#Hospital – December 29, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Halisi is standing in the corridor not far from Aylena and the attacker's rooms, talking to an asari doctor who is taking notes on a datapad. A human patient is being wheeled past on a gurney by two nurses.

Nathan steps to the side as the gurney is wheeled by. He takes a moment to look over the human, his brow creasing as he watches him disappear down the corridor. He is unable to hide a grimace as his dislike of hospitals starts to shine through. Honestly, he'd much prefer to do this talk at the med-bay in the Redrock facility. At least there it's less... morbid, he

supposes. He steps towards Halisi and the asari, but elects to not but in on their conversation. He simply leans against the wall and withdraws his cigarette pack. He knocks out a cigarette and places it between his lips, but leaves it unlit as he waits.

Halisi shakes her head. "Try to contact his family again, it's vital that we know more about his history before we pursue treatment." The asari nods, making another entry on her datapad before heading off in a hurry. Halisi lets out a sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose and mumbling something about record-keeping on Aite. Spotting Nathan out of the corner of her eye she turns towards him. "Nathan... I take it you're done speaking

with Ms. D'Inea?"

Nathan pushes himself off the wall and steps over to Halisi, nodding. "Yeah, we're all done there. Turns out this mess is a whole lot more complicated than was originally let on," he says with a weary sigh. He glances around, taking in exactly how public the pair of them are right now. "Is there somewhere private we can talk? Your office, maybe?" There is a subtle

grimace and a more sombre tone to his voice than usual.

Halisi nods, gesturing down the hall. "Of course." she says before eyeing his cigarette, although she doesn't comment on it, walking past him instead and heading down the corridor. It takes them a little while to reach her office, but once there she enters, taking a seat by her desk and swiveling the chair around to face Nathan. She gestures for another chair for him to sit in.

Nathan steps into the office, giving it a quick cursory look over before taking the offered seat as the door closes behind him. He takes the cigarette from his mouth and idly rolls it around in his fingers, as if examining it for impurities. "I'm not sure how much I can exactly share from that conversation," he starts, now looking back to her. "I don't even know if

you want to know. So... eh," he says with a shrug. "Regardless, that's not why I wanted to talk with you, Hali- Doctor." He sinks a little further into his seat, fidgeting for a comfortable position. "...I haven't been sleeping well since Rakhana. I mean, I was sort of expecting that after being nearly eaten by two separate... giant creatures. That's not

what's bothering me." He sighs, glancing back down to the cigarette. He fights the urge to light it and take comfort in the surge of the nicotine rush. Instead, he rolls it once more around in his fingers. "After the shootout today, my hand was shaking. Badly. I was amazed I didn't shake my pistol into components. It's never done that before in my life as a

Sandbeck or bounty-hunter. And, no, it wasn't adrenaline. I know that for a fact."

Halisi raises an eyebrow, crossing her legs as she listens. She glances at his hand. "I see..." she says, a thoughtful frown forming as she looks him up and down. "There was no sign of any nerve damage in your post-mission examination. Even if there was that wouldn't acount for sleep. I'd like to run a more thorough scan to be sure there's no physical cause, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's psychosomatic, in which case I'll have

to refer you to the hospital psychologist. After the scan I might be able to prescribe a calming agent as well, if you feel it's become a major hinderance."

Nathan slowly cants his head to the side, eyes progressively growing wider and wider as the list of things grows longer and longer. "Pyschosomatic? Calming agents? Scans?" He groans and runs a hand over his face. "Wonderful...". He looks to Halisi, eyes flicking from her eyes, temporarily lingering before once more being drawn to the cigarette. "Alright, whatever

you think is needed, doctor. I need to be on top of my game, so... I'll take the agent too. After the scan, of course...".

Halisi offers a small, sympathetic smile. "I couldn't tell you that until we determine the cause. I'm going to schedule the scan for as soon as possible. I think there might be an opening tomorrow. If nothing turns up, well, then it's beyond my expertise, and I'll be referring you to the psychologist." Her gaze darts back to the cigarette. "You really should reflect on that habit of yours. We have resources to help if you're

interested in quitting. It's not healthy, you know." She frowns, adding with a shrug. "I suppose that's a fruitless argument for someone that gets shot at for a living... I don't think I'll ever understand it."

Nathan nods idly as she talks about the scan, the opening, psychologist, his cigare- "Wait, what about my habit? Getting shot at?" He blinks before looking down at his cigarette. "Oh." He sighs and lifts it further into her vision, turning it over. "You know... out of all the things in life that could kill me, I think this is going to be the last thing to even come

close to it." He chuckles grimly and lowers it onto his thigh. "I took it up about... seven years ago? Eight? Not long after I joined Sandbeck. It... helped me deal with the stress, the pressure. I quit when I got into a relationship, though. She hated the stuff and, being head over heels for her, gave it up." He chuckles once more. "They're not as bad as

they once were. I think I get more dangerous crap in my lungs when I work on my bike, to be honest."

Halisi shakes her head to herself, uncrossing her legs and swiveling towards her desk to start up the scheduling program on her computer terminal. "Just don't come crying to me when you have to get your lungs replaced... not a pleasant surgery, trust me." It's hard to tell, but it looks like she's smirking slightly. "Alright, I've got you booked for a scan tomorrow at 10.00. We'll sort this out, don't worry."

Nathan furrows his brow at her, eyes narrowed. "...You have the -worst- bedside manner of any doctor I have spoken to," he mumbles. He then smirks, leaning back in his chair and pocketing the cigarette, at least for the moment. "I knew there was a reason I liked you." Well, at least for the moment he's a bit more relaxed. Or he's not thinking about the scan and

then having to spend time with a psychologist picking apart his mind and asking about his relationship with his parents. He then glances over his shoulder and jabs a thumb towards the door. "What was that about earlier anyway, doctor? I heard you muttering something about record-keeping or whatnot?"

Halisi shoots Nathan a glance, looking briefly confused before realizing what he's referring to. "Oh. It's just, a lot of the patients we get here, they don't have any kind of medical record. It can make it near-impossible to devise treatments sometimes... the perks of working in the Terminus." she says with a sigh and a shrug. "There's not much to be done about it. And there's certainly a big need for doctors out here, so..."

Nathan perks an eyebrow as she explains, a thought crossing across his features. However, before he addresses it, he leans forward slightly. "Is that why you never seem to stop working? I mean, with exception to the Halloween party... although, for all I know, that's what you look like after you come out of the hospital, so...". He smirks slightly, trying to

brighten the mood a little with... perhaps a poor joke.

Halisi gives another light shrug. "I suppose so. There's always more work than personnel, and it's been a busy time with the move to the new building. Of course, my responsibilites with Redrock don't help, but I'm fairly certain without me you people would all be dead within a week, so..." She shakes her head. "Things should be calming down a bit now that everyone's mostly settled in to the new facilities. I'll have so much free time

I won't know what to do with myself!" she exclaims with a snicker, quite obviously exaggerating the likely difference it will make.

Nathan opens his mouth to protest about their likelihood of survival... until he remembers he was paralysed by a bug... and almost eaten by a giant snake... and nearly died of dehydration... and being shot... "Okay, fair point," he grumbles. He smiles lightly and makes a small gesture to her as he speaks. "Maybe you'll get time to go out for a real coffee instead

of one in a break-room! Now wouldn't that be a marvel?" He offers her a small wink before her earlier statement finally forms his thought into words. "Well... when my sister heads back to Earth after her visit out here, she'll be heading to university to study medicine or... something that helps her... do something with doctoring," he says, trailing off as

he has actually forgotten exactly what she told him. "Anyway, point is, maybe you could have a chat with her about it? Some tips or notes or whatever to help her out? Uh, when you have time, of course."

Halisi smiles, and offers a nod. "Of course! I'd be happy to! Can I call you when I have an opening in my schedule?" she asks, turning back to her computer terminal as she recieves a message, tpying up a reply.

Nathan nods once more, standing and brushing himself down. "Sure. I think you should have my details already? Can't really recall if I gave them or not...". He peers up at the ceiling in thought as he recalls the last couple of times they interacted. "Eh, they should be in my file regardless. But seriously, thank you. I think Sofia was trying to ask you at the

party but got sidetracked with Li." He smiles lightly at the thought, admittedly a little proud of his sister and how much she has changed. Confident. Talented. Right now, it's clear he's lost in his own thoughts.

Halisi 's smile remains and she chuckles slightly, standing up as well and holding out her hand. "Yes, of course. I'll see you tomorrow, then."

Nathan blinks out of his stupor and nods, grasping Halisi's hand and giving it a quick but firm shake. "Of course. See you tomorrow, doctor. For... scans... and medicine, maybe...". He visibly deflates at the prospect of putting more drugs into his body, still not exactly over having to stick a boosting agent or whatever it was into his arm for a few weeks. He

releases Halisi's hand and makes to exit, fingers trembling to the pocket where his cigarette lingers, calling to him with an enthralling tune.

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Nathan Tennhausen

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Nathan Tennhausen