#Miner'sRespite – June 3, 2021

Priya doesn't seem to take the outburst personally. She's had enough 'fuck you's from Sam to last her a lifetime. One more doesn't change anything. Still, the turmoil in her friend does little to soften her frown. She's certainly had her own struggles regarding the Alliance since they went their own way. Struggles that only worsened as the Collectors were left to seemingly run rampant. But none of it carries quite the same

weight with her as it does with Sam. How could it?

Shane's smile resurfaces in full force as he hears Renala at his back, merely shaking his head to himself as he takes his leave. Lema's appreciation gets little more than a small lift of his hand in a haphazard wave while he continues on his way. He weaves his way through the crowd, making it back to the table just in time to catch Emma's words. "Couldn't have said it better myself." he chimes in as he sets the tray down at the

end of the table where he's stood and gets right to work on plucking the shots off of it and sending them to their rightful owners. "And a vodka tonic for my lovely new friend." he muses aloud, flashing that bright smile Emma's way as he sets her drink down before her.

Gage does his best to hide his discomfort over the current topic, but a scowl manages to find its way onto his face. Shane's return causes him to sit up a bit straighter, shifting to better make room. He collects his shot from Shane, sliding it over towards his beer with an appreciative dip of his head. "I-... uhh-... I'm not saying that I disagree." he pre-empts as his focus turns back to Emma. "But I think it's important that

we don't just suddenly forget exactly who and what Cerberus are. I'm sure the Commander had her reasons for throwing in with them and-... well, shit, the results speak for themself, but-..." that discomfort washes over him again as he gives a small tilt of his head from one side to the other, as if weighing it out in his mind. When he continues, his voice is lower, unsure of the sort of people that might overhear him,

"...the last thing we need is a bunch of people building them up as heroes and driving up recruitment."

Sam lets out a small sigh as Gage speaks, taking a moment to lean across him to pull a shot over to herself. "I'll worry about that... tomorrow." she slurs as she drops back into her seat. "Today? The enemy of my enemy is a friend." she settles on, shooting Gage a bitter smile. As if just to further try to push Gage's buttons, she swings an arm over the backrest of the booth and glances about the bar. "You hear that?!" she

calls out, though she's mostly drowned out by the rowdiness of the crowded bar, "Any Cerberus here tonight?! Drinks on me! It's an all-you-can-drink terrorist special!" she shouts, the edges of her words blending together a bit.

Steve furrows his brow in confusion. "Absolutely no idea what you're talkin' about, darlin'." he offers innocently through a sly smirk as he reaches for another slice for himself.

Emma 's serious expression softens a little when Shane addresses her, offering him a faint, polite smile and a nod of thanks as she accepts the drink. She takes a sip as her attention returns to Gage and Sam. She seems to be considering her words when Sam starts shouting, eyes widening a little in surprise, her gaze sweeping out across the bar in search of any unwanted attention brought their way.

Lema looks towards Shane as he weaves through the room, but she returns her attention to the bar when he makes it there with the glasses still on the tray.

Renala takes a few moments to chew the pizza before responding to him. "Uh-huh," she says. She looks up at him with a tilted head, her grin still there. "Were you afraid I'd take him up on his offer?"

Shane merely casts a quick glance over his shoulder, not looking particularly worried about Sam's shouting. He sets a shot out in front of everyone, including one in front of his own empty seat. Left with one last shot on the tray, he looks Sam's way and gives the shot a lift before leaning across the table and setting it in front of her. "Couldn't help but notice that it seemed like you haven't had enough to drink yet tonight."

he explains sarcastically, "Figured you could do with a second."

David too, passes a glance out towards the rest of the bar, watching for a moment before leveling an unamused look Sam's way when it seems as if her shouting isn't illiciting a reaction out of anyone. When a second shot is passed to Sam he shoots an admonishing look Shane's way for enabling Sam unprompted.

Priya's expression matches Emma's, her blue eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of interest before shooting a scowl Sam's way. But it quickly melts away, guilt quieting her complaints before she can even voice them. Sam gets a pass tonight.

Sam snorts at the immediate reaction her shouts get from the others. She quickly snatches up the second shot Shane sends her way with an appreciative dip of her head and meets Gage's eyes, offering him a big, fake, antagonizing grin that doesn't reach her glassy eyes before bringing the shot glass to her lips, shooting him a wink, and tipping it back.

Steve mirrors Renala's grin. "Afraid?" he asks, expression turning to amusement, "Last I checked I wasn't your keeper, Ren. You wanna go runnin' off with some douchebag?" he shrugs his shoulders. "More pizza for me." he says before taking a big bite out of his slice.

Emma relaxes a bit once she judges that no one is paying them any more attention than before. The angry energy that filled her a moment ago has deflated, and she's gone silent, eyebrows furrowed as her gaze falls back on Sam, studying her with a hard-to-read expression. When she realizes she's staring her attention breaks away from the drunk woman, taking a longer sip from her drink as her eyes wander the busy establishment.

Renala glances down at the pizza. "I'm too old to be running off with some whatever-you-called-him," she says, picking up her beer glass. "Besides, he's Jason's people. I've got proffessional boundaries to uphold."

Shane does his best to feign innocence as he avoids Gage's gaze and quickly retakes his seat.

Gage opens his mouth to speak, but all that follows is a sigh. He didn't come here to lecture anyone about Cerberus. Least of all Sam. Instead he, too, falls silent, resigning himself to nursing his beer and passing a few looks about the establishment.

Sam sets her empty shot glass down and gets to work on refilling her beer with the pitcher, Emma's stares going unnoticed as her own foggy, alcohol-fueled thoughts are quickly pulled elsewhere.

Steve takes a quick swig from his water. "Uh huh. Professional boundaries." he agrees with a nod. "Well, for what it's worth? I don't think you're missin' out on much. Cuz I have seen a whole lot of whatever-I-called-hims in my life." he muses, using her turn of phrade. "And he is most definitely-..." he casts a glance in the direction of Shane's table, studying him from afar for a moment before whistling to himself with a shake

of his head, "...one grade-A whatever-I-called-him, that's for damn sure."

Emma lets out a sigh of her own as silence descends on the booth, the buzz of the patrons around them taking over. She half-heartedly picks at her fries, eating a few and washing them down with her vodka tonic before her blue eyes return to Sam. She hesitates for a moment, a faint frown on her face, but soon enough the words come. "Who did you lose?"

Renala shrugs at his first comment, and she takes another bite out of her slice instead of following his look towards the table. The use of her turn of phrase does get a little laugh out of her, especially the second time. "I'll trust your judgement this time," she says. "There weren't any of you around in my maiden years, you know."

Enila rounds the bar and slips onto the seat to Lema's left, leaning in a little. "Hey, Lema," she begins. "We just got a message from someone named Carolyn with the militia. Do you know her?"

Lema looks up at the bartender next to her, a bit irritated at first before she gets to the point. "Yes, she lives across the street," she says. "What did she say?"

Enila nods. "She said she'll come pick you up soon," she says.

Lema scoffs. "I can get home on my own," she says. "You can tell her that."

Next Logs

Christmas: Respite
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Enila Aehan
Lema T'Vynas
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Shane Lewis
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Renala T'Iavay
Shane Lewis
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis

Previous Logs

Christmas: Respite
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Lema T'Vynas
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Christmas: Respite
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Lema T'Vynas
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Christmas: Respite
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Enila Aehan
Lema T'Vynas
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Christmas: Respite
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Lema T'Vynas
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Christmas: Respite
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Enila Aehan
Lema T'Vynas
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Christmas: Respite
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Enila Aehan
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Christmas: Respite
Priya Vihaan
Emma Nordström
David Gage
Samantha Rhodes
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs
Shane Lewis
Christmas: Respite
Emma Nordström
Enila Aehan
Renala T'Iavay
Steven Briggs