#IlynaApartment – February 16, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Ilyna walks back into the living room and leans against the corner wall as she looks over at Li. There's still a smile on her face. For while there was still much left that bothered the asari, she really appreciated the amount of support she had received from the people around her. "We have such wonderful friends, don't you agree?" she asks.

Li remains lying in the couch, clearly more focused on the TV than Ilyna judging by the lack of a response to her question. She looks a little tired, her eyelids heavy as she watches the rather generic animated show on screen. Her drawing things are still spread out on the floor in front of the TV, today's works including Halisi, and a self-portrait featuring the new hairdo. As well as a dinnosaur.

Ilyna shrugs and steps over to the couch, her eyes darting around the artworks on the floor. She had contenplated getting her an electronic drawing pad to deal with the clutter, but for now she was more than happy to keep the drawing supplies stocked up. Before getting to the couch, however, she crouches down and picks up the self-portrait and studies it. "Do you like your new haircut?" she asks.

Li tears her gaze away from the television as Ilyna gets in the way. She sits up and nods vigorously, causing her newly cut hair to wave a bit. "It's ok. I can see better. Hal... Halisi is nice."

Ilyna hums affirmatively as she sits down on the couch beside her, still holding the drawing. "That's good," she says. "It's wonderful how she took the time to help us. She's a very busy woman."

Li frowns slightly, looking up at Ilyna with a hint of curiosity. "Because she's fixing people?"

Ilyna nods. "That's one way of saying it," she says. "There's a lot of people that need help and good advice. I don't think what she did for us falls under her usual responsibilities, though." She puts the drawing down on the couch beside her and puts an arm on her far shoulder. "You look sleepy," she comments.

Li is quick to lie down with her head in Ilyna's lap, returning her gaze to the TV. "I'm not tired! I wanna watch..." she says, although her claim is undercut by the yawn that follows.

Ilyna chuckles, not believing a word of what she's saying. "Okay, I'll let you watch the rest of it," she compromises, "but don't make me have to carry you to bed, okay?" Her tone is light-hearted. Ilyna was in too good a mood to be strict to Li, even though she found that difficult on even the worst of days. Her eyes move to the drawings once again, and she looks a little conflicted. While most of the artworks

evoked a smile in her as she guessed their subjects – sometimes voicing them to Li to spark a conversation –, the spider she couldn't get out of her mind. Was she overthinking this? After what Li had gone through, Ilyna tried her best to be observant of any signs of concern, but where should she draw the line? And would bringing it up do more harm than good? Ilyna would normally not let her mind wander like

this in Li's presence, as she does appear distant and not in the present.

Li is blissfully unaware of Ilyna's inner conflict, her tired mind too absorbed by the show that's playing to notice her adoptive mother's concern as she cuddles up against her.

Ilyna sighs as her minds starts to gets back to reality, once again pushing the subject away for another time. Maybe all she needs is someone else to tell her not to be ridiculous, or worse, affirm her concerns. She gently rubs her shoulder as she tries to pay attention to the screen, despite her lack of context for most of what's going on. She didn't say anything, in part enjoying the comfortable silence.

Li continues to watch the rather ridiculous program - A group of kids seemingly composed of every species in Council space is fighting a giant robot. Why is unclear. It's not long before heavy eyelids turn to closed eyes and quiet snoring.

Ilyna does her best not to laugh when she realizes the girl has fallen asleep, though a few chuckles slip through. She shuts off the TV, so that she can claim the progam is over if asked. As much as she wanted to simply carry her to her bed without disturbing her peaceful sleep, she couldn't make it a habit. She gives her a little shake before asking, "You fell asleep, didn't you?"

Li lets out a miffed mumble as she sits up, bleary-eyed. "Mno..."

Ilyna nods. "Uh-huh," she says and stands up from the couch. "Anyway, let's get you ready for bed."

Li blinks a couple of times as she slides out of the couch, reaching for Ilyna's hand when she stands up. "Ok..." she says quietly, too tired to protest.

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Ilyna T'Rea