#Hospital – November 30, 2014

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Va'ynna is lying in a hospital bed in a recovery room, not paying any attention to the door. The VI will have given directions.

Victoria was wearing her usual causal clothing, t-shirt and longs pants. She followed the directions the VI gave and found Va`ynna, she approached the Va`ynna was at. ''Hey Va`ynna.''

Va'ynna turns her head sharply as she hears footsteps and stares at Victoria for a moment before relaxing. "Hey," she says in a low voice, sounding as tired as she looks; it's getting late, after all.

Victoria finds a chair to move close to her bedside and taking a seat on it. She reached for her one of Va`ynna's hands to hold it ''Are you alright?'' She asked with a worried tone.

Va'ynna doesn't withdraw her hand as Victoria reach for it. She looks ahead, towards the door. "I'm.... fine," she mutters, not sounding very convincing.

Victoria continued to hold her hand ''Va`ynna... please tell me. I... feel like this is my fault.'' She claim, and it was how she truly felt about it. Feeling guilty that Va`ynna got shot.

Va'ynna shakes her head faintly. "I... No... you... did all you could," she says. "And... it wasn't... your choice to leave."

"But, if I did. This would not have happen to you. Or I could have...." She stopped herself from saying anything more "I'm sorry."

Va'ynna frowns. "It... it's not your fault," she murmurs. "Jason... didn't think... we were in danger."

Victoria still held her hand, and looked at her with sorrow ''Too be honest with you.... Va`ynna. I don't know what I would have done if you did not...'' She could not finish her sentence.

Va'ynna looks away. "I... thought it was over," she says, barely above a whisper. "The pain. I was so scared." Her eyes starts to water a bit, and she brings up her free hand to wipe them.

Victoria suddenly wraps her arms around Va`ynna, she could possibly feel tears fall down Vick's face as well. ''I thought I lost you. I thought that was going to be the last time I saw you.'' There was a pain in her voice ''I thought I would never be able to tell you.''

Victoria agained stopped herself from speaking the rest of her words, not knowing if she should speak or not.

Va'ynna leans closer to her, but not too much to avoid risking rolling off the bed. She remains quiet, not sure what to say.

"I guess, what I am trying to say..." She took a pause again "Is that I care for you more than anyone else. I guess you could say that I... love you." The words were strange coming from her mouth.

Va'ynna looks at her for a few seconds, not believing what she just heard. "I... I... um...," she starts, trying to find the right words. "I... you.... I don't know what to say."

Victoria looked at Va`ynna ''I just wanted you to know, I did not want to regret not telling you how I feel.'' She stopped collecting her next set of words ''Even if you don't share how I feel, I just wanted you to know.'' She then smiled at Va`ynna.

Va'ynna looks away, and sighs. "I don't know," she murmurs. "And... I... I don't think this is the time."

Victoria nodded at Va`ynna ''That is... understandable... I just wanted you to know, that is how I felt.'' She tried to hide the hurt tone in her voice.

Va'ynna frowns. "I'm... tired, but can't sleep... scared," she says, looking back at Victoria with a slightly saddened expression. "Maybe we can... talk about this... another day."

Victoria nodded at Va`ynna ''Alright... but I will be here for you. So if you need a friend, I will be here for you.'' She offered a loving smile to Va`ynna.

Va'ynna nods, slightly, a small smile forming. "Thank you," she murmurs, followed by a deep breath. "For... saving my life."

Victoria again gave Va`ynna a hug ''I will always be there for you Va`ynna, I promise.''

Va'ynna moves one arm to place on Victoria's back. "I.... Thank you," she repeats. "I'm... I... I'm glad to hear... that."

"If you need anything what so ever, tell me and I will get it for you. Okay?" She said while still holding the asari, only slightly breaking the hug.

Va'ynna nods. "I... need sleep, but I... I'm too scared to," she says, "but... I'll let you know if... there's anything I need."

Victoria let go of her hold on Va`ynna ''Alright then, I will let you get some rest then. But whenever you need a friend or anything, let me know okay.'' She said with a smile

Va'ynna is about to roll to the side to lay on the side, but stops herself and just pushes her pillow a bit forward to not have to prop her head up. "I... will," she murmurs. "Thank you... for being here right now. It means... a lot." She wipes the moisture under her eyes with a finger.

Victoria smiles at Va`ynna ''I will see you later Va`ynna, get some rest.'' She then turned and left the room.

Va'ynna doesn't notice the smile as she closes her eyes. "See you," she mutters before she's again left alone with her thoughts which do a better job at keeping her awake than any visitor would.

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels