#RedrockAgency – August 29, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

It's the evening of the 21st. Jason has reached out to Vasili to stop by the office to follow up on their previous discussion. Managing the snow in Freedom Falls is more of a community ordeal rather than something that's handled by any one group of people, and as such out here on the outskirts it's much less maintained. Snow banks line the sides of the minimally-maintained road, but Redrock Agency itself seems to be exempt from this. The

lot is mostly devoid of snow, due to Jasper tirelessly maintaining the grounds, and there's a nice clear path right to the front door.

The cold air of winter carries a strange and eerie quiet to it, where only the distant howl of the winds picking up can be heard. The silence is almost deafening until its finally cut by the hum of distant engines. A dark spec on the horizon, high up in the air barrels towards the agency and as it comes closer, more of its features can be seen. Its a single pilot craft with two wings that protrude half way down its

chassis. Two long, narrow intakes sit in the middle of these wings and extend back into the craft's tail, which extend beyond the rear cargo hatch. The engines sit at the base of the wind with its larger, thin intakes protruding from the top of the chassis. Soon, the craft's engines grow louder as it comes in to land in the agency's parking lot until finally it touches down. Vas climbs out of the bulbous-windowed

cockpit and walks through the small cargo bay as he pulls his winter coat on and replaces his pilot's helmet with a beanie, silently cursing that, no matter how far he got from his native land of Russia, he could never escape the cold. The back hatch lowers, bathing the man in the winter's cold before he grabs his pack and climbs out, grumbling all the way. Thanks to whoever maintained the building, his journey to the

front door is quick and easy, and ends in the press of the agency's buzzer.

The door slides open immediately and Vas is greeted with an empty lobby. The room hasn't changed since Vas' last visit. A few chairs line the wall to the left of the door and an empty desk sits in front of the wall opposite of the front door. Vas, having been expected, doesn't have long to wait, however. Jason emerges from his office and stomps down the hall to the lobby. His sense of fashion (If it could be called 'fashion') doesn't

change much. Boots, black military pants, and a long-sleeved white shirt as usual. His Phalanx is magnetized to the shoulder holster on his left side.

Jason gives a lopsided grin as he spots Vasili. "Sorry about setting this up without much warning. With the wedding coming up and guests arriving and-..." he gives a brief shake of his head. "Not a whole lot of free time. Figured we should handle this as soon as possible."

Vasili returns a small smile under his beard. "I was not doing anything," he replies, curtly in his slightly droning voice. "Except sitting in front of fire place. The weather is chilling to the bone, perhaps we could take this inside, eh?" he asks, hands deep in his pockets and his breath clouding in front of him.

Jason winces, giving a shake of his head and stepping aside from the doorway as he waves Vasili inside. "Yeah, yeah. Of course. This fucking weather, right?" he asks with a snicker in the way one does when making small talk as he gestures down the hall. "The gym is upstairs. We've got a holorange I'll set you up on. Nothing too intense. Just making sure you know which end to point at the enemy. Shit like that." he teases as he

starts down the hall.

Vasili nods as he finally steps inside and breathes a long sigh of satisfaction as the heating system hits him. "Some thing I am used to this," he explains. "But even Russians hate the cold. It is why we are miserable bunch, no?" He lets out a low chuckle, knowing his peoples' stereotypes. He follows Wolfe through the building, taking mental notes of his surroundings, especially when

he spots the directional signs. Bathrooms, lockers, gym, all good in his eyes. "You point the shooty end at the enemies, correct?" he asks, giving Jason a side eye and a smirk.

Jason continues down the hallway. Thankfully the building is a nice and cozy temperature. A welcome respite from the cold outside. His office(Where Vas initially visited him) as well as those of Vasquez and Ilyna line the lefthand wall. At a T-intersection the hallway breaks to the right, doors on both sides of that hall as well as one at the end, but they simply continue past the junction for now and start up the staircase. "I

try to." he responds to Vas' second question with a snicker before returning to the subject of weather. "I grew up in California. UNAS." he clarifies with a glance over his shoulder to Vas. "Back home a 'cold day' meant you had to wear a shirt to the beach." His synthetic hand glides across the railing as he climbs the steps. "Nothing like out here." Truth is, it's been a long time since Earth felt like 'home' and the days

of sitting on the beach feel like a lifetime ago.

Vasili climbs the steps two at a time with impressive strides, but partly to get his body moving. Too long sitting in a cockpit and in the cold for one day. "California..." he murmers. "This was like a fairy tale land when I was a boy. Like all fairy tales, I lost interest before I had chance to go. Then I did not have chance to go anywhere for a long time." He reaches up to scratch

the back of his neck with a short sigh. "Now I think Earth will not welcome me back. This is a story for another time." He looks to Wolfe with a smirk. "I do not miss it. Corruption, greed, people abusing power, common traits for Earth. Here, on frontier, they will shoot you in the face before stabbing you in the back."

Jason lowers his gaze as Vas describes their mutual home planet. "In my experience people aren't a whole lot different no matter where you go." he says as they reach the top of the staircase. He continues to lead down the second floor hallway. A few doors line the right-side wall, but he follows the hallway around a corner to the left. "Russia. California. Omega. Aite." he shakes his head, "You've got good people. Got shitty

people. Only difference is out here you won't get blindsided by it..." He stops at a door on the lefthand side of the hallway and taps the interface, causing it to slide open before he steps inside. /scenec Inside of the room is numerous exercise machines and weight sets. A small sparring area is set up in one corner and the holorange in the other. To their left, a couple of benches are up against a wall that contains a

handful of plaques, each embroidered with a name. Mendez is currently laying across a weight bench in the corner lifting an obscene amount of weights with relative ease. He doesn't pay the new arrivals any mind as they enter.

lowers his gaze as Vas describes their mutual home planet. "In my experience people aren't a whole lot different no matter where you go." he says as they reach the top of the staircase. He continues to lead down the second floor hallway. A few doors line the right-side wall, but he follows the hallway around a corner to the left. "Russia. California. Omega. Aite." he shakes his head, "You've got good people. Got shitty

people. Only difference is out here you won't get blindsided by it..." He stops at a door on the lefthand side of the hallway and taps the interface, causing it to slide open before he steps inside.

Inside of the room is numerous exercise machines and weight sets. A small sparring area is set up in one corner and the holorange in the other. To their left, a couple of benches are up against a wall that contains a handful of plaques, each embroidered with a name. Mendez is currently laying across a weight bench in the corner lifting an obscene amount of weights with relative ease. He doesn't pay the new arrivals any mind as they enter.

((Remove first post*))

Vasili nods slowly before smirking. "I suppose it depends on the life you lead," he says in a low tone. "And how much bureaucracy there is. Less bureaucrats, the better." He takes a good long look around the range and gym, then nods in appreciation. "Cozy," he says as he sets down his pack, then unbuttons his double breasted coat and hangs it up, revealing his combat harness, complete

with light armoured plating, a kinetic barrier module, and tech armour projectors in tactical positions. He then reaches into his pack and pulls out a hard-case that seemed to fill the backpack, and with a few button presses it opens to reveal an M-12 locust SMG and various deployables of some kind. He takes out the SMG and begins loading ammunition and attaching his various attachements,

such as his sights. "I have not been out in the Frontier for long, but I understand that the law in most places is made with bullets." He holds the SMG across his chest and smirks. "And the shitty people here are easier to find. Shall we begin?"

Jason gives a lopsided grin as he watches Vasili prep. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, Vas, but this isn't going to be a live fire test. The holorange is simulated. I've got an Avenger all set up for it, but if you'd prefer we could calibrate your Locust. Just might take a couple minutes." He starts towards the holorange. It occupies a bit of space to the left and across the room from where they entered. It mostly resembles a large

arcade cabinet. "I'd like to get something set up for live fire training. We've got all this space so, fuck it, might as well use it, right?" he asks, "But there's a lot to consider. It's not cheap to make something like that safe. Half-ass it and some passing civilian takes a round?" he shakes his head as he waits beside the cabinet, "Not acceptable. So for now we work with what we've got."

Vasili seems a little downtrodden with that, but nods none the less, even going as far as to offer his locust. "I am better with smgs," he says in a low tone after the mention of the Avenger. "Calbrating my gun will be apperciated." He hands it over and folds his arms, watching for now. "You are already better than previous employers," he says, a little quietly. "I never saw the

firefights, I only found targets. I only hope that my targets were the only ones hit in my previous life. This is one reason why I leave." He nods to Jason, a sign of respect to be sure. "Preservation of the innocent, this is something I can get behind." He finally unfolds his arms and takes off his beany to run a hand over his short hair. "I have experience in construction, many contacts.

Good rates for live fire range construction."

Jason accepts the Locust with a nod and sets it on the counter of the holorange. The holorange beams to life with an interface not unlike that of an omni-tool. Jason's gaze wanders over to Vasili as the man speaks. "We've got an opportunity to do some good out here." he says simply, knowing all too well that it rarely makes up for the guilt of past mistakes. Hell, Redrock's hands aren't even completely devoid of blood. His mind is

instantly brought back to Di Yu. Of the colony that suffered from Redrock's mistakes. He silently reminds himself that good intentions count for something. They have to, right? "So we owe it to the people here to not half-ass it." The holoranges interface projects an image of the Locust once it syncs with the weapon and shows an onscreen representation of the calibrations being applied. Thermal clip deactivation to keep the

gun from actually firing. Recoil compensators being overrided to simulate recoil. A laundry list of changes show on the screen before asking the user to accept, stating that the changes will be reverted once the user is finished.

Vasili nods along as he listens to Wolfe, impressed with the good intentions his potential new boss seemed to follow. Seemed to. He didn't know for sure if he could give Wolfe 100% of his trust, but he needed a job. "Another reason why I left earth. I did not know if I was good or bad. This is good chance to start over." He steps forward and picks up the gun and accepts the new changes.

"A machine that can turn a gun into a toy," he says, quietly. "Why do the militaries of the universe not build these to disable whole armies?" he looks to Wolfe inquisitively as he starts up the simulation. "One more thing, I don't half-ass things," he says before turning to the starting targets. "I do squats."

Jason gives a snicker. Both at the bad joke and the question. "Suppose because most armies probably wouldn't hit the 'accept' button." he jokes back. Though Vas wasn't far off. A good portion of the same technology utilized by the holorange is used by combat technicians in the field to disrupt enemy weaponry, overload thermal clips and the like. Not that he understands how any of that fancy shit works. The interface extends and

expands into the cabinet. It simulates the illusion of a much deeper field of view than possible by the small space in front of them. Jason raises a hand and gestures 'downrange'. "Had one of these on the Beirut." he explains as he looks it over. "Not many opportunities to stay sharp when you're stuck on a ship for months at a time. Not unless shit goes bad, anyway. It's not a substitute for the real thing, but it's damn


A number of options display along the holographic interface. Jason runs his finger along them. The moment he makes contact with the top option, the range projected in front of them turns into a barren, desert terrain with rocks and cliff faces. It shifts between a dozen biomes as Jason drags his finger down the line before stopping on an option. Something simple. The inside of a building. An actual target range. Numerous targets of

different shapes are positioned at varying distances. Each have colors denoting varying levels of lethality. Red on the head and center of mass. Yellow surrounding them. The furthest target looks to be around 20 yards away, despite the back wall to the room they're in being less than 8 feet away.

Vasili begins scanning for targets as he listens. "Stupid question, do you still have manual for this?" he asks quietly. "I would like to get my hands on it. Good disruption equipment." He pauses for a moment to fire at a target as it reveals itself. His shots hit accurately, but that could just be the Locust's reputation holding up. "I would not mind voiding a warranty if it meant

disabling weapon systems. Load it onto a drone chassis," he pauses before ducking behind a low simulated wall as two targets pop out. He quickly pops up to fire, only most of his shots hitting this time. "And you have yourself a disruption drone." He quickly reloads before continuing. "They can't decline if they have no choice." He pops out of cover again and starts looking for targets

again. He may not be the best shooter in Red Rock, but he still seems to hit most of his shots. However, its not just his gun that he has to offer. He quickly snaps off a few more shots before speaking again, only after taking out the target. "I have not been in many fire fights," he admits. "Mostly just simulations and training. This shows, yes?"

Jason folds his arms across his chest as he watches the show. An amused grin crosses his face. "Do I still have the manual?" he repeats. "I don't fucking know. I'm the wrong person to talk to about that crap. Renala." he nods, "That's who you want. She's a nerd. She knows stuff." He falls silent once again as he studies Vas' performance. When Vas speaks up again he gives a small shrug of his shoulders. "Looks like you're doing

just fine to me."

The rate at which targets cross in front of Vas increases. There seems to be no danger present in this scenario. Just target practice. Some of the targets are labeled as 'Friendly' and colored in a flat blue. They weave in and out of 'Hostile' targets, making it difficult to hit one without the other.

Vasili fires off a few more rounds before reloading. "That is the training," he says through his beard, his eyes darting between targets as he begins firing. A little sloppy, but he'd have survived the engagement. "Real fights are different. Real bullets firing." He ducks behind cover again to check his mag, then decides to reload. "But I will work fine with other agents with better

gun skills. I perfer my technology." He pops out of cover again and fires a few more bullets down range. "Renala..." he murmers. "Asari name, da? Finding her will be number two on checklist. Number one?" He unloads on another target, most of his shots hitting the head. "Get hired."

Jason gives another snicker. A few more shots and the interface begins to dissipate. "I don't think that's going to be a problem, Vas. I just had to make sure you knew how to handle a weapon. Like I said before, the main position we need filling is working in the security rotation. It's usually quiet work, but I can't exactly send someone out to work security if they can't defend themselves." As the interface fades out, it's

replaced by a statistics screen. Stats for just about anything relevant is displayed, from time-to-kill to shots landed. It even has a small analysis of the shooter's shortcomings and areas to improve. 'Tendancy towards overcompensation for distance - Leads targets too much.' it says among a few other pointers. Jason doesn't seem to pay much attention to the readout. "If that doesn't sound too boring for you, then I don't

see any reason not to welcome you to the team, Vas."

Vasili reads the disaplay in front of him as he listens, setting his gun down and stroking his beard in thought. "Security..." he murmers before coming across his shortcomings. "Leads targets too much, bullshit," he mutters quielty before continueing. "It is paycheck, it is good start." He turns to Wolfe with a smile under his beard. "You know of my other skills, I will look forward to

better assignments, but in mean time," he offers his large hand to shake. "I am looking forward to doing security work for Redrock agency."

Jason's smirk grows as he gives a single nod, extending a synthetic hand towards Vasili. "Then I suppose I should say: welcome to Redrock, Vas. I'll send over the documentation tonight for you to look over. So long as everything checks out, I'll see what I can do about getting you into the security rotation. Just keep in mind that when it comes ot the bigger, contracted jobs- they're handed out based on what we need in the field,

so I can't really guarantee much beyond security work unless we get a job that matches your skills. But obviously the resources here are at your disposal. The gym-..." he gestures around the room, "...We've got a doctor on the staff. Also a fully functional and well stocked hangar that you're welcome to use for any projects you're working on so long as you're willing to put up with our mechanic's shit."

Vasili nods as he listens and grabs Wolfe's hand. Though mechanical, he gives it a good firm shake, one of respect and acceptance. "Thank you," he says, curt and to the point. "I will send them back when I have finished with them. This will be a good partnership, I can feel it." He releases the hand and places his beanie back on his head before moving back to his box of tricks. "The

hangar is big enough for my craft? Then I will put up with mechanic's shit, as long as it gets a place to stay that will not rust its paint."

Jason gives a snicker and folds his arm back across his chest. "Jasper's a good guy." he admits, "Pain in the ass. But a good guy. I'm not too sure about space, though. We've already got a Kodiak in there so it depends on how big your craft is. Probably worth talking with Jasper about next time he's here. Which is-... well, most days, I guess."

Vasili chuckles as he mimicks Wolfe's movements, putting his strong arms across his chest. "Have you looked out front windows?" he asks, pointing towards the side of the building his craft was on. "It will be hard to miss. I would be surprised if Jasper has not already seen."

Jason gives a shake of his head. The gym is on the opposite side of the building and doesn't afford a view out the front. "Haven't had a chance to see it yet." he says, "But like I said... That's something you'd have to run by Jasper when he's around. If we've got the space, you could move it in after the wedding, but yeah. Speak with Jasper." He sucks in a deep breath, offering an apologetic tilt of his head Vasili's way, "And,

speaking of wedding... I should probably get back to-... to all that. But I appreciate you dropping by on such short notice."

Vasili smiles warmly at Wolfe as he puts on his coat and pack. "I will speak with him when I have chance. I will have access to communications with other agents, da? This will make it easier." He tightens the straps before slapping Jason's shoulder. "It will be beautiful ceremony, I wish you best of luck with married life. Be sure to package left overs for me, eh?" He chuckles lightly,

heart filled with promise of a beginning to a good life, finally. "Like I said, I was doing nothing productive. I look forward to recieving new roster." He smooths his beard and adjusts his beanie, getting ready for the cold once again. "With this, I must go. You have busy day ahead, I have some flying to do. Busy busy."

Jason gives a nod in response to his first question. He's unable to suppress a smile from Vasili's antics, and his smile only widens with the mention of the wedding. "You got it, Vas. Take care of yourself out there." he offers with a nod.

Vasili gives a thumbs up and a smile before heading through the door, leaving that as his goodbye. What else was there to say, really? A feint whistling can be heard down the hall as he moves through it, then dissapears as he leaves the building. Though, its soon replaced with the sound of engines spooling up. If Jason was quick enough, he'd be able to see Jason's light transport take


Vasili's light transport

Previous Logs

Jason Wolfe
Vasili Kasharin