#Miner'sRespite – April 18, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Va'ynna is standing behind the bar for the time being, waiting for anyone to signal for her attention. It's already evening, but food service has had a major disruption for Aylena to take care of paperwork and the job interview. She's in a dark-red dress.

Victoria walks into the Respite wearing a white t-shirt and long blue pants, she spots Va'ynna behind the bar and smiles. Vicky walks up to the bar and gave a wave.

Va'ynna walks over to her, returning the wave on her way there. "Evening," she says. "What... can I do for you?"

Victoria smirks ''Can I have an beautiful asari delievered to my room later?'' She said in a joking and teasing tone.

Va'ynna blushes. "I... uh, we... do not carry that line of products," she says, although a tiny smile creeps up as she lowers her voice. "I... might be a... bit late, tonight."

"Well, that is a stinker. Guess I will settle for a rum and coke." She then lower her voice "That is fine, my sweet."

Va'ynna finds a glass and fills it with ice, then pours the content of the bottles that have been fetched minutes ago to serve another order of the same drink. "Have... you talked to... Jason today?" she asks before putting the glass on the counter before her.

Victoria shakes her head ''No I have not, I was getting all my information before talking with him.'' She stops for a second ''You seen him today?''

He... just left. He didn't... seem to be doing too well.

Va'ynna frowns. "He said he... will be going to the office, even if... it was just rubble. He might have had too much to drink."

"I'll try and check up on him tomorrow. If I can find him." She said trying to reassure the asari.

Va'ynna hums thoughtfully. "How... about go there... together after I'm... done here," she says, "if he... hasn't come back already by then?"

Victoria smiles ''We can try to do that. But it sounds like he might end up here again, since most people use drinking to ease the pain.''

Va'ynna nods. "I... know," she says, "but I'm... worried if he'll be... alright, or maybe he'll need... help getting back home."

"This is why I like you Vay. So caring." She said with a smile as she takes a sip of her drink.

Va'ynna smiles slightly, her cheeks getting a bit purple. "Maybe... too much sometimes," she says. "Like... when guests disagree on that... they've had enough to drink."

Victoria smirks at the asari ''I am sure I can make ya tougher when it comes to caring, my sweet. At least a little.''

Thanks, but I... don't need that, because... I don't work at the bar anymore.

Va'ynna sighs. "Unless D'Inea... needs me to step in for her, but... she's... hiring a new bartender. So... hopefully, not again."

Victoria pulled a dramatic shocked face ''So I shall not be getting served by my favourite bartender?

Va'ynna can't help but giggle, moving a hand up to cover her mouth as she stifles it. "I... could pour your drinks... outside work."

Victoria smiles when Va'ynna said that ''My own personal bartender when I am home? Sounds wonderful.''

Va'ynna tilts her head. "Are... you sure that's... wonderful?" she asks. "I'll... insist when you've... had too much to drink."

"But I have ways of getting more drinks my dear. I know some things." She said as she raised her hands and wiggled her fingers.

Va'ynna raises an eyebrow. "You... don't expect a bartender to take inventory first?"

Victoria makes her hands into finger guns and points at Va'ynna ''Not the way I was talking about, sweet.'' She makes a clicking noise at the end of her sentence.

Va'ynna raises both of her brows, looking genuinely taken aback. "I... I... don't understand."

Victoria puts her head in her hands ''Oh my god, you are so innocent.'' A wide smile appearing on her face.

Va'ynna blushes a bit, but still seems somewhat shocked. "How... else would I... interpret that?"

"If you said that, my mind would have went straight there." She said telling the asari the truth.

Va'ynna nods. "I... think I understand," she says, "but... I would still say you've had enough. Not now, I mean, but in that case." A small smile comes up as she relaxes.

"Naw, no fun." She takes a defeated drink of her drink "But we could make that case so much more fun."

Va'ynna blushes again and glances away for a moment. "I'm... sure we could," she says.

Victoria downs the rest of her drink and smiles at the asari ''That is good to hear, my sweet.''

Va'ynna glances to the side as she sees Aylena emerge from the back, and the older asari nods to her when she sees the glance. "It was... good to see you," she says, looking back at Victoria, "but I've got to get back to work in the kitchen. I'll... send a message if I go to check on Jason."

Victoria stood up and grabbed Va'ynna hand to give the back side of it a kiss. ''I'll be in my room for sometime then.''

Va'ynna looks a little embarrased, but doesn't withdraw her hand. "I'll see you," she says.

Victoria let go of the asari's hand and started to head up stairs to her room. She gave the asari a wave on the way up the steps.

Va'ynna returns the wave before making her way back through the door in the back.

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels