#Miner'sRespite – July 31, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Steve makes his way over to the garage and taps the door interface. He keeps the pistol in his hand, but doesn't raise it as he's not expecting any trouble.

The garage is just as it was seen on the camera. The skycar is still present. There are no visible or audible movements as he enters.

Steve continues around the skycar, looking for anything out of place or any sign of struggle as he scans the room.

There is no sign of any struggle, and the car doesn't seem to have been in use recently. The garage door is not locked.

Steve taps the interface to open the garage door and looks around on the ground near the door for any hint towards who may have been here. Footprints, anything.

There are footsteps outside, one pair, but only to the nearest asphalt road and then to the left.

Steve crouches down beside the footprints and studies them for a second before sighing and following them. He shoves the pistol back into the belt of his pants to avoid drawing any attention to himself, and sticks his hands into his pockets as he follows the trail.

the trail quickly merge with the paved road once going left, making it impossible to follow any further. The footprints are from regular shoes, though the size and shape would narrow it down to a human or asari.

Steve cusses under his breath as he the trail goes cold. He turns back and makes his return to the garage. Once inside, he closes the garage door and presses his forehead against the skycar window, cupping his hands around his view to peek inside.

The inside of the car is rather empty and tidy, save for a optical storage disc laying on the ground below the drivers seat. The car is locked, however.

Steve raises an eyebrow and takes a step away from the car. He places his hands on his hips as he looks around the garage for anything that may help him get inside of the car. After a few moments, he simply shrugs, pulls the pistol from his belt, removes the thermal clip and whips the heavy pistol at the car window.

The glass cracks a bit around where he hit it, but doesn't seem to be very damaged overall by it.

Steve picks the pistol back up and glances back at the door to make sure nobody heard it. Once satisfied that he's still alone, he takes a step back towards the skycar and, holding the pistol by the barrel, he slams it against the glass a few times, focusing his pistol-whips on where the cracks have began to form.

The car alarm is still sounding, but there's nobody coming to check on it yet. After a good few whacks, the window gives in and shatters. The OSD's readable side is facing down, fortunately.

Steve pulls up his omni-tool and silences the annoying alarm coming from it. He groans as he realizes it's not going to silence the car itself. He grabs ahold of the roof of the sky car to steady himself and lifts his legs through the window to slide inside of the car. He grabs the dashboard from the bottom and yanks it open with a grunt. Without much tact, he begins jerking wires

out, aiming to stop the car alarm from sounding, despite whether or not it actually turns the alarm off.

After a dozen wires are pulled, and some sparks and noises, the entire thing goes unresponsive and with it the alarm.

Steve dusts off his hands with a look of pride. "Eh. Renala ain't the only one that's got a way with computers..." he groans as he bends down and scoops up the storage disc. He lifts it to eye level and gives it the once-over.

The disc bears no labeling, but a few shards of glass has given the label-side a few scratches. The data-side of it was laying down, however, and is just a bit dirty.

Steve rotates the disc in his hand before exiting the vehicle much in the same fashion he entered it. He reholsters his pistol and slips the disc into his pocket as he starts back towards the bar to bring Va'ynna up to date.

Va'ynna is currently not attending to any guests, but she turns towards Steve once she sees him with a questioning expression. "Um... what's going on?"

Steve fills his cheeks up with air and slowly lets it out. "No idea, Va'ynna. No signs of a struggle. Nothing seems obviously missing. Her car is still in the garage. I'm at a loss here, to be completely honest. Found this in her car..." he says, removing the object from his pocket and holding it up, "Might be nothing, but unless Renala can get into her terminal then it's all we've

got to go on right now. I'm gonna head back to the office and check it out."

Va'ynna nods. "Thanks," she says, a little tense. "Keep.... Jason informed, though. And... what was the noise?" She fidgets a bit.

Steve glances back in the general direction of the garage. "Car alarm." he says non-chalantly, "Had to break the window. Might wanna get that quarian down here, it's a bit of a mess."

Va'ynna raises an eyebrow, but nods. "O... kay," she says. "I'll tell her." A patron waves for her attention, and she doesn't mind an excuse. "I'll... got to get back work." She says and walks over to serve them.

Steve gives a nod. "You do that." he says, sounding a bit disinterested before turning on his heels and disappearing through the back door. He continues on to the security office.

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Va'ynna Atana
Steven Briggs

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Va'ynna Atana
Steven Briggs