#Miner'sRespite – August 6, 2014

Zaan sat in the bar, at a booth by her lonesome, hands folded in front of her. She'd started frequenting the place after Shyva had showed it to her. Probably because people seemed to be a little more accepting of quarians here. There was a half-empty drink of something in front of her, plain straw inside of the cup. The doctor let out a mechanical sigh, the little light on her mask lighting up.

Shyva'Nahl shuffles down the stairs, shaking nervously as she makes her way towards the bar to get herself a fruit juice.

All of a sudden, Zaan didn't seem to be so bored anymore, though a part of her was uncomfortably nervous. "Shyva?" she called, hoping to get the other quarian's attention. The doctor remained where she was at her booth, glass of something on the table in front of her.

Shyva'Nahl takes her fruit juice but jumps at the sudden mention at her name, spilling it down her. She blinks and looks down then deflates. "Awwww..." she whines.

Zaan blinked as well, swallowing hard. The woman looked left and right before carefully standing and making her way over, already digging in to her medical bag. She came out with what looked like a rag, and reached forwards to wipe the woman's suit herself before clearing er throat and offering it to Shyva instead. "I didn't mean to surprise you like that," she chuckled softly, wringing her hands together.

Shyva'Nahl nervously takes the rag and starts to dab herself down, really hoping it wouldn't stain. It probably shouldn't but she's pretty paranoid about it. "Um... i-its okay..." she eventually mumbles.

Zaan tilted her head some and sighed through her nose, hoping this wouldn't be as awkward for them as r seemed like it would. "Did you have your interview?" she tried. "There was an asari here earlier, I think she was hoping to see you."

Shyva'Nahl shakes her head as she continues to dab her suit and shawl. She was mostly worried about the shawl, that's for sure. "U-Um, not y-yet." she says, looking up at Zaan. "It s-should be l-later. A-At least, I think it is..."

Zaan smiled encouragingly, though it could be feel we rather than seen. "I'm not bothering you, am I?" she asked, sounding worried. "I can -- I can go, or -- or maybe come back later?"

Shyva'Nahl finishes with her suit then looks back at Zaan`Drassi, shaking her head. "N-No, its o-okay. Y-You aren't bothering m-me." she says with a small smile. "I, um... j-just wasn't e-expecting a-anyone t-to be down here..."

"Oh." Zaan paused a moment, then cleared her throat. "Well, ah, like I told you, I don't have many friends -- I was hoping you'd come down so maybe -- well, I didn't -- I wasn't stalking you or anything," she quickly defended. "Keelah, it wasn't anything like that, I just though -- well, maybe if..." She sucked in a breath. "I'd better be quiet now."

Shyva'Nahl tilts her head at Zaan, letting out a small chuckle. "I'm s-sure you w-weren't." she says, then pets Zaan's shoulder. "S-Sounds like s-someone's a bit o-obsessed th-though. Y-You should c-call next time."

"Call, right," she mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed. "In retrospect, that's probably a good idea." The woman laughed at herself and looked around. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

Shyva'Nahl shakes her head, looking at the bar. "I w-was hoping t-to have my interview, b-but I d-don't think that will b-be until l-later." She looks at Zaan again. "W-What did you h-have in mind?"

"I'm not sure," she confessed, sliding in to a stool at the bar. "That second date, maybe?" Zaan smirked. "Unless I bored you to death during the first one. I think I did."

Shyva'Nahl pets Zaan's shoulder, her hand shaking slightly. She actually wanted a second date! "It w-was nice t-to talk t-to one of m-my own people again." she says with a smile, still shaking. "It g-gave me... f-familliarity."

Zaan reached up and placed a hand over Shyva's, patting it the same way the other quarian had been patting her shoulder. "I know what you mean," the doctor answered. "Will, ah, will here work? I know it's a little dull, but like I told you, I don't know many places around the city."

Shyva'Nahl nods with a widening smile. "Y-Yes, of c-course. It m-may be dull, but its... s-safer..." she glances out the window and lets out a little whine.

"Ah, right." The mugging -- and who knew what else Shyva had gone through since being here? The galaxy was a hateful place for quarian people. "Well, come sit with me," she encouraged. "I'll buy another drink."

Shyva'Nahl looks down at the purple stains on her suit and her empty bottle before nodding. "T-That would be n-nice." she says as she shuffles over to a booth. She quickly pulls out one of her own rags and another spray bottle and begins working on the stain.

Zaan sat beside Shyva rather than across, and she looked down at the girl as she started scrubbing away at the stain again. The doctor chuckled. "It's only juice," she said. "I'm sure it'll come right out. Do you have other shawls upstairs?"

Shyva'Nahl nods slowly, scrubbing hard across her chest and belly, then shakes her head. "N-No, I o-only h-have the one." she says, looking at Zaan. "T-That's why s-stains are a b-big issue..."

Zaan'Drassi watched Shyva scrub herself rather shamelessly for a moment before clearing her throat and blinking, looking ahead. "There are a few stores around time we could find some cloth from," she admitted. "They don't sell anything for quarians, of course, but, well, we're used to making our own things. I... was going to go there soon, maybe find an alternative to this coat. You can come with me, maybe? It'd be like -- like makeover."

Shyva'Nahl doesn't quite understand the implications she's giving off. She's oblvious to it, in fact. "Um... I... I'm n-not sure..." she says, looking out the window again. "I d-don't r-really want to g-go out t-there any time soon..." the quarian mumbles, her scrubbing getting a little shakier.

"The galaxy isn't so bad, Shyva," Zaan told her, reaching out to take her hand again so that she could help still it. The doctor gave it a light squeeze. "Believe it or not, I was scared on my pilgrimage, too. We all get scared. Just don't be afraid of living. Alright?"

Shyva'Nahl nods slowly, looking back at Zaan. "I'm n-not afraid of l-living." she says, quietly. "I'm a-afraid of p-people out t-there who w-want to hurt me... a-afraid of d-d-dying..." she says, her voice shaking with extreme nervousness.

"There's risk with everything you'll ever do in your entire life," Zaan told her, speaking softly. She sighed. "But you're young, and I understand. Just remember that I'm here if you -- well, if it gets lonely. I know how it can be. We have to stick together."

Shyva'Nahl leans in and hugs Zaan`Drassi, taking a few deep breaths. She shudders a few times, trying to calm down, but it just isn't happening. She continues to shake and lets out a little whimper, thinking of the muggers.

Zaan paused a moment, but as her and Shyva seemed to be growing closer, she felt more comfortable with the displays of affection. She hugged the woman back tightly and leaned in to the booth, and would simply hold on until Shyva felt like letting go, smoothing a hand down her back. "Why don't you tell me what color you want?" she asked. "You like to draw. You could design some suits, and I'll grab all of our materials."

Shyva'Nahl lets out a little sob, then a sniff, feeling comforted in Zaan's embrace. She sniffs again and nods, enjoying having someone there for her. "O-Okay..." she finally mumbles, letting go. "T-Thank you... Y-You r-really don't h-have to..."

"I want to," Zaan said, taking Shyva's hand. "That's what you do for people you like, isn't it? You want to help them?"

Shyva'Nahl nods slowly, then hugs Zaan again. She's still surprised that Zaan likes her! "Y-You're too nice..." she mumbles, stroking her back. "I'm n-not worth t-that much effort..."

"I respectfully disagree," the doctor slyly told her, taking her other hand. Zaan smiled, trying to meet Shyva's glowing eyes through her mask.

Shyva'Nahl smiles widely at zaan, then shakes her head. "R-Really, I d-don't see w-what you see in m-me..."

"Well, I haven't known you for very long," she admitted. "But you're kind, caring, compassionate, and, if I was a betting woman -- which I am -- very, very cute."

Shyva'Nahl blushes under her mask at the praise, looking away bashfully. "Naw... r-really?" she asks, looking back through the corner of her mask.

"Really," she answered, smirking. "Maybe I'll find out one day." Zaan shrugged, still holding her hands. "But I have a pretty good idea."

Shyva'Nahl shifts in her seat, pulling her legs up beside her. "R-Really?" she asks. "T-Tell me, w-what d-do you think I look like?" she rests her elbow on the side of the booth and smiles, leaning her head against it.

"Hmm." The doctor shifted as well, turning to face Shyva and leaning in closely. She brought their masks close, inspecting her as best as she could through the other woman's visor. Sometimes the subtle outline of a quarian's face could be seen, if you really paid attention... "Big, pretty eyes," she said. "Beautiful, dark hair, a cute smile, nice, dark lashes, annnnd..." Well, this was the hard part. Her skin? "Are you a light shade of purple?"

Shyva'Nahl blinks, looking into Zaan's mask. "Th-That's..." she whispers. "P-Pretty s-spot on." she admits, then strokes the side of Zaan's mask. "In-Incredible..."

"Doctor's intuition," Zaan chuckled, leaning in to her touch a bit though she couldn't feel it. She wanted to. "Your turn."

Shyva'Nahl hmmmmms and looks into Zaan's mask. "...I'm n-not as good at this..." she mumbles then takes a deep breath. "Erm... s-short h-hair, j-just above the s-shoulders... s-small nose, s-soft sk-skin and pronounced c-cheek bones, w-with full lips..." she says, frowning. She's not entirely sure she's getting it right, but its what she sees. "P-Pale p-purple skin" she asks, sounding unsure. "I... t-think that's what I see."

Zaan let out a girlish laugh, sounding amused. "Well," she softly whispered, leaning closer to Shyva. "You got my hair right. And my cheeks. And the lips..." She smirked. The skin was kind of a given, though. Maybe soft skin was the one and only perk to being trapped in a suit your whole life. "But I'm pink." She chuckled again, reaching up to take Shyva's hand off of her mask so that she could hold it again.

Shyva'Nahl shrugs and giggles. "Almost n-nailed it." She says, then reaches up and taps on Zaan`Drassi's mask. "The r-red through me off." taptaptap. "D-Did you c-choose the c-colour?"

"Almost." She flinched a little at the tapping, but couldn't help from being amused. "Mm-hm. It compliments my skin; I think -- though I suppose you can't really tell."

Shyva'Nahl giggles and shakes her head. "N-nope." she says, smiling. "I d-didn't get t-to choose m-mine. It's b-been in my f-family f-for generations."

"I can see why you're so protective of it, then," Zaan told her, lifting a hand to delicately pinch the fabric of her shawl. "Do you have any siblings?"

Shyva'Nahl shakes her head. "N-No, the f-fleet's one child policy has b-been put into e-effect." she says, looking at Zaan`Drassi. "I t-think w-what was about s-seven years ago. M-My parents d-do want a-another child, but t-they waited a b-bit too long."

"Ah." She frowned, pausing a moment to think, then straightened Shyva's shawl a little obsessively so that it sat symmetrically atop her head. "Well, you're taking very good care of your suit, for what it's worth," she said, looking at the stain to see if it had come out.

Shyva'Nahl had indeed done a good job as her white suit sparkles cleanly. "T-Thank you, s-suit maintenance s-should be the highest p-priority for a-all Quarians." she says, happly enough, then notices Zaan looking at her stainless suit. "I u-used my o-own blend." she explains, a hint of pride in her voice. "M-My father t-taught m-me all the b-best r-recipes for c-cleaning c-certain things, m-mostly suits."

"Wow," she mused. "Cute AND talented. Where have you been hiding?" Zaan smirked again and leaned in to the booth a little more, lowering her hand to rest just above Shyva's knee now instead as she gained a little more courage.

Shyva'Nahl flinches at first, not quite at that point. "U-Usually o-on the Tesleya's o-observation d-deck." she says, matter of factly. "I d-don't think y-you've told me w-what ship y-you're from."

"The Vivet," Zaan answered, spending a little distant. She moved her hand back to rest in her own lap, thinking a moment. "I miss it. Sometimes it's hard thinking I'll never get to see it again."

Shyva'Nahl blinks. "V-Vivet..." she mumbles. "T-That sounds f-familiar..." she opens her omnitool and starts to go through her paintings, until she comes across a painting of a larger ship, as seen through the observation deck of the Tesleya. Its only partial, and its not her best work, but its definitely the vivet. "I d-didn't have m-much time, b-but I t-think this one's it, r-right?"

Zaan went quiet for a long moment, her wide eyes simply staring at the picture before they softened. "That's it," she whispered, reaching forwards slowly to gently grab Shyva's arm so that she could get a better look at the image displayed on her omni-tool. "That's my ship." Another moment of silence, and she reached over to cup Shyva's mask then simply hugged her. "Thank you."

Zaan went quiet for a long moment, her wide eyes simply staring at the picture before they softened. "That's it," she whispered, reaching forwards slowly to gently grab Shyva's arm so that she could get a better look at the image displayed on her omni-tool. "That's my ship." Another moment of silence, and she reached over to cup Shyva's mask then simply hugged her. "Thank you."

Shyva'Nahl holds Zaan back, knowing it'd affect her. She's just thankful she's not as upset as she thought she'd be. "Its o-okay." she says, stroking Zaan's back. "I u-understand t-that you miss it... I m-miss my ship too." she says, followed by a heavy sigh.

"I'll never see mine again." Zaan pulled away and went silent again before smiling and taking her hand. "But at least I met you. Thank you for showing it to me one last time."

Shyva'Nahl nods slowly, putting a hand on Zaan's. "M-Maybe... m-maybe y-you could be pardoned s-some day?" she asks.

"Maybe." She looked down. "I don't think it'll happen." Zaan shrugged. "But, ah, I've moved on. I'm fine."

Shyva'Nahl strokes Zaan's hand, caringly. "U-Um... I d-don't think y-you've told m-me..." she says, almost a whisper. "U-Um, w-why y-you were... asked t-to leave, I m-mean."

"I'm afraid to," she confessed, swallowing hard. "You may not speak to me again."

Shyva'Nahl nods, but stares into Zaan`Drassi's mask. "Zaan... its i-important. I l-like you, b-but I w-want you t-to be honest. W-We can't go s-somewhere if you a-aren't."

"I understand." She sucked in a breath, unwilling or unable to stare back. "Well, I'm, ah, I was a doctor. And a scientist as well, I suppose. I'd developed a new medicine to bolster out immune systems -- at least, that's what I was hoping it would do. I still think I was right, but the board thought it was too risky to treat my patients with. I... declined to listen, and so they sent me away."

Shyva'Nahl blinks and tilts her head. "T-They e-expelled you f-for trying to help?" she asks, sounding unconvinced. "T-That... doesn't s-sound like the a-admirals t-to me. A-Are you not t-telling me something?"

"I injected my patients without their consent," she shrugged. "Of course, I injected myself first. But it was unethical, I suppose. Immoral. I didn't hurt anyone...."

Shyva'Nahl sits back a bit. "..." she seems a bit speechless. "W-Without... w-without..." she seems flabbergasted by it. "W-Why?!"

Zaan swallowed and pulled away from Shyva a little bit more, looking as if she was about to get up and leave. "It was irresponsible of me, I know," she mumbled. "I've had a lot of time to think about it. I, ah -- I should probably go."

Shyva'Nahl grabs Zaan's wrist and urges her to sit again. "P-Please, talk t-to me a-about it." she says. "I'm s-serious, I n-need to know these things. I d-don't want y-you to leave."

Zaan looked down and sighed before sitting beside Shyva again, but she didn't take the quarian's hand, instead resting her own in her lap. "I just wanted to help," she said, and it sounded like the was a lump in her throat and tears in her eyes. "I thought that, maybe, if I could just show everyone that I was right, that they would let me help. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone."

Shyva'Nahl puts an arm over Zaan`Drassi's shoulder, but still frowns. "Y-you wanted t-to help... b-but you did it in t-the wrong way." she says, flatly. "I c-can still respect that, b-but what I need to know, is h-have you changed? W-would you do it again, without y-your patients' consent if y-you had the chance?"

"If I had some sort of guarantee?" she asked, pausing. "If I knew it would work?" Another pause. "Yes." Zaan sucked in a breath. "But there's no such thing as guarantees in life. No. No, I wouldn't."

Shyva'Nahl nods slowly, not taking her hand from Zaan's shoulder. "You would a-ask permission, t-then not do it if t-they didn't agree?"

"Yes. That's what I'm sworn to do, as a doctor."

Shyva'Nahl puts her hand on Zaan's. "I f-forgive you." she says. "If it m-means a-anything."

Zaan looked up, her glowing eyes wide. "It means everything," she finally said, squeezing her hand. "You know, you keep asking what I see in you," she slowly told Shyva. "But I think I should be the one doing that."

Shyva'Nahl holds Zaan's hand tightly. "You h-helped m-me when nobody e-else w-would, you w-wanted to g-get to know the r-real me, y-you are k-kind, b-beautiful, and you seem t-to have a c-caring aura a-about you. W-what you d-did was... n-not good, b-but you had g-good intentions, t-then you learned f-from it." She sits a little closer. "Y-You are a g-good person, and I l-like you."

Zaan smiled, holding Shyva's hand still, and she crossed one of her quarian legs over the other from where they sat in the booth, placing her other hand atop the woman's as well. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were dating," she teased her. "Am I your first girlfriend, hm?"

Shyva'Nahl blinks and looks down for a moment, considering it. Were they on a date? She certainly had some feelings for the other quarian. She looks up again and smiles. "I... I think w-we are on a date." she starts to shake withe excitement. "A-And yes... I t-think you a-are my first g-girlfriend."

"It's official, then!" she enthused. "Oh, you're going to have so much fun. Late night omni-calls, texting for hours..." The doctor winked and chuckled again, squeezing Shyva's hand.

Shyva'Nahl giggles, shifting in her seat a little. "S-Sounds like f-fun! I've n-never d-done this before..." she says, looking over Zaan. "S-So... I'm n-not your f-first, am I?"

"I've had a few," she said. "Not a whole lot. I, ah, I tend to keep to my work, or at least I did. But... none quite like you, I can fully admit."

Shyva'Nahl tilts her head. "W-What sets m-me apart?" she asks, then realising she hasn't replaced her drink yet. Whoops. Eh, she's too comfortable now, she'll get to it later.

"To tell you the truth?" she asked, narrowing her eyes in thought. "... I'm not quite sure."

Shyva'Nahl smiles and strokes Zaan`Drassi's shin as it rests across the smaller quarian. "I g-guess only t-time will tell?"

"Maybe it doesn't need an expmanation," she told her, looking down and then up again. "Some things just don't."

Shyva'Nahl nods slowly, sitting back and finally relaxing with someone she cared about. "I t-thought d-doctors were meant t-to examine e-everything?"

She chuckled, nodding. "That's, ah, that's very true," Zaan confessed, raising a brow. "It doesn't mean we can, though."

Shyva'Nahl tilts her head from side to side, then nods. "I s-suppose. That's f-for the scientists to d-deal with." she says, followed by a light giggle. "H-Hey, I've n-never asked y-you, but w-where do y-you stay a-around here?"

"I rent an apartment," she said. "it isn't the nicest, but I suppose it isn't too bad, all things considered. You can, ah, you can come by and see it, maybe? As long as you give me the chance to clean up."

Shyva'Nahl nods and smiles. "S-Some day. A-As long as its c-close."

"It's close," she promised, squeezing her hand. "Besides, nobody's going to hurt you as long as I'm around. I'm not just a good doctor, but I happen to be the best shot the Flotilla's ever seen." She paused. "That may or may not be true."

Shyva'Nahl chuckles and looks at her own pistol in its holster. "I w-wish I c-could say the same..." she mumbles. "I... c-can't even t-take it o-out w-well."

"Would you like me to teach you?" she asked. "I learned on my pilgrimage after a batarian got a little too feely with me. If you're going to carry it, you may as well learn how to defend yourself, Shyva. I just, ah, I want you to be safe."

Shyva'Nahl nods, hand still stroking Zaan`Drassi's shin as it lays across her. "T-That would b-be good." she mumbles. "I, um... d-don't want w-what happened t-to me to... h-happen again..." Then looks up and down Zaan, understanding why someone would want to get feely with her. "Y-You beat t-the stuffing out o-of him, t-the batarian... r-right?"

"I tried," she said. "Security took him out before things got too bad, though. I'd been working at a night club, fixing the lights."

Shyva'Nahl nods, stroking her shin again. "G-Good." she says. "I h-hate people l-like that. Just wanna..." she frowns. "K-Kick 'em in the n-nuts."

Zaan let out a loud, girlish giggle at that, and she lifted a hand to cover her respirator where her mouth would be, seemingly embarrassed. "I think that's what makes you special," she said. "You're too damn cute."

Shyva'Nahl huffs a little. "I'm serious t-though." she says. "J-Just... BAM! r-right to the f-family jewels."

Zaan chuckled and draped an arm around Shyva, pulling her in for a sort of relaxed hug as they sat beside each other. "I should've," she said. "Wish I could go back and do it over again, now that you mention it."

Shyva'Nahl nods, leaning against Zaan. "Pricks..." she mumbles, still a little hot under the collar about it.

Zaan rubbed Shyva's bicep, letting out a little yawn. The woman rubbed her mask as if it was her face and rested her helmet against the top of the other girl's, getting comfy. "Has anything like that happened to you--?"

Shyva'Nahl geets comfy against Zaan and lets out a sigh. "J-Just the situation y-you saved m-me from..." she mumbles. "N-Never g-going to let t-that happen again..."

"Not after I teach you to shoot straight, you won't," she promised, smirking a little. "I, ah, I don't know where we could actually go to fire, but I can show you how to handle it, at least."

Shyva'Nahl nods with a smile, stroking Zaan's lap gently. "T-There HAS t-to be a s-shooting g-gallery around here s-somewhere."

"True, but that requires us to leave," she answered, raising a brow. "Think you'd be up for that?"

Shyva'Nahl snuggles a little closer to Zaan and nods. "W-With you a-able to punch a-all the nuts a-and shoot all the b-badguys, I'll b-be fine.":

She laughed, hugging Shyva a little more. They seemed to be getting a little more intimate, all of a sudden. Zaan lowered her hand some and rested it just above the woman's hip instead. "True. I'm

not boring you, am I? I'll try not to make EVERY date we have just like the last two..."

Shyva'Nahl shakes her eyes and holds Zaan against her. "I'm e-enjoying it. J-Just a nice, c-calm night w-with someone I l-like." she looks at Zaan. "E-Especially w-when they're as n-nice a-as you. Aaaand h-hot."

"Hot, hm?" Wasn't that a human term! Either way... She sounded fairly amused. Shyva was several years younger than herself, and maybe a bit more hip, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. "You don't even know what I look like," she teased.

Shyva'Nahl prods Zaan`Drassi's thigh. "Skin t-tight suits. D-Don't leave much t-to the imagination."

"Oh, so you've been looking," she mused. "Well, I'm glad you think so. I've been doing a little research myself, you know." Zaan chuckled and looked around to see if anyone was watching.

Shyva'Nahl blushes and looks away sheepishly. "M-Maybe..." she mumbles, then looks at Zaan. "W-What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're not so bad yourself," she answered slyly, giving Shyva's waist a little pinch.

Shyva'Nahl eeps at the pinch then gives Zaan a little giggle. "I s-see..." she says, smiling. "J-Just, um... d-don't g-get ahead of y-yourself t-there..."

"If that's all I was interested in, I'd go find an asari," she answered, shrugging.

Shyva'Nahl lets out a reliefed breath and smiles. "T-Thank you." she says, storking Zaan's thigh. "I've, u-um... n-never g-gotten a-any further th-than this, so... y-yeah..."

"There's no rush," she said, removing her arm from around Shyva's waist and resting her hand on the woman's wrist instead. "As long as we keep spending time together?"

Shyva'Nahl nods, smiling widely. "O-Of course, I w-wouldn't s-stop t-this good thing f-for the world." she says, then blinks. "W-Wait, that makes no s-sense..."

"Doesn't have to." Zaan squeezed her hand and leaned back again, uncrossing one leg and then crossing them again. "Hot," she remarked, apparently still thinking about that compliment. "Well, you've certainly brightened my mood. I haven't been complimented like that in a long time. Feels like I'm getting old..."

Shyva'Nahl pats Zaan`Drassi's thigh and chuckles. "Y-You're not t-that old. Y-You still h-have s-seventy years to go." she says. "A-And there's a r-reason that b-batarian g-got feely, y'know."

"Oh, I know," she said, looking down at herself and examining her body. "But I was so young, then. Nice to know I've still got it." Zaan looked back at her, blinking slowly.

Shyva'Nahl rolls her eyes. "It w-was only t-ten years..." she mumbles, looking into Zaan's mask. "You've o-only g-gotten smarter s-since then. N-No c-changes on a-appearance."

She let out an amused hum. "I guess you're right," Zaan admitted. "That's sweet of you to say so."

Shyva'Nahl smiles and leans up against Zaan. "I hope I can l-look like that i-in ten y-years."

"Now you're just sucking up," the doctor retorted, rolling her eyes. A look down at Shyva, and she eyed her contemplatively. "I had your figure when I was that age, I think."

Shyva'Nahl looks Zaan`Drassi over and hums. "Y-You're n-not that d-different from m-me, I think..." she mumbles. "I'll f-find out e-eventually." she then blinks and covers her mask. "U-Um.... I m-mean..."

The woman raised her brows, elbowing Shyva some with a little wink. "I thought you wanted to take it slow."

Shyva'Nahl nods frantically. "Y-yep. I s-said nothing. N-Nope. S-Slow is good. Mhm."

She nodded and pat Shyva's arm, letting out a small sigh. "I wish I didn't have to go, but I probably should," the quarian admitted, looking at the other woman for a long moment. "I'll... call you when I get home?"

Shyva'Nahl blinks and looks at her omnitool. "Um... a-actually, l-let me c-call you. I hope I c-can get my interview tonight."

"Sure," she said, smiling brightly. "I'd kiss you on the cheek, if I could. Feels weird just getting up and leaving like this."

Shyva'Nahl gets up after Zaan`Drassi and gives her a big long hug. "This will have to d-do." she says with a sigh as she holds her.

Zaan hugged her back and gently placed a hand to the side of Shyva's visor for a moment. "I'll see you soon," she promised, taking a step back. "You'd better call me! Doctor's orders."

Shyva'Nahl nods and lets go of her. "I'll b-be sure to... um... t-take my... p-perscrip...tion..." Yeah, that was terrible and she knows it.,

Zaan let out another girlish laugh, having to cover her respirator again. Then she went back to hug Shyva for a second time, even touching her visor with her own for a moment. "M'wah," she said, giving her a pretend kiss. "I'll see you later."

Shyva'Nahl snickers at the pretend kiss and nods. "I'll c-call you." She says before moving back to her booth to wait on Aylena. She definitely watches the quarian leave though. Dat quarian ass.

Well, there's certainly a healthy amount to look at as she goes. Zaan stuffed her hands in to her pockets and made her way out, heading to wherever it was she went to when she wasn't at the Respite.

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Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya

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Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya