the floor warily, but appears much more serene and relaxed than she had been. The asari wanders over to a spot at the bar, waiting before choosing to order anything.

Va'ynna emerges from the kitchen door, wearing a dark green dress. She notices Iressa and a small smile appears on her tired face. She places a plate with a hamburger on the counter infront of another patron who takes it and walks to a booth, before moving over to where Iressa is. "Hello... Miss T'Selvos," she says. "How are you?" It is a quiet part of the day, with only two people aside from Iressa at the bar, and a small amount scattered about the establishment's floor.

Iressa looks up as Va'ynna approaches, giving the other asari a polite smile. "Hello, Va'ynna." She greets, "I'm doing alright now. How are things down here?" She asks after a slight pause, gesturing loosely to the entirety of the floor.

Va'ynna follows her gesture before shrugging. "It's quiet," she says. "It's kind of boring, but... I prefer it." A brief pause follows before a somewhat sheepish look crosses her face. "Would you like to order something?"

Iressa nods, thinking for a moment before responding. "I suppose a glass of water would be lovely." She says, smiling.

Va'ynna nods and goes off to a dispenser beneath the counter and pours it into a clean glass, and places the glass of rather cold water before Iressa. "So," she says, fidgeting nervously as she gllances towards the staircase. "Is... is he mad at me?"

Iressa furrows her brow, "Is... what?" She says, clearly confused. "Why would he be angry with you? Does he even know you're the one I spoke with?" She glances at the staircase as well, shaking her head. "He's not upset with you. At least, not that I know of." After a moment, she adds, "You weren't really worried about that, were you?"

Va'ynna averts her gaze, looking a little embarrased as well as nervous. "I... am," she admits. "He... saw me talking with you... right?" Despite the other asari's reply, Va'ynna doesn't look any more relaxed.

Iressa hesitates, "Yes... I suppose he did." She frowns, realizing this will only feed her paranoia. "Whether or not he made anything of it I don't know. It really doesn't seem like it to me." She assures her, unable to say more of the matter.

Va'ynna seems conflicted whether to truly take the asari's word on it as she stands there quelty, thoughtful. A glance over the rest of the bar follows before she looks at Iressa again. "I.... Can...can I... ask if you told him... that you got the room at a discount?" she asks, fidgeting with her hands anxiously.

Iressa ignores her glass for the moment, and appears to consider this. "I did not mention it myself, but I'm not sure if he heard us on his own." She says carefully, "Would... would it really make a difference?"

Va'ynna frowns. "I don't know," she murmurs before adding at a normal speaking volume, "I... haven't met a krogan before. Not even down here." She places a hand on her forehead. "Goddess. I'm sorry... for all this."

Iressa shakes her head, "No, no. Don't worry about it. I can't blame you for being worried after... you know." She says, "And here I was just going to ask you if you've been sleeping better. Let me worry about him from now on, okay?"

Va'ynna offers a weak smile. "Okay..., I'll try," she says. "And no, I've not. Having trouble falling asleep, and then I often wake up too early."

Iressa frowns, looking down at her glass before responding, "Do you have any idea what it might be?" She asks, ignoring the most obvious answer.

Va'ynna ponders it for a moment. "Stress, I think, mixed with all... that," she says, hoping the latter is obvious enough. "I have to learn a lot before my training ends around Janiris if I want to get a full-time job here."

Iressa nods, figuring as much. "I take it that's what you're hoping for?" She asks, pausing to take a sip of the glass. "I suppose it's not an awful place to work." She nods around the bar, shrugging. "Especially now when it's quiet."

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah," she says. "I want to be more useful in the kitchen, though, but... I don't really have the qualifications.'"

Iressa appears skeptical, "Qualifications? Are they big of hiring highly trained chefs in terminus bars now?" She grins, swirling the water around in her glass. "Surely there's someone who could teach you the basics."

Va'ynna shrugs. "I thought the same," she says, "but appearently, I need to learn some things about Aitian food... and because our menu is mostly adaptations of it for humans, their cuisine too." She glances around the bar, but there seem to be noone signaling for her.

Iressa seems thoughtful, "I see... is it safe to say if you start working full time they'll let you eventually work in the kitchen more?" She asks, taking a sip of her drink.

Va'ynna | "Not exactly," she says, "but I like that part the most.... I'm... uh, not much of a people person, but I love... like it when a friendly face shows up." She smiles slightly.

Iressa chuckles lightly, "I hope you don't mean me." She says, "I mean, my...uh," She stumbles for a moment, growing more embarrassed as does. "My... roomate and I did you keep you up as well as gave your employer some trouble." She shakes her head, quickly taking a sip of her water. "Are you at least close with any of the other staff members?"

Va'ynna tilts her head. "But you've been so kind and understanding to me," she says with a smile. "I thought.... I, well, considered you as such." She glances towards the door behind her. "Yeah, we get along, I guess. My employer, and the main chef seems to be patient with me."

Iressa appears almost surprised, but it soon fades into a kind smile. "Well, I'm glad to hear it, anyway. I'd imagine it'd get pretty lonely working these slow shifts without anyone around to talk to." She says before continuing with a light chuckle, "Unless you'd consider the random drunk bar patrons good company."

Va'ynna nods, a grin appearing at the last part. "Mhmm, but I don't really have to deal with that at this time," she says, seeming to relax a lot as the worrisome matters are no longer the focus of the conversation. "Happened, yeah, and it can get... uh, awkward, but... not like the woman I met here when I had just arrived here."

Iressa raises a brow, "Is there a story here somewhere?" She asks with a smile, curious now that it seemed the other asari was opening up to her.

Va'ynna hums thoughtfully. "Not really a good one," the asari begins, "but... Yeah, she seemed friendly, we talked for a bit, but when I asked her what she was doing here...." She goes quiet for a moment, figuring out how she'll phrase this, "she slammed the glass into the counter and told me to mind my own business. Weird thing is... she asked me the same before that."

Iressa frowns, shaking her head slightly. "People can be so rude sometimes." She mutters before taking a long sip of her drink. "I hope that doesn't happen a lot around here. You're just doing your job and trying to be friendly, right?"

Va'ynna shrugs. "I didn't work here then," she says, "but... yes, that's rare... at least at this time. I'm helping out in the kitchen on later shifts, but I've heard the others talk about... unpleasant patrons." She glances to the side, but since last time, one patron has left and the other seem to have moved to a booth. This is not really uncommon for this 'calm before the storm' shift before people generally return from work.

Iressa nods, "I'm not really surprised to hear. It's just something to expect in bars, I suppose." She shrugs, finishing off her glass of water. She gives a glance at her omni-tool and makes a soft "hmm" sound. After giving a quick look over her shoulder, the asari begins to speak in a rather quiet tone. "I should be going soon. We're going to talk somewhere, figure out how this is going to go." She says simply, figuring Va'ynna will be able to fill in the blanks.

Va'ynna takes a step closer, tilting her head; while she does have a good guess at the gist of it, she may not have pieced together everything. "Where?" she asks in a quiet tone. "Me?" She looks increasingly nervous, but doesn't worry too much about the patron further down the bar overhearing it.

Iressa furrows her brow, fearing she could have been too cryptic. "No, no. My, uh, krogan. And don't worry, we're meeting somewhere in town to talk. I don't need anymore trouble with the management." She says, managing a slight grin. "I think I should be able to tell you for sure whether or not he knows you had anything to do with my switching rooms, if it would make you feel better."

Va'ynna frowns, looking very worried for the other asari. "Oh," she begins, not knowing what would be right thing to say. "I.... Good luck.... That's kind of you. Thank you." She wrings her hands. "Please... stay safe, okay?"

Iressa smiles wearily, "Alright, Va'ynna. We'll talk next time I see you, okay?" She asks, almost hesitating to go.

Va'ynna nods, offering a weak smile. "I'd love to, ...Ir- Miss T'Selvos," she says, her cheeks growing a little bit purpler (as if that was even possible). "I'll see you then; take care."

Iressa chuckles softly, getting up off her stool. "I'm off, then." She says, first paying for her drink before quietly exiting the Respite.

Va'ynna nods, watching the departing woman with a worried expression. She continues on with her shift, occasionally walking between patrons, but mostly just standing there looking bored.

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Va'ynna Atana
Iressa T'Selvos

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Va'ynna Atana
Iressa T'Selvos