#Miner'sRespite – May 29, 2014

Va'ynna emerges from the staff-area, a lot later than she anticipated when talking to Victoria. She makes her way around the bar and takes a seat for herself, and orders a glass of water. The asari's dressed in a dark-green dress she's not too uncommonly seen in.

Victoria walks down the stairs into the main area of the Respite, wearing a white t-shirt and dark green long pants. She notices Va`ynna at the bar and decides to take a seat next to her. "Hey V." She orders herself a rum and coke.

Va'ynna looks up at Victoria. "Oh... hey, I was just about to call you," she says. "Sorry, I got some more things I had to do... and I was just done a few minutes ago." The glass of water is delivered to her and she takes a small sip of it.

"Don't worry about it, I was just sorting somethings out, while I was waiting. I only just finished it." She takes a sip of her drink "I thought I was making you wait."

Va'ynna smiles slightly. "Oh," she says. "Then I'm... glad I didn't keep you waiting." She pauses. "I... take it that's about your ship?"

"Yeah, a few small details about it. Nothing important to worry about." She said with a smile.

Jason enters the Respite wearing a brown jacket and a pair of jeans. He has went a while without a shave, and it shows. With his hands tucked into his pockets, he weaves across the room towards the bar while keeping his eyes focused on the floor. He takes an open seat among the others at the bar unceremoniously and attempts to wave down the bartender.

Va'ynna takes another sip of her glass. "That's..." she begins, but trails off at the sight of Jason, raising an eyebrow. "Jason?"

Victoria when Va`ynna said Jason, Victoria leaned to look at the man. She could see that he has had it rough lately.

Jason looks over at the other two and gives a short nod. "Hey." he offers plainly before quickly relaying his usual order to the bartender that approaches. He bites his lower lip for a moment as the bartender leaves to make his drink.

Va'ynna frowns, and gets up from her seat; leaving the glass behind. She makes her way over to sit next to him. "How... are you?" she says, sounding a bit worried. "We were about to go visit you."

Victoria takes a sip of her drink she did not say anything because Va`ynna already asked what she was going to.

Jason furrows his brow and gives a short shrug. "I'm fine." he says before giving a quick glance around. He clears his throat and rests his attention on Va'ynna, "What about you? Why were you planning on visiting?" he asks, looking past Va'ynna towards Victoria for a moment.

Va'ynna glances at the counter for a moment. "I was worried for you," she says, looking back at him. "I haven't heard from you in a long time, then Ilyna calls the Respite asking for you."

"What V said that and well, I have a problem that I will need help from Redrock. And if it is successful it will open up work off world for Redrock." She took a sip of her drink and gave Jason a smile "That is if you are interested in getting jobs off world."

Jason looks towards the counter for a moment and nods a few times. "Nothing to be worried about." he says, forcing a brief smile as he levels his gaze back on Va'ynna, "I'm-... Doing fine. Just a lot going on right now..." he continues, pausing awkwardly for a few moments, "Work and... Stuff. Sorry. I've been meaning to get back to Ilyna, but things just keep coming up." He smiles

once again, but it quickly fades away. He turns his attention towards Victoria for a moment and nods again, "Yeah... Yeah, sounds good. Just-... Uhh... Talk to Linda about it."

Oh... I'm sorry.... I hope... it's going better now?

Victoria just sat there and took a sip of her drink "Hope you are alright Jason."

I'm fine... Everything is fine.

Jason is happy to see the bartender return, and eagerly reaches for his drink. "Enough about me... How have you two been?" he asks, seeming quick to change the subject as he sips his drink.

Va'ynna looks a little thoughtful. "I've been alright," she says. "I might have to work whole days out here for a while soon, though." She glances at the bartender, Aylena, who's currently made her way over to serve another patron.

"Been good, might have a way to get my ship back. That is if Redrock wants to help." She said with a smile.

