#Adrasteia – July 22, 2018

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Dawn raises a questioning eyebrow. "I'm not really looking for the kind of 'opportunities' that leaves you with a price on your head..." she says, letting it be known that she overheard at least part of Bishop's conversation with Veneya. She takes a sip from her glass as she studies him in turn.

Bishop's expression remains neutral, his cold, calm demeanor masking whether or not he's bothered by Dawn's implied admission of eavesdropping. "Not polite to listen in on other people's conversations, love." he says, eyes remaining on her as he lifts his mug to his lips.

Dawn removes her hand from her glass to lift it a long with her left, showing her palms in a defensive gesture. "It's hard not to overhear things, even in a place as... infuriatingly loud as this." she comments, the frustration that briefly crosses her face at the last part seeming quite genuine. "I'm really not interested in your business, trust me."

Bishop glances about the room at the rowdy crowd before bringing his attention back to Dawn. He allows the briefest of smirks to manifest, but it quickly fades. He holds Dawn's gaze for a moment befor drawing in a deep breath, "I'm afraid your keen ears have put me at a disadvantage. So? Who is the brave woman who hears that a man had-..." he stresses, holding eye contact as he hammers that point home lest Dawn be looking to make a few

quick credits, "...a price on his head and decides that's the table she'd like to sit at?"

Dawn flashes a brief, hollow smirk, looking down at the table briefly before meeting his gaze again. "Right... I'm Dawn." she offers. "And... well, you seem like you know this place. Me, I'm still getting my bearings... the city is different than I expected." she says, shifting a bit in her seat.

Bishop sits back in his seat, back flat against the backrest, and rests a palm flat against the table as he continues to study Dawn, unsure of what to make of her. "Bishop." he says, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as he adds with that dry sarcasm of his: "But, then, I assume you already knew that." He's a difficult one to read. It's unclear whether he's annoyed by the intrusion, or amused. Maybe both. "So what, exactly, were

you expecting?"

Dawn sighs quietly, giving a small shrug as she looks out across the bar for a moment before returning her attention to Bishop.. She's not too happy about his inscrutable facial expressions, but there's not exactly any backing out of the conversation right now. "I'm-... I'm not sure." she says, eyebrows furrowing briefly as she glances down at her glass for a moment. "It's more... Earth-like than I expected. Most places out here seem to be

either corporate or a whole lot more 'frontier town' than this.

Bishop allows a small snort to slip through the cracks of his cold armor and his gaze shifts briefly- and obviously- to the Enforcers at the bar, a silent gesture to Dawn. "Don't let the fresh coat of paint and the man in the tailored suits fool you, love." he says, bringing his attention back to Dawn, "Adrasteia is every bit as cut throat as the rest of this forsaken planet. Maybe worse. But I'm sure you already knew that as well. You

don't end up in a place like Adrasteia without doing your research first." He brings his glass in close for a nother sip before setting it back down. "But you're not wrong." he continues, shifting gears, "As much as I wish I didn't, I do know this lovely cesspool of a city." More dry humor. "So how can I help you 'get your bearings', Dawn?" That amused smirk remains as he settles in place as if getting comfortable.

Dawn lets out a quiet snort of her own, although she latches onto a specific part of Bishop's words, and as his question comes she ponders her response for a moment. "'The man in the suits'... Cross? Seems like every other person I meet here end up talking about him sooner or later." she comments, looking down at her glass as she speaks. She ends up rotating it around a few times as her focus drifts, before looking back up at Bishop. "He's

caused a lot of change around here, I've gathered that much. But... why?" She emphasizes the last word, furrowing her eyebrows as she studies Bishop, curiosity, or at least interest, making itself known in her expression.

Bishop's gaze lowers to the table briefly as he considers Dawn's inquiry. 'Changes'. Makes it sound so benign. Cross practically tore the city down, collapsing lives with the wreckage before building it back up in the image he deemed fitting. But Bishop doesn't let the phrase bother him. Distancing himself from his emotions is a skill he has honed for many years. One that's come in handy lately. "That's the question, isn't it?" he asks as

his eyes lift to hers once more. "In my experience, outside of being born here, the people out here mostly only come in two flavors: Those running from something. And those chasing after something." That amused smirk that doesn't quite reach his eyes makes a return as he silently holds Dawn's gaze for a few moments. He's most certainly talking about her every bit as much as he is Cross. "I wonder which group he belongs to." He

considers his own words for a moment before moving on with a shrugs of his shoulders. "Perhaps neither. Plenty of credits to be made off Aite." he adds as an afterthought.

Dawn meets Bishop's gaze, but there's an uneasy shift in her seat after he breaks away. She might not have a problem with some light surveillance work, or playing friendly for a while, but pretending is harder these days, and she can't hide the discomfort brought on by Bishop's thinly veiled musing. The reality is he's more right than he knows, since she's both. She cradles her glass in both hands for a moment as she considers her reply, taking

a brief moment to look over towards the Enforcers as she does. "Seems like a lot of effort to come all the way out here. There's easier credits to be made in Council space. I thought most business out here was resource-stripping or research, not... colony-building."

Bishop follows Dawn's gaze back to the motley crew drinking and laughing it up. His gaze rests on Veneya who has her back to him as she nurses a drink. "It's certainly out of the ordinary." he muses. "Maybe the tabloids are right. Without father dearest around, perhaps the old chap has finally lost it." he says through his smirk. At the very least he has done his own research on the man. "But daddy issues are so-..." he draws in a deep

breath as he considers his words, "...boring. Perhaps he's simply a narcissist looking to carve a kingdom of his own into the corner of the galaxy to be worshipped." At the end of the day the 'why' of Cross' arrival is little more than a curiosity to Bishop. The lives of him and everyone he knew changed when Cross arrived. The 'why' of it all just didn't seem so important in the aftermath. "Or maybe he's just a good man looking to

fix a broken city." he says with a sigh and, for just a moment, that armor slips away and it seems almost as if the potential of that scenario being accurate saddens him.

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