#Miner'sRespite – September 5, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Va'ynna is standing behind the bar, wiping a glass while waiting for someone to order anything. She's dressed in a dark-green dress she's not too rarely seen in.

Victoria walked down into the Respite, wearing her usual white top and dark blue long pants. She notices Va`ynna behind the bar and she takes a seat near her ''Hey Va`ynna.'' She said with a smile.

Va'ynna puts down the clean glass and looks up at victoria, returning the smile. "Hey," she says. "How... are you?"

''I am good, and how are you today?'' She said looking at the asari, with the smile still on her face.

I'm fine. I'm glad... nobody got... seriously hurt during what happened to the agency.

Va'ynna fidgets a bit. "Um, can I get you anything?"

''That is good to hear.'' She nodded at Va`ynna ''Um... I will get my usual drink.''

Va'ynna nods and moves over to where the correct bottles are without any doubt. She picks them out and returns to the counter. "Sounds like the... building is badly damaged, though," she says. "Both Jason and... the chief is staying here." She mixes the drink in an ice-filled glass and hands it to Victoria.

''Well at least they are safe. Thanks for the drink Va`ynna.'' She took the glass and raised it to her lips to have a sip.

Have you been... there after what happened?

Victoria shook her head ''I have not. I was surprised the place was attacked.''

Va'ynna raises an eyebrow. "How could you not notice?" she says. "There was... a bright flash outside." She pauses. "I didn't know it was... their building before Jason's friend told me, though."

''Well I saw the flash, but I did not know it was Redrock's building.'' She took another sip of her drink.

''Oh, I also forgot about the message Vasquez sent.''

Va'ynna can't help but smirk, moving up a hand to cover her mouth. "Jason said... they might need help with the rebuilding," she says. "He's... out of the hospital, too, but he needs a few days to recover."

''Well looks like I gotta hide for a few days then. Any suggestions?'' She said and asked in a joking tone.

Um... lock your door and pretend you're not there?

Va'ynna giggles faintly, her tone not too serious, either. "Hiding may be... difficult if they're staying here, too."

''Well then, time to dig a hole under a rock. Now I just gotta find a good spot.'' Her joking tone continuing.

I'm... not familiar with the town, or... what rocks there are nearby. So, I can't help you, sorry.

''Well rats. Looks like I gotta start hunting around town for such a place. Hey Va`ynna... can I ask you something?''

Va'ynna nods, tilting her head slightly. "What... is it?"

Victoria rubbed the back of her head and had a slightly nervous look on her face ''Well I was wondering if... you would... like to go to dinner with me?''

Va'ynna looks thoughtful. "Uh, I..." she begins. "I... would... like that. If... D'Inea let me get time off."

Victoria believing that her offer would be declined, a large smile appeared on her face ''Well whenever you get time off, I can sort something out for us.'' Her tone made it sound like she was over the moon.

Va'ynna returns the smile, but looks a little uncertain. "I'll... ask her next time I see her," she says. "And send a message about when I'm free... okay?"

Victoria nods ''Well then, I will wait eagerly for your message.'' The smile still on her face.

Va'ynna nods. "As long as... you're not hiding under a rock where I can't contact you," she says in a slightly joking tone.

Victoria gives a little chuckle ''Well, I will make sure to lock myself in my room. I will just be writing in my diary.'' Taking another sip of her drink.

I... I'll keep quiet about it, but... I can't guarantee Briggs or D'Inea will.

Victoria shrugs ''Well I do not know if I can keep quiet about it.''

Va'ynna smirks, though doesn't try to hide it this time. "And... you need to leave to buy or make food," she says. "And if it's as bad... as it sounds like, it could take longer than a few days."

''Well that is why I thought about just buying food here, and claim it as my own cooking. Or find a place to take you too.'' The first part was said in a joking tone.

Va'ynna frowns. "I... don't really know of any places, sorry," she says. "I don't go out often."

''Then I shall make it my mission to find a place. You will not need to worry about anything.''

Va'ynna looks a little amused. "You make it sounds... dramatic," she says, far from serious. "What... kind of place do you have in mind?"

Victoria shrugs ''Well I did not think you would say yes. So leave it too me and I will find something.''

Va'ynna tilts her head. "Why... wouldn't I?" she says, fidgeting a bit. "I... I don't... go out often, so I'm glad you want to take me somewhere."

Victoria stood up and put a credit chit on the table ''Well, that is what I was thinking. Sometimes I think like an idiot.'' She said with a smile and finished her drink.

Va'ynna takes the credit chit with a frown. "Sorry, I... didn't mean anything bad by it," she says, sounding a little nervous. She charges for the drink and hands back the chit if there's anything left on it.

Victoria takes the credit chit back ''Don't worry about, I cause it is just in my nature to expect the worst. Than when something good happens I can be in a good mood.''

Va'ynna looks a little relieved she hadn't offended her, and a small smile creeps up. "Oh... okay," she says. "I'll see you again, then."

Victoria nods ''Of course you will.'' She said and started to leave the Respite.

Va'ynna watches her leave for a few seconds, before looking around the bar for anyone that needs service. One patron signals for her once her gaze is their way, and she makes her way over to take their order.

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels