#YanSun'sRoom – May 17, 2016

Yan Sun shakes her head. "No. I'm not." she says, a sour look remaining on her face. She opens her mouth to say more, but quickly changes her mind.

Jessica shifts a bit in place, remaining quiet for a few moments. "Maybe is not my business, but-...." she leans back a bit until she moves from resting on her palms, to resting on her elbows, "...They must have done something pretty bad to push you all the way out here without looking back, mmm?"

Yan Sun gives a shrug and lays down next to Jessica, her legs dangling off the edge of the bed and looking up at the ceiling. "They're just... awful people. Rich 混蛋 who don't care about anyone but themselves. No loss getting away from them..."

Jessica gives a shrug of her own, just a small movement of her shoulders as she watches Yan Sun. "Maybe they are shits, but they are still your family, mmm?" she says, a surprising sincerity in her voice. "I know I didn't always get along with my father. He wasn't a good man by anyone's definition of the word. But he was my father." She frowns, realizing her words aren't exactly meaningful. "I guess-.... Like I said

before, I always wanted to go back home, mmm? Back to Earth?" she continues, rolling onto her side and propping her head up with her elbow as she faces Yan Sun. She doesn't give her a chance to respond before continuing, "Me and Martin would stay up allllllll night talking about it. He would tell me all of these stories about how wonderful it was. But now? Now I can go. But I think-... I think maybe 'home' is

not a 'where', mmmm? Maybe is a 'who'?" She gains an awkward look for a moment and shifts a little, not particularly comfortable or used to sharing like this. "Just-... Family is family, yes? Is not the bond of blood that makes it strong, but they are 'home'. Maybe-... Maybe is worth a little forgiveness, whatever they have done...."

Yan Sun turns her head a little to the side, her frustration at the thought of her family giving way to surprise as Jessica talks. She gives a quiet sigh, interlocking her fingers over her stomach as she considers her response. "My parents, they... they wanted a different life for me. Expected big things, right? All the best schools. Genetic upgrades. And they gave me anything I wanted. Anything for their precious girl." she says

with distaste, looking increasingly bitter as she looks up at the ceiling again. "Until I m-... until my eyes were opened. Until I didn't want to follow the path they set for me anymore. Until I started asking questions that made them uncomfortable. My father disowned me when I was eighteen."

Jessica frowns, and it only deepens as Yan Sun continues to speak. "Why-... How could your father do that...?" she asks, "You are his daughter..." She goes quiet as she looks Yan Sun over, "Is his loss." she says, as if that's something that should be obvious to her, "You are-..." she trails off, frowning as she struggles to come up with a way to express herself. "...Pretty fucking great, mmm?" She shrugs her

shoulders, "For a fool. I guess." she adds, unable to suppress her smile from reappearing. "So-.... You haven't spoken to him since you were eighteen...?"

Yan Sun seems caught off-guard by Jessica's compliment, her expression softening as she turns her head to look at her again, gaining a small smile of her own, although it fades at the last question. "No, I haven't... I doubt he has any idea where I am."

Jessica remains silent for a few moments. "Maybe-... you should try again, mmm?" she suggests. "Nobody is perfect, yes? You. Me. Your father. We all make mistakes. Maybe he is regretting what he has done. Maybe-... maybe he wants to apologize. Is just my opinion but-..." she trails off, her gaze lowering to the bed. "Families fight, that's what they do, mmm? But you apologize. You forgive. And then you fight again." she

says with a somber chuckle, "Is worth a shot?" She gives a shrug, "Or not. Maybe he is just a fucking asshole. But I don't think there's much you could have done-... no questions you could have asked that could make a father stop loving his daughter."

Yan Sun rolls over on her stomach, bringing her arms up to use them as a pillow as she studies Jessica in a different light. She reaches out with her left hand, which is the closest to her, and places it on the arm Jessica is using to prop herself up, rubbing her thumb against her skin as she continues to look her over thoughtfully, her small smile returning. Her expression wavers briefly as she considers pursuing a question of

her own, but she decides against it. "Careful... you're being all sweet again..."

Jessica rolls her eyes and gives Yan Sun a shove with her free hand before swatting at the woman's left hand. "Oh fuck off." she says, as if purposely trying to oppose the sentiment. "Is just-...." she stammers, looking a bit embarassed as a frown crosses her face, "...Shut up!"

Yan Sun giggles quietly at Jessica's reaction and rolls back over in her direction, ending up closer and on her side. She pokes Jessica's stomach with a playful grin. "No use denying it! And you're adorable when you're embarassed..."

Jessica's frown deepens at the poke. "I'm not embarassed!" she assures Yan Sun, although the redness in her cheek betrays her. "Why would I be-... You know I'm going to hurt you if you don't shut your fucking face, right?"

Yan Sun is quite very amused, her grin widening as she studies Jessica's blushing, not lifting her head off the pillow. "Uh-huh..." she says before poking her side.

Jessica swats at Yan Sun's hand again. "Last warning, kitty cat! Keep fucking with me and I'm going to kick your ass, mmm? Is that what you want?" she threatens, although she's unable to cover up her grin, try as she might.

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Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya

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Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya