#Hospital – February 17, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Renala is sitting up on the hospital bed, typing on her omni-tool. She is not paying attention to anyone around her or the door.

Jason , after a short conversation with the hologram receptionist, heads towards Renala's room. He gives a quick knock on the door frame to announce his arrival as he steps in. "Hey, Renala. Just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing." he says, although it seems like something else may be on his mind as he approaches the asari.

Renala taps a few times on the omni-tool, not making it apparent she heard Jason until her omni-tool's screen dissipates. She looks towards him. "Well enough, I suppose," she says. "With how many bullets they had to pull out, it could be much worse."

Jason winces and gives a couple short nods. "So... What are they saying about you getting out of that bed?" he asks, giving a nod to the hospital bed before he plops down in the seat beside her, "Good news?"

Maybe tomorrow evening, but I'll have to take it easy for a while when I get out anyway.

Renala frowns. "So if more mercs attack soon, I'll have to cheer on you from the sidelines."

Jason cusses under his breath, but follows it up with a loud string of expletives. He balls his hand into a fist and goes to slam it into the table beside Renala's bed, but catches himself. "Fuck!" he repeats, standing from the seat and pacing a few steps. After a moment, he sighs and shakes his head, "Sorry... I'm sorry, Renala."

Renala raises an eyebrow. "What is it, Jason?" she says. "They're coming again, aren't they?"

Jason shakes his head and rubs at the back at his neck as he retakes his seat. "No, no..." he waves off the asari, "I-.... I think we handled that. Rellis agreed to a cease-fire if we handed over his brother." he sighs, "If he's a man of his word, then all that is behind us."

Did the table look at you wrong, then?

Renala smirks for a moment. "Seriously though, what's the problem?"

Jason frowns and glares at the table. "Fuck that thing." he says, but a small grin follows as he softens up a bit. After a moment he sighs and leans back in his seat, "No.... It's nothing. Just seems like the bad luck keeps on piling up. Got a job lined up. Simple security gig. Low key, safe. Client is offering a lot more than I would've even bothered asking for. I really wanted you to head

it up. I mean, let's face it-..." he says, glancing towards the door before leaning in close to Renala and lowering his voice to a whisper as if someone may hear him, "You and me are the only ones working with much up here." He taps a fingertip against his head. "Seemed right up your alley."

Renala chuckles. "Are you sure there's nobody else who can keep a bunch of mercs on their best behaviour?" she says. "Mendez, maybe? Or that other asari you picked up?"

Jason waves her off. "Mendez is just a pile of muscle. I saw him stare at a biscuit for fourteen minutes the other day. Four. Teen. Minutes." he sighs, "Ilyna hasn't really tossed her chips in with Redrock. She was just providing a little backup if it was needed. I'm not sure she'd go for joining up with us. Suppose I could run it past her but-.... You sure you can't wing this? It's just

a couple of days of following around some vid-star brat while he does whatever rich people do. I'd say it constitutes as 'taking it easy'." he attempts to convince the asari with a big crooked smile.

Renala raises her brows. "Really? Hasn't he heard about the attack?" she says. "Besides, I might walk a little weird... that'll show. And who knows how much trouble some rich brat can get into?"

Jason gives a shrug. "I doubt he cares too much about the attack. If anything, it probably bolstered our reputation. I mean, shit, we protected the whole damn town." he says, sounding a bit more proud of Redrock than he probably should be considering they brought the scourge to the town in the first place, "But it shouldn't matter too much anyway. Won't be spending any time in Freedom

Falls. I guess he has some business to take care of with a family member that lives nearby. I don't have the details. Not really our business. I know it's about an hour from Adrasteia."

Renala sighs. "I don't think I can do that," she says. "Let alone lead a team. If we run into trouble, and if I know Adrasteia right, we will, I won't be able to do much."

Jason gives a nod along with a disheartened sigh. "I understand, Renala. You gotta take care of yourself first. I appreciate the honesty. Guess I'll try and see if Ilyna is up for it." he says.

Renala chuckles. "She's a good babysitter," she says. "Or at least she was during a family gathering seven years ago."

Jason looks a bit confused. "Huh? You and Ilyna have met before?" he asks, a smirk slowly reappearing, "Shit. Small galaxy."


Renala nods. "My last bondmate was a T'Rea. Neither she nor me had much contact with the rest of them, though, let alone outside the immediate family."

Jason gives a short chuckle.

That's crazy. Like I said, small galaxy. Ilyna is good people, though. We've been through some shit together... I trust her with my life.

Renala nods. "I know. She's the first T'Rea I've met that doesn't blame me for the divorce," she says. "She told me a little bit about what she did, but didn't really get into details."

Probably for the best. We spent a bit of time on Omega together. Needless to say, things got a bit rough. We had a pretty tight knit group.

Jason sighs, "Even struck out to Illium together." He gives a sad smirk, "Ilyna was a part of the very first job Redrock Agency managed to pull in."

I can't remember Redrock being around before I signed on. You operated on Illium before coming here?

Jason gives a nod. "Yep. Almost finished our first job under the Redrock banner before Linda managed to get herself hospitalized, too. Almost." he says sarcastically with a roll of his eyes, "Was nearly our last job. Put us out of commission for quite some time... Anyway, you don't care about all that." he says dismissively with a wave of his hand, "What matters is that we regrouped and

reformed here on Aite. Things are going much better this time, if you can believe that."

Renala chuckles. "If this is much better, I don't think I want to know," she says. "So, how's things with the rest of the agency? Anyone other than me and the boss checked in here?"

Jason tilts his head to one side, then to the other. "They're alright. Everyone is on their feet, at least. Our main issue right now is credits. We need to get back on our feet ASAP, or we're gonna be in a bad place. As in, people are going to stop getting paid...." He goes quiet for a few moments and lets out a deep breath, "But I'm doing what I can. We'll operate out of the Respite until

we can manage to get the damage repaired at the office."

I've been meaning to find a place to live other than the Respite, but something always comes up that needs my attention.

Renala frowns. "I'll pull my weight as soon as I'm in a shape to. It wasn't long ago we made it out of a waking nightmare... I'm sure we can handle some financial trouble."

Jason waves Renala off, "Ahhh, don't give me that. You've pulled more than your own weight. You're one of the last people that needs to feel bad about all this. But I agree.... If you're sticking around long-term, getting out of the Respite is probably a good idea. Those rooms are cramped as fuck." he frowns.

Renala smirks. "What do you think my room looks like?" she says. "And I even have that mech laying around taking up space. I was thinking of bothering you about getting a room at the office, actually, but that was before... that happened."

Well we've got plenty of room over there. Once we're able to get everything patched up, we'll talk about that. I don't have a problem with it, and I can't see why Linda would, so it should be alright.

And I'm sure I could do my part to ensure the security of the network. No offense meant, but it was pretty easy to take control of the entire building. In fact, we'd probably be screwed if I couldn't do that back then.

Jason gives a shrug. "None taken. I don't know the first thing about any of that shit. I just try and make sure Mendez is always in a bad mood. Figured that anyone poking around would spot him and that scowl and think twice about attacking." he jokes.

So, you're to blame for that...

Renala smirks. "Is he ever in a good mood?"

I have no idea. I firmly believe that when he was born and the doctor slapped him, he probably hit the doctor back. I'm just glad he's on our side. Would hate to to have him on Rellis' payroll, that's for sure.

Renala chuckles. "I didn't even know humans could get that big."

And life would be so much easier if there was nobody on that asshole's payroll.

Jason snorts and gives a nod. "Here, here." he agrees as he stands from his seat. "Well, I didn't mean to disturb your rest, Renala. Was just hoping for a bit of good news. I should probably head off and give Ilyna a visit, see how she feels about heading this one up." he sighs, "I'll be back later to pick Linda up. Should probably visit V, too, see how she's doing."

Renala shrugs. "It's okay, I'm glad you came by," she says with a smile. "I'll see you around, and tell the others I said hi."

Jason points at Renala and tips his head, "You get better so you can tell 'em yourself." he says with a smile as he starts towards the door, "We're gonna fall apart if you're out of commission for too long. Too many meatheads. I need you in the field!" he continues as he steps out into the hall.

I'll do my best.

Renala gets back to poking at her omni-tool once Jason is out of the room.

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Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe

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Renala T'Iavay
Jason Wolfe