#Omega – March 23, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

The last few days would have been relatively quiet. Leah continued to try and get the point across to 'Tara' that she was no longer anyone's property while making it very clear that she could stay with Leah until they figured out what to do from here. With credits dwindling and two mouths to now feed, Leah found herself working as security for a small noodle shop in a nearby market that has been leaned on for protection money by some

no-named local goons. The past couple days they've kept their distance from the small stand as she's made a show of letting her biotic abilities be known. No more information regarding Cerberus has trickled in lately, and her only real company has been Tara. She has went on long winded rants about her father, her mother, Redrock and everything in between that inevitably get sidetracked into discussions about her favorite pasta or

something, constantly talking Tara's ear off without expecting much in return by way of conversation.

Tara has remained much the same from day to day, saying nothing and doing very little, but whenever Leah has come back from her guard shifts she will have found the apartment cleaned up as well as possible, any dishes handled and twice there has been food prepared. She has listened in silence to any rants, offering virtually no conversation herself.

Leah steps through the door once it slides open. Fully armored, sans helmet, she removes the rifle from her back and sets it beside the door. "This place is a shithole." she frowns. "I saw two people puking today. Before noon! How do you get sooo drunk before noon that you puke right in the middle of the street like that!?" she complains aloud, not even aware of where Tara is yet.

Tara is seated at the table, arms in front of her, seeming as if she's just been patiently waiting for Leah to get back. Still she says nothing when she finally does arrive, only following the woman with her gaze as she steps in, listening.

Leah closes the door behind her and lets out a deep sigh. Her frustrated expression gives way to a bright smile as she glances over at Tara. "Soooooooo, how was your day?~" she sings, as she has everytime she has returned from work, seemingly unbothered by the fact that it never actually gets much conversation out of Tara.

Tara tilts her head to the left in respectful greeting, remaining seated and silent.

Leah crosses the room and drops into a seat across from Tara. "Sounds like you've had a hoot of a time. Remember, no wild parties while I'm at work! Might not get my deposit back on this place if we leave it worse than we found it." She passes a glance around the room and lets out a slight chuckle, "If that's possible... Soooo I haven't heard anything from anyone regarding Cerberus. Still."

she sighs, but quickly gives a shrug of her shoulders, well aware that most of what she has told Tara about Cerberus and her reason for being here has probably went in one ear and out the other. Still, it's nice to have a wall to bounce ideas off of. "Beginning to think we hit a dead end, Tara." She slumps back in her seat a bit, her frown returning somewhat. "Those coordinates just aren't

enough. If only we had a way to guarantee they're even the real deal without putting our butts on the line..."

Tara furrows her eyebrows, quite clearly paying attention to Leah as she speaks even if she doesn't respond.

Leah straightens up in her seat a bit and reaches over to unslot her omni-tool. "I do have one more card to play..." she muses aloud as she sets the omni-tool on the table in front of her. "Adam seemed like he might have a few tricks up his sleeve. He had contacts that he felt might be able to sneak me off Aite..." she continues, suddenly regretting not taking Adam up on his offer as she

considers how big of a hit her credit chit has taken doing it her way, "Maybe he knows some people that can get us more info on these coordinates...?" She scrunches up her nose as she looks across the table at Tara, "But Damien... I can't go asking Adam for favors after all of that." She lets out another deep sigh and leans an elbow against the table, propping her chin up with her hand. "....But

in a roundabout way, it would sort of be for Damien, right...? Adam would want to know what I've found out, wouldn't he?"

Tara listens to Leah continue to speak, or rather think out loud, but at the final question she blinks, and after a moment she nods, seemingly aware of at least some of the circumstances from her rescuer's ramblings.

Leah 's smile returns somewhat as Tara nods. "Of course he would." she agrees. She activates her omni-tool and begins to poke through the contact list. Once she finds Adam's name, she starts the call. The screen opens up, just a black square as it attempts to connect to Adam's omni-tool.

Adam | There is a few moments where the call continues to ring until Adam picks up. He looks tired and depleted, his eyes carrying dark rings. His beard has grown thicker through weeks on not shaving. Only his upper body is exposed and is clad in his armour. From the background, he seems to be in an armoury laden with weapons. A man hastily crosses behind him,

carrying a crate in his arms. Adam quirks an eyebrow at Leah as he sees her. "Leah. I wasn't expecting to hear from you," he says.

Tara listens to the call with curiosity, studying the inverted screen projected from Leah's omni-tool.

Leah 's large green eyes grow a bit bigger as Adam speaks. "It's Aubry." she corrects awkwardly, leaning in tight to the screen as she stares straight through the camera, "Aubry." She nods a couple of times. "I-... uhhh.... The thing... Those people we were both curious about? I think I might have some information." She blows at a strand of hair dangling in her face a few times before

giving up and simply reaching up and pushing it out of her way. "Coordinates." she nods, continuing her unblinking stare.

Adam doesn't even blink at the false name given to him. "Apologies, Aubry," he replies. His brow furrows and he leans forwards slightly, eyes alight with curiosity. "Well, haven't you been busy. Is the information solid?"

Leah draws a long breath before finally shrugging. "I-... don't know." she admits. "It was certainly expensive enough to be 'solid'. I thought you might be able to help with a bit of digging..." She scrunches up her nose as she cringes slightly, uncomfortable to be asking for favors from Adam.

Adam hums, eyes searching hers for a moment. "...How much did you fork up for it?" He asks, a slight tinge of dread creeping into his voice.

Leah lowers her gaze from the camera for a moment. "Thirty-eight hundred." she says softly, "It took just about everything I had..." She bites her lower lip for a moment, nodding to herself before she returns her gaze to the screen, "But it's a small price to pay if it gets me even one step closer to making those assholes pay. I just-... The problem is-..." she trails off as a tinge of

frustration rises up, "As much as I wish I could handle this on my own, it's becoming pretty damn clear that I need a hand." she blurts out, frowning somewhat at having to admit it. "I've been here one week. In that week I've participated in a shady bar deal in a place that smelled like an elcor's armpit, was kidnapped by a bunch of sociopaths who tried to sell me into frigging slavery!" she

spits out, words just tumbling from her mouth in the fact-paced fashion she tends to adopt once her engine starts running, "But they were a bunch of idiots, thankfully! So I got out of that. So now there's a slave living with me-..." she glances off-screen towards Tara and it becomes obvious for the moment that she's no longer speaking to Adam, "But you're not a slave anymore, Tara! You're

free! Understand? And you make really good eggs and I want you to know that you're contributing to this mission a great deal! You can't fight on an empty stomach! Plus this place is probably cleaner than it has ever been! You're great!" Her attention turns back to the omni-tool without a breath between conversations, "And I'm working for this weird salarian who runs a noodle shop- I mean what

kind of salarian gets into the noodle business!? And they're not even good! And a guy puked all over my boots today." That strand of hair has managed its way back in front of her face and her eyes snap over to it as she blows at it again.

Tara blinks at Leah's statement, her gaze going to the table briefly, but still listening to the call.

Adam sits there quietly as she rambles, nodding slowly at bits here and there. His eyes widen slightly at the mention of slavery, a look of disgust quickly following. As she reaches her conclusion he sighs, rubbing his eye. "It sounds like you're on Omega alright." He briefly turns away from the screen and peers across the room. He nods at something unseen then

looms back to Leah. "Alright, so, you're way over your head," he says, more of a statement than a question. "So send me these coordinates and I'll see what I can do. However, I'm thinking you may need some boots on the ground in support. Am I wrong?"

Leah 's frown deepens. A few moments of silence pass before she nods, barely noticable. "I-.... Yeah... Maybe...?" She sucks in some air before continuing. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Adam..." she assures the man, "...I've just hit a dead end. I don't know where to go from here. Even if the coordinates are real, it's still not much to go on. We ne-... I need more

information. And it's not exactly jumping out to greet me right now. I can't ask you to come out here. But I'm not going to turn down an ally, either..." she trails off again, falling silent.

Adam sighs, propping his head up with his hand. "Yeah, I'm sure you are, but Omega is different. Going lone wolf there is a great way of getting yourself killed," he says quietly. "If you think you can handle the hands on work on your own fine. Just send me the coordinates and I'll see what I can do," he says rather curtly. "If the coordinates are any good, which

I'll honestly be surprised if they are, then you certainly can not handle that on your own... And I doubt even with Redrock at your back you could."

Leah lowers her gaze briefly and nods in agreement. "Yeah, alright..." she says, looking back into the screen, "Umm... Is it even safe to send something like this? I don't know-... Can they trace something like this? These aren't the sort of people that you want knowing that you're interested in them..."

Adam holds up a finger to her, indicating for her to wait a moment. He looks off screen and raises his voice. "Marcus, set up a secure link for a data download," he commands, snapping his fingers and pointing off screen. "And tell McNeill to set a course for Omega," he adds. He turns back to the screen and nods at Leah. "Give me a minute and we'll be ready to

receive on this end."

Leah blinks a few times, glancing about the screen to try and get a view of what's going on. "Uh, okay...? Wait, Omega? I thought-...?" she narrows her eyes, looking confused, "Are you coming here or not? If so, I can probably just hand you the data myself, right? Why risk it?"

Adam narrows his eyes in return. "Handing me the data is all well and good, but my tech expert is here right now," he explains. "He can handle the data transfer and the recon on the coordinates. Meanwhile, I come to Omega and make sure you don't get yourself killed." He folds his arms across his chest. "You said it yourself. You've been there only a week and have

already gotten kidnapped."

These guys have jobs to do, having them wait around on Omega isn't helpful or practical for them. Quickly dropping me off while they handle the information works out better.

Leah furrows her brow, suddenly looking quite defiant. "Oh fuck you!" she growls, "I don't need someone to make sure I 'don't get myself killed'! If you want to come and help, fine! Great! Thank you! But I'm doing a perfectly fine job of 'making sure I don't get myself killed' my-... Uhh....self." She nods sternly. "Don't be a dick."

Tara flinches at the outburst, lowering her gaze to the table on reflex, her expression turning from curious to nervous.

Leah frowns as she glances over at Tara. "I'm sorry." she says, paying no attention to the screen. "I shouldn't have raised my voice. He's just being a dick." She glances back at the screen and scrunches up her nose, "You are being a dick."

Adam snorts. "Don't you get fucking snippy with me," he snaps right back. "I just had to watch my brother get lowered into the dirt whilst my family sobbed over his casket! And his last act in this universe was to make sure -you-, his killer, got to keep her life! So, whether you like it or not, I'm going to respect his last damn act and you should as well!" He

seethes on screen, the build up of emotions over the last week finally cascading out. He slowly calms and looks away shamefully, an awkward silence enveloping him. "...I'm sorry," he says quietly, covering his eyes with his hand. "I am being a dick... That was cruel of me, I'm sorry."

Leah 's eyes turn to glass as she listens to Adam's outburst. "That-...... You-....." She looks off to the side of the screen and lowers her gaze to the floor as her breath goes ragged and she attempts to compose herself. "No, you're right." she says softly, "This is all my fault." She looks back into the camera as a single tear escapes, but she maintains her composure as she wipes it away

with the back of her hand. "I shouldn't have called you, Adam. This is my problem. I'll fix it. I'm sorry for trying to drag you into this... I'm going to make this right. I promise... I-..." She closes her eyes for a moment and sucks in another breath, "Just forget I called. I'll figure this out." She forces a smile, but find herself having trouble looking at the man on the screen.

Tara 's gaze snaps back to the screen, her eyebrows furrowed as she glares at the projection of Adam, letting out something almost like a snarl.

Adam remains quiet, eyes still covered by his hand. He lowers it slowly, his own eyes glassing over, though he has a better time maintaining his composure. "No. No, it isn't your fault. I know it isn't. It's just... Difficult. Hard to come to terms with, y'know?" He replies quietly. "Leah, look at me. I want to help you. This isn't just your problem, okay? Those

bastards took my baby brother away and I want to make them pay. What they made you do is... Monstrous. Damien and you deserve justice."

Leah nods distantly a few times, avoiding eye contact with the man projected in front of him. "Damien deserves justice..." she repeats quietly with another nod, her spirits pretty obviously broken by Adam's rant. "I'll send you the information, Adam. Look into it. Don't. Come here. Don't. I won't be upset with you either way. But I'm going to see this through to the end regardless. Whatever 'end'

that might be."

Adam nods as a quiet voice chimes in off screen. "Link is ready." Adam turns back to Leah. "Send the information over." He leans back in his seat. "And if you don't want me there, I understand. But-" he pauses and remains quiet for a moment. He then shakes his head. "You shouldn't be there without backup. It's just too dangerous," he mutters. "Even soldiers don't

go there without someone watching their back."

Leah pokes at her omni-tool a few times and Adam would see a transfer request. "Like I said, Adam. That's up to you. I know you don't owe me anything. What I took from you-... From your family..." she shakes her head, purposely focusing on every other part of her omni-tool's interface to avoid looking the man in the eye, "I can never make that right. Ever. It's the first thing that enters

my mind when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I go to sleep. It fills my head every moment of every day. I don't need you to remind me that I'm a piece of shit, okay?" she pauses as another tear escapes, "It's something I'll never forgive myself for, so don't you worry about that. Here's where you can find me. If you decide to come, great. If not, I hope you have a nice life."

A message is received by Adam's omni-tool containing Leah's address. She finally manages to make eye contact with the holographic image of Adam as she speaks, "Really. I mean that. Have a good life. Damien would want it that way." She manages a short smile before cutting off the call. As the call ends she sits back in her seat and brings a hand to her forehead.

Tara studies Leah, not saying anything, but after a little while she stands, rounding the table and standing not far from the chair where the biotic is seated, clearly processing thoughts from the look on her face.

Adam nods an affirmative as the details are transferred. As she talks, he watches her, his eyes searching for... Something. A flash of guilt briefly crosses his features at her words, but he nods. "Lea-" his face winks out of existence as the call is cut.

Leah moves her hand to the arm of the chair as she glances up at Tara. "...I'm sorry you had to see that." she apologizes, feeling guilty for bringing even more drama to this poor woman's life.

Tara puts her hand around Leah's wrist after a moments hesitation, and then tugs as if asking her to stand up, for whatever reason. She offers no explanation.

Leah scrunches up her nose and looks down at the woman's hand, but she doesn't offer any resistance. She stands up and tilts her head to the side, clearly confused at what the woman is trying to say. "What's wrong?"

Tara seems unfazed by the gesture, accustomed to it as she is. She says nothing in response to the question, and hesitates again before suddenly taking a step forward, wrapping her arms around Leah and hugging her tightly.

Leah is caught offguard by the gesture, her eyes going wide. After a moment she reaches around the woman, patting her back a few times as a chuckle escapes her. "Thank you, Tara. I needed that."

Tara lets go of the hug after a while, stepping back again and folding her hands. "Thank you." She says quietly, a tiny smile on her lips.

Leah shakes her head a bunch, her ponytail flopping from side to side. "No need to thank me. I don't know what I'd do if I had to do this on my own. It's nice to have some company out here."

Tara 's small smile remains as her gaze goes back to its default direction of down at the floor, and she steps aside, standing near the wall. She's tended to just stand and wait from time to time when she's not sure what to do.

Leah remains in place and clasps her hands together as she sways back and forth slightly for a few moments. Finally, she shrugs her shoulders. "Ya know what? To hell with it!" she says, deciding not to sit, sulk and dwell on everything tonight, "Let's go get some food! I know this place that makes awful noodles! How does that sound?" she jokes, nearly hopping towards the woman.

Tara looks up at Leah, seeming a bit puzzled, but eventually she nods, not without considerable hesitation.

Leah smiles brightly and turns to scoop her omni-tool back up off the table, slotting it into her armor once more. She moves over by the door and holsters her rifle on her back once more before hurrying to Tara's side and grasping her around the wrist. "Let's gooooo~" she sings, starting towards the door with Tara in tow.

Tara follows along as Leah tugs her wrist, remaining resigned as always, but it seems like some of the cheeriness is rubbing off on her, a hint of a smile remaining.

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