#Hospital – August 15, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Damien stands by the side of his bed, dressed back in his usual attire after a much needed shower. He rolls his shoulders and flexes his new hand, turning to exit the room. He steps into the hallway, glancing both ways and following the signs to the lobby, hoping to bump into a nurse along the way.

The walk to the lobby is uneventful, but for a human nurse walking past Damien. He seems a bit on edge. (Tyranniac)

Damien stops and turns, calling out to the nurse. "Hey, mate." He jogs to catch up to the nurse. "Can you help me? I'm looking for Leah Mercier's room."

The nurse is a bit startled by being adressed. "Wh-... Ms. Mercier? She... she's been released." (Tyranniac)

Damien blinks. "Released? You mean she's got her legs back? She's walking again?!" He grins broadly, relief washing over him before being replaced by slight confusion. "Did Halisi do the operation?"

The nurse shakes his head. "No, after finishing your surgery Dr. Halisi has been busy with administrative duties. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do." (Tyranniac)

Damien frowns, stepping away from the nurse. "Alright, thanks." He makes his way to the exit, the nurse's attitude making him uneasy. Something was off, but he couldn't quite put a finger on what. He passes through the lobby, shoving a hand into his pocket as he steps out into the fresh air.

As soon as he steps outside a hovercar speeds past on the street, honking at a slower, wheeled vehicle and overtaking it from above. A gush of wind blows in from the Hnipinn refinery, filling the air with the less-than-lovely smell of ore processing. (Tyranniac)

Damien inhales the crappy industrial air and sighs, chuckling contently at the familiar smell. Reminds him of Omega. He toys with the idea of hailing a cab, but decides against it and starts walking to Respite. He activates his omni-tool and checks his messages. 'One message: Krensky'. "Finally."

(No suggestions)