#RedrockAgency – August 19, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Jason is currently seated in his office, awaiting Vasili's arrival. In his usual attire of black fatigues, boots and a white t-shirt, he's typing at his terminal. His door is open and directions have been sent to Vas to come straight to his office.

Vasili reaches an arm out and knocks on the door gently. Considering his brown and rough exterior, it was a nice little gesture. The quiet Russian stands in the door way, holding his hat in both hands. After all, he really shouldn't wear it in doors. "Good morning." he says. "May I come in?"

Jason looks up from his terminal and nods to the seat on the other side of his desk. "Yeah, have a seat." he says, giving a gesture towards his screen which Vas would only be able to see the backside of, "Just... looking over that info you sent over." His office isn't very large. Aside from his terminal, the only thing on his desk is a photo of himself and Vasquez. Another photo is

hung on the wall behind him of himself with his arm draped over the shoulder of a salarian and a goofy frin on his face. To Vas' right is a locker containing Jason's armor, though it's more of a display case, allowing full view of the armor through the transparant case. Above it his Revenant is mounted. It's spotless, cleaned and displayed with great care.

Vasili takes a small glance around the room and makes mental notes. He could appreciate the effort Jason went through to make his work area efficient and clean, as well as the care he appeared to put into his weapon and armour. "Mm, its not great." he says, taking a seat. "I am thankful that my people are quick to get me warnings. It gives me time to hide." he explains as he sits back.

"My concern is the Alliance contractor. It wasn't confirmed if its an official bounty or not, that sort of information is heavily encrypted in both cases." He shakes his head gently. "A shame. Consequences are rarely enjoyable."

Jason gives a shake of his head as he glances towards the terminal, giving a brief gesture to whatever it is he's looking at on the screen. "The Alliance wouldn't sanction something like this." he says confidently, "They've got enough manpower and pull. Turning to outside sources like this just isn't their style..." he continues, though the recent Horizon footage gives him cause for

concern. It flashes briefly across his face, but he quickly hides it, furrowing his brow as he looks back to Vasili and shakes his head once again, "The Alliance wouldn't risk innocent lives like that by hiring people like this. I mean, with the rap sheet these people have-..." he waves towards his screen with a quick movement of his hand and opens his mouth to say something, but nothing

comes out. After everything that has happened. Cerberus. His encounter with the Alliance after the Barn. Their knowledge of the artifacts. Horizon. Could he really be sure that the Alliance wasn't capable of something like this? Surely it's just a drop in the bucket compared to tragedies like Di Yu. Oogafau. The Evening Star... He pushes the thought out of his mind. No. The Alliance

was a part of who he was. They had their flaws, but they stood for something. They protected people. He sucks in a deep breath and returns to his previous thought, "This sounds more personal. What do you know about this ship? The Dunkirk? Know anyone stationed on it...?"

Vasili can only shake his head. "No, crew rosters weren't readily available when we tried." he replies. "I am no Alliance man, but to me that is something that would not be kept in the open. You'd know better about that, however." He strokes his beard in thought for a few moments. "I am inclined to agree with you, this does seem personal. Though, I have no way to narrow that list, I

found a lot of people in my career who weren't seen again, though those were almost entirely rivals, from what they told me..." he leans forward slightly. "Would it be at all possible a crew member would have... connections to some unscrupulous organizations back on earth? Even if those connections are small-time?"

Jason sighs as he settles back into his seat, crossing his synthetic arms across his chest. "I-... believe in the Alliance. In what they stand for." he says, flying his colors openly despite the scrutiny he has placed on them recently. Old habits die hard. "That being said, they are an organization made up of people. And people are far from perfect. So, possible?" he gives a slight

shrug, "...I'd say 'likely'. I didn't have much time to really dig into anything before you got here, but from everything I can tell?" he gives a shake of his head, glancing once again at his screen, "The Dunkirk is out on a standard patrol. At a glance, everything checks out. I don't exactly have people with the clearance to tell me a whole lot back in the Alliance, so take that how

you will. But if you want my personal opinion...? Like I said, this sounds personal. I wouldn't put too much stock in there being any sort of real Alliance connection here. So the only question is: Who on the Dunkirk has something to gain from this?"

Vasili nods slowly in agreement. "It makes sense." he says, trusting Jason's instincts. Vas didn't know the Alliance, but Jason did, intimately. "We'll need to find a duty roster, I can send it to my people for cross-checking, then we can figure it out from there." He once again begins stroking his beard in thought. his eyes dropping to the desk. "Before we can find that out, I think

it would be wise for me to go to ground. I know a guy who has a place far outside of the city. Might be a good place to lay low." He looks from the desk back to Jason. "Could any of your connections in the Alliance, if you still have them, be able to find out who's on the Dunkirk? It might be quicker than me trying to get it by my own methods."

Jason gives a single nod once Vasili has finished speaking. "Assuming everything is on the level and the Dunkirk doesn't have anything off-the-books going on, it shouldn't be too difficult to get ahold of. Like I said, my connections aren't exactly top brass, so don't expect it done in the blink of an eye. And it's unlikely to be a complete list, but it might be a nice place to start."

he explains, but follows it up with a shrug, "...But I should be able to make it happen by the end of the day. As for you checking out for a bit.... That might be for the best. If these guys are half as bad as they sound, the last thing we need is for a shitstorm to erupt right here in Freedom Falls..."

Vasili nods in agreement once again. "Very well. I will give you the means to contact me." he says, checking his omnitool. After a second, a small drone with a single engine uncouples form his belt and lands on Jason's desk. "Just in case, this drone can relay messages. It is small, very hard to track, but it can home in on me fairly well. I don't want these guys finding out that you're

helping me until we're ready for them to know." he gives a heavy sigh and transfers the controls over to his terminal. "Keep an ear out for any new mercs popping up. Not just for my sake, but for your own as well. Knowing is half the battle, da?"

Jason cocks an eyebrow and watches as the drone sets down on his desk. It doesn't take long for him to realize there's no way in hell he'd ever figure out how to operate that thing. Does it come with a joystick? "I appreciate the gesture, but I-... uhhh..." he gestures towards the drone, "...Not really my style." he says with a smirk. He reaches down into his pocket and retrieves his

own omni-tool, setting it on his desk. "I've got your contact info." he says, tapping his omni-tool with an outstretched finger, "If it changes, there's plenty of ways to let me know. My personal contact number, extranet, the company address-..." he lists off, "...Yelling really loudly..." he continues, his smirk widening. "It'll be fine, Vas." he assures, "Trust me. Been dealing with

assholes like this-..." another gesture towards his terminal, "...for a long time. Lay low. Stay out of trouble. We'll get to the bottom of this in no time, alright?"

Vasili nods slowly. "Is really simple, upload message, hit send, and throw it into the air outside. It'll find its way." He says, leaving it on the table. "In case I am unreachable or my communications are being monitored. Keep it for now." he insists. "If there is an emergency, you will be the first to know. Probably by engines flying three feet above your head." he says, trying to

return the joke. He thought it was okay, but he wasn't a native speaker. He stands up and once again offers his hand. "Once again, Mr. Wolfe, I thank you. I will be leaving town shortly, I just need to fuel up and pack my things. Oh, and if a human named Jack comes looking for you? Listen." He leaves it at that. He knew Jason would be smart enough to realise this Jack was on Vas' side,

whoever he is.

Jason gives a slight snicker and stands from his seat in turn, passing a brief glance at the drone. At the mention of Jack, he gains a curious look, extending his hand to give Vas' a quick shake. "...Friend of yours?" he asks simply.

Vasili merely gives a small nod. "Mm." A man of many words. "Take care, Jason. I will leave it to your discretion who you tell about my situation within your organization. I will have my eyes in the skies, if you should need me or my equipment in the field," he taps the drone. "You will find me." And his drones both big and small. One even had a missile!

Jason settles back into his seat. "Expect that info by the end of the day, Vas." he says. "Keep in mind I'm going to be offworld for a short while. Job coming up. If I come back and my town is a crater, I'm gonna be real pissed at you." he jokes, though there's an obvious lighthearted warning between his words. "Stay safe."

Vasili nods with a very light chuckle. "Then you can kick my ass when you get to the afterlife." he says before giving a nod. "You too. Goodbye." And with that, he heads out of the office and around the corner.

Jason watches as Vasili exits his office. Once out of sight, he lifts the drone up and inspects it from every angle. A frown crosses his lips and he pulls out one of the drawers at his desk and places it inside. Well, disaster averted once again for the town of Freedom Falls... For now.

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Jason Wolfe
Vasili Kasharin

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Jason Wolfe
Vasili Kasharin