#Litae'sGrace – July 25, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Much like last time, Renala is escorted to the back office by Eddie where Quinn is waiting with his hands steepled atop his desk.

So...? What do you have for me?

Renala let Eddie borrow her Locust and amp, but she's otherwise armored up and ready to act on the intel. She's much more comfortable in this state, since her biotics will still do the job should she need to escape. "I got into the omni-tool," she says, "it's safe and sound in a secure location where it will remain until I get confirmation that your intel is good." She folds her arms. "You have the most

unreliable item in this trade, it's only fair that you deliver first."

Quinn bites down hard as he stares silently at Renala. "I'm the unreliable one? I'm the unreliable one?" he asks. "Are you forgetting that the last time I gave you anything, you went and killed my business partners!? I'm the innocent one in all this!" he complains.

Renala snorts. "Judging by your comprehension..," she mutters before letting out a long sigh. "I said your end of the bargain is unreliable. I'm not going to argue our unreliability as people, but what I have is a tangible item that you can verify with a few pokes of your finger. I need to act on your intel to confirm it." She grins, confident that she has the upper hand in this exchange. "I'm not the one

that's going to have to tell a pissed off client how I carelessly subcontracted their sensitive work."

Quinn sucks a deep breath in through his nose as he stares up at Renala. Quite unamused. He seems to weigh his options in his mind for a few moments before a frustrated twitch slips through as he realizes he has little recourse. He looks past Renala to Eddie. "Has Mr. Richter already paid for services rendered?"

Eddie gives a silent nod.

Quinn sighs and plants an elbow against his desk. He closes his eyes, rests his head against his hand and begins to rub at his temple. "You will ensure that Mr. Richter doesn't survive this encounter?" he asks, though it's stated as less of a question and more of an order.

Renala gives a sharp nod. "Count on it," she says. "I didn't kill him last time because I thought there was something valuable for my friend to squeeze out of him. This time I know better than that."

Quinn nods against his hand before opening his eyes again. "Make sure of it. If he walks away and somehow finds out I gave you the information, then that's your ass, understand?" Another frustrated sigh escapes him as he glances off to the side. "Mr. Richter contacted me." he finally admits, "He sustained an injury-..." he looks pointedly at Renala, implying that he's pieced together how Henrik ended up with the wound by this point,

"...and required a doctor. Off the books. We know a guy so-..." he gestures dismissively, as if the rest of the story should be self explanatory. "Eddie here drove the doctor over." He looks to the bouncer expectantly, "Give her the address."

Eddie simply nods and begins poking at his omni-tool. Within moments Renala would get a transfer with the address. It's a house locatied nearby.

Renala nods as she checks her omni-tool to confirm the transfer. She offers a small smile, not appearing very intimidated by his threat. It's more likely going to be his ass and reputation, but she had a vested interest in Henrik's death. With a few quick taps of her finger, the address is transferred to Steve's omni-tool before the projection goes out. "Understood," she says with a sigh. "If there's nothing

more, I'd like to go make sure of it right away."

Quinn sighs loudly and settles back into his seat once more. "You've got just over four hours." he states sharply. "Don't forgot you've got something that belongs to me. If it's not in my hands by then, then I'm coming for it. And I think it goes without saying that if I have to come for it, then things will not end well." He makes no attempt at masking his threat and doesn't bother waiting for a response before gesturing towards the

door. "Now go. Make it quick."

Renala chuckles, not taking his threats as seriously as she probably should. "Of course," she says with a dismissive wave on her way out, casting a glance back to make sure Eddie is following.

Eddie escorts Renala back to the bar, handing back her Locust and amp before sending her on her way.

(No suggestions)