#Vicky'sRoom – May 10, 2015

"So, you just had your mother looking after you?" Vicky asked not wanting to truly annoy Va'ynna about the subject.


Va'ynna frowns. "But... she was always working or busy, and... didn't have much time for me.

Victoria give Va'ynna and quick hug "Well, I guess we have each other."

Va'ynna kisses her on the cheek before letting go of the hug. "That... we do," she says. "I... wanted to put all that behind me. About... my family, I mean. But then... my mother showed up."

"Your mother has turned up?" She has asked her.

Va'ynna nods. "And... Jason was the one who told me," she says. "She was avoiding me, too."

Victoria looked at her "What are you going to do?" Wondering what she was going to do about this situation.

Va'ynna is quiet for a few seconds. "She... visited me at the hospital, and... I just told her to go immediately." She looks down. "And... I... regretted that. So, when... I got back to my room and couldn't... sleep, I... called her." A small smile creeps up. "I think we talked... all night."

Victoria smiled a little "Well, that is good to hear. You got a chance to bond with your mother." She then frowned and remembered her own issues with her parents.

She... wants to make things right, but... I... don't know. It was her who... paid for the job that... I think led to the attack on the spaceport.

"I can't make up your mind Va'ynna. But if I was you, I would try and reconnect with her. Even if she did paid for that job."

I... will try.

Va'ynna frowns. "I... also... don't think she made that decision... alone," she says, "because most of... the credits wasn't out of her pocket. She... did tell Jason... about that."

"Also or we could just forget about it and just care about each other." She said to the asari

Va'ynna smiles slightly. "If... only... life was so easy," she says, then looks a little thoughtful. "Maybe... you can come with me to... visit her."

"I can try and come with you." She did stop for a second to think about something. "Va'ynna, I know we have been together for a very short time. But do you see us having little ones some day?" She moved so she could see the asari's face when she answered, truly wondering what she would say to this.

Va'ynna raises her eyebrows and stares at Victoria for a few seconds. "Um... I'm just... eighty-seven," she says, as if that's obivously a very young age.

"Thats right, I forget you asari take forever to mature." She gives the asari a kiss on the cheek. "I'm forgetting most things lately."

Va'ynna doesn't return the kiss, looking a little upset. "I... matured over... forty years ago," she says, "it's... just.... I don't feel ready to start a family. And... this isn't a place for that with how... dangerous it is."

Victoria frowned and realised she should not have said that "Sorry, I did not mean to hurt your feelings." She wrapped an arm around the asari and squeezed her.

Va'ynna lays her head on the other woman's shoulder. "I... I... I'm sorry," she murmurs. "I didn't want to... disappoint you, either."

"No, no its not your fault. Just me being me." She gave Va'ynna a peck on the forehead. "And you could never disappoint me."

Va'ynna smiles slightly. "If... you want to have children, I... will help you as much as I can," she says. "I... I'll warn you, though. I... don't think I would be... a good father."

"Just as long if we do have children, we end up better than my parents." She gave the asari a quick kiss.

Va'ynna returns the kiss. "And mine," she says. "And that's... saying something, since... we asari rarely raise children before we're at least... three hundred years old."

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels