#FreedomFalls – March 31, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Watty plods through the town, a very, very old song playing out of his speaker. "I got spurrrrs, that jingle-jangle-jingle! (Jingle, Jango!)" As Pip catches up to him, he lowers the song's volume and continues walking as Pip hums along.

A sky-car can be seen de-accelerating and coming to a stop just twenty meters ahead of them. Two humans and a salarian hastily exits it as it opens. They're all decked out in full armor (helmet included). The humans have Avenger rifles, while the salarian has a Phalanx.

Pip halts and Watty deactivates his music. Pip sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "No one ever learns," she mutters. She folds her arms across her chest as Watty places the chest down infront of her. "Alright guys," she calls out. "How much to persuade you to fuck off?"

The assault rifles are drawn at Pip and Watty respectively, while the salarian enables his omni-tool. "Freedom Falls Militia," the salarian shouts, drawing his weapon and approaching them. "Keep hands where I can see them, and start explaining."

Onlookers get inside the various buildings connected to this street or quicken their pace to get away from the brewing trouble.

I'm Pip, this here is Watty. I'm taking him to the storage compartments until I get more permenant housing sorted. We're not causing any trouble.

So, if you don't mind...

SalarianMilitiaman sniffs. "You are causing concern," he says. "Not sure why you're not aware. Too big for a disability mech."

Pip scoffs. "Figure that out yourself? Look at his hands. HANDS. He's a loader bot, used for shifting cargo and heavy objects." For emphasis, Watty gives a small wave.

SalarianMilitiaman shakes her head. "Arguing is not helping," he says. "Can escort you to destination, but will call for reinforcement if you cause trouble."

We're not causing trouble, nor do we need an escort. Honestly, it's almost as if you're looking for a fight. There must be much more important things to attend to than harrassing a girl and her- of for the love of God, lower your damn guns, we're not doing anything!

The salarian holds up a hand and the guns go down, but they're not holstered. "Second option: confiscation," he says. "We are in charge of city's defence and security. Your mech out in public is a concern."

Third option, get out the way and let me do it myself. We. Are. Doing. Nothing. Wrong. So stop waving your dicks around, you're not impressing anyone.

Perhaps it is best if we comply with their demands. While combat odds are in our favour, it can be easily avoided.

Pip sighs dramatically and waves a hand in frustration. "Fine, fine! Lead the way..." she says reluctantly. "For a combat mech, you're such a pacifist."

SalarianMilitiaman nods. "Thank you for your cooperation," he says. "Send destination and follow me. Other two will trail behind. No sudden actions."

Watty lifts the chest back onto its back as Pip sends the location of the storage bay to the Salarian. She is still grumbling under her breath as Watty speaks. "Her background causes her to act rashly. I apologise on her behalf."

SalarianMilitiaman doesn't give a verbal response, but starts walking towards the destination. The other two get into formation, trailing five meters behind the suspect duo.

Pip and Watty follow the salarian, Pip shooting daggers at the militiaman's back. If looks could kill... Watty has resumed playing the music from before, albeit at a subdued level.

Gregorij makes his way down the street, hands in pockets. He is wearing his usual worn jacket, which he doesn't really seem to wash. Ever. When he notices the mech he stops and studies it with some interest.

Watty gives the man a small wave as he passes, with Pip casting a quick smile, though she is still clearly agitated by the armed escort.

Gregorij studies Pip for a moment before waving her over.

Pip stops, as does Watty. She shrugs at the man and points at the militia currently escorting the pair.

SalarianMilitiaman glances at the Gregorij and shakes his head. "Keep moving," he says.

Gregorij grumbles to himself, shooting the militiaman a nasty look before continuing on down the street in the opposite direction of the group.

Christ, you guys are moody bastards.

SalarianMilitiaman starts walking again, but the two others will wait for the duo to start walking. He enables his omni/tool to set up a storage space ahead of time, since he can keep track of multiple things.

Pip continues to follow the salarian, shoving her hands into her coat's pockets.

Watty follows aswell, the music still playing.

SalarianMilitiaman eventually arrives at the location, which is an E shaped building with all storage spaces accessible from outside for easy loading to and from vehicles. "Door 19," the salarian speaks up, before sending over the digital key (and some contact/payment info) to the human. "I set it up while walking.. 100 credits a day, pay when you're done."

Pip grumbles in response as she checks the details of the information.

Thank you, sir.

The salarian nods. "You're welcome," he says. "Please use vehicle for transporting it to your private property once you're set up." And with that, the three of them starts moving back the way they came, casting a glance back now andthen.

The storage room is 4m by 4m, more than enough for the mech.

Pip starts mimicing the Salarian once he is out of ear shot, giving him an unreasonably high voice as she does so. "'lease use vehicle for transporting it to your private property.' Bah!" She opens the storage bay and looks inside, still grumbling.

It is an empty featureless room, but both the walls and doors look like they can take a beating.

Watty looks down at Pip, giving her a gentle prod in the shoulder as he ducks into the bay. He removes the chest from his back and places it down near the back, before settling into a sitting position by the wall. "I shall deactivate to conserve power. Have a good day, Pip." He leans across forming his hand into a fist.

Pip gives Watty a quick fist bump and nods to him as he powers down, closing the bay. She locks it and quickly sets up a standing payment for the bay as she makes her way back to the Respite.

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Gregorij Sakamoto
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