#Nilhaven – September 6, 2024

The journey from Aite aboard This Side Up was an uneventful one, light on both entertainment and comfort. The chill of the cargo hold and the cramped nature of the rest of the small vessel necessitated most time to be spent at the designated sleeping area, blankets and heat lamp helping to keep things comfortable. Darla and her pyjak companion weren't opposed to socializing when the need to get up and move struck, and meals were provided for

the two passengers, but it still no doubt came as a relief when the tiny freighter finally touched down in Nilhaven, an Eldfell-Ashland mining town on Caleston, in the Rift. Time quickly loses meaning in space, stuck in an artificially lit tin can with redshifted stellar bodies hurtling by the viewports. Back in Freedom Falls it's evening on the day after Jessica and Yan Sun's departure, but in Nilhaven it's midday, not that you can tell. Thanks

to an inhospitable, volcanic atmosphere, the town is environmentally sealed, feeling more like a space station than a proper city aside from the windows that line the expansive corridors showing not a field of stars, but a smog-filled atmosphere and barren surface illuminated in a muddy red by the dim light of Balor, the system's red dwarf star. As for the interior, the crowd on the walk between hangars is a mix between dockworkers moving goods

about, fellow passengers on their way to or from 'civilized space' and off-duty miners spending precious break time at the various establishments that line the corridor - foodshacks, bars, arcades and brothels, all accepting both standard credits and EAE tokens. There's an inescapable sulfuric scent in the air that mixes with the smells of sweat and foodstuffs to create a... unique atmosphere. Sound too is a barrage on the senses. Chattering

workers, the loading and unloading of goods, the distant rumbles of mining machinery through the superstructure of the town and the PA system announcing shift changes, playing ads for local (EAE owned) establishments and barking corporate slogans.

Yan Sun is leading the way through the busy corridors in the port district, having pulled up directions on her HUD to the hangar where the starliner they're taking to Arcturus should be docked. Relived to be stretching her legs she's keeping a good pace despite her luggage, although there's a few curious - and perhaps slightly disturbed - glances at their surroundings. It's not every day she sees runaway corporate authority on such blatant

display, without the artifice and subterfuge of Earth or the mitigating frontier independent streak of a place like Aite.

Jessica hasn't seemed to mind their cramped little sleeping area. She's spent most of the trip bundled up snugly, music from her omni-tool filling the cargo hold. Her limited experience with space travel means the novelty of it hasn't worn off yet. Plenty of pictures were taken, both of the cargo hold and the display beyond the viewport. It's not until she follows Yan Sun down the crowded corridor that she realizes just how stiff she

is. She shrugs her duffelbag a bit deeper onto her shoulder and clutches the handle of her beat up old armor crate that she's dragging behind her. She's lagging a bit behind Yan Sun, gaze darting around to all of the different shops, clearly a bit overwhelmed. Not much like this on Aite, that's for sure. "Do we have time for foods?" she calls out.

Yan Sun stops, looking at thin air for a moment as she checks the time against their tickets while adjusting the strap of her own duffel, which struggles to share space with her backpack on her narrow shoulder. "Uh... yeah. Yeah, let's... get something to go? Not sure how long it's gonna take to get onto the ship." she says, gaze sweeping across the closest establishments - all have sizable lines. "I wonder if... perfect." her gaze lands on

a series of vending machines, beelining for an unoccupied one. A number of prepackaged meals sit on rails inside - snack bags, bars, sandwiches, wraps, bottled soups, and of course the ever-popular (and economical) nutripaste. That the machine seemingly only accepts EAE tokens - the company scrip that the local workers are paid in - doesn't seem to deter her. "Stand to my left, block the view just in case," she mumbles just loud

enough to be heard over the din of the docks once Jessica catches up to her, seeming to be looking over the options for sale, but her left hand is pulled close to her chest, fingers dancing over the keypad projected in her palm.

Jessica follows Yan Sun over to the row of vending machines, one hand shooting up to the ridiculous hat on her head to ensure her sunglasses are still perched atop it. Buying a whole meal from a vending machine? New experiences all around today, it seems. No, stealing a meal. Now that's a little more familiar. It takes her a second to catch on to what Yan Sun is doing, but she doesn't need to be told twice. She's quick to post up

beside her partner-in-crime, brows