Jason raises an eyebrow at Va'ynna, but addresses Victoria first. "Sounds like a plan. Like I said, though, that's something you'll have to take up with Linda. If it gives Redrock access to a ship, I'm sure she'll be all for it."

I hope that goes well.... Taking a ship back sounds... dangerous.

"Not if you know a ship like the back of your hand, plus some on the guys on it are idiots." She said with a evil smile.

Jason smirks uncomfortably and reaches up to rub the back of his neck. "We'll figure it out..." he says. "So... What's got you working so much?" he asks as he looks back at Va'ynna.

Aylena said she... will leave Aite for a while... in the near future. She couldn't tell me why, or when yet.

Va'ynna frowns, and glances at the counter for a moment before looking back at him. "She said she'll have someone... handle the management, but that leaves me to cover her shifts here." Her voice is a little lowered.

"Can't they hire a temp to come in and work some of her shifts or would you rather do them?"

Jason resigns to taking another sip of his drink as Victoria questions the asari and awaits Va'ynna's answer.

Va'ynna hums thoughtfully. "I think she's considering it," she says, "but I don't know why she hasn't already, since it's just two of us aside from her."

Any idea how long she'll be gone for?

"Wow, just you two. I would have hired a few more people to help with this place if I was running it."

Va'ynna shakes her head. "She said she didn't know," she says. "What I've told you is... all I've heard."

"That sucks. If you need any help, I am sure I can spare some time to help out."

Jason takes another large sip of his drink and sets the glass back down. "At least it's only temporary, right? Could be a good opportunity to save up some credits..."

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah, it is," she says. "I don't think I'll earn a lot from it, actually. Maybe a couple hundred credits."

Every little bit counts, right? Plus, it's something to keep you busy. I haven't been too active since-.... Well... You know.

Jason clears his throat once again and reaches for his drink. "But-... There's always plenty to get done back at the office..." he adds quickly, trying to salvage things.

"Credits make the galaxy turn." She said as she downs the rest of her drink.

Va'ynna frowns. "If only I didn't decide against getting my own place to live," she says. "I'll be getting ten times that." She shrugs. "But... I do feel safer here."

Jason swigs the rest of his drink and sets the glass aside. He stares at it silently for a moment before turning back to Va'ynna. "Safety is important... But you're gonna have to move out eventually, right?"

Victoria ' omni-tool started to flash, she looked at it to see what it was about "Darn, sorry guys I gotta run. Some stuff I gotta take care of. Good seeing you two." She got up and paid for her drink and went back up stairs.

Va'ynna looks up at Victoria, and smiles slightly. "I'll see you." Once she's out of earshot, she turns back to address Jason. "I'm... not sure," she says. "I barely leave the Respite."

Jason waves off Victoria. "Don't forget to talk to Linda about that... Issue of yours." he calls out before turning back to Va'ynna. "Don't you want to get out of this place?" he asks, leaning an elbow against the counter. He avoids eye contact as he silently judges himself, knowing he has no room to talk after holing up at the agency for as long as he has.

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah, but..." she begins. "I don't know. If it had been on Thessia, I would have jumped on the chance... to leave the tiny room." She sighs. "At least I don't have to use the shared kitchen."

Jason nods to himself. "I get it. After what happened, it's hard to let your guard down. But eventually, you have to pull yourself together and move on..."

Va'ynna | "I know," she says. "It's been a long time now, but... I still don't feel safe outside, at all." Her omni-tool interrupts her with a repeating beep and she quickly checks the interface with a raised eyebrow. "Oh... I've got to get going," she says as she stands up.

Jason watches as the asari stands. "You'll be fine." he offers, "It was good seeing you, V. We'll talk soon, alright?"

Va'ynna nods, a small smile forming. "You too," she says. "I'll see you again." She lingers for a second before making her way upstairs, answering the call just before she ascends the staircase.

Jason remains at the bar and orders another drink. He remains there by himself for a couple hours before making his exit.

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Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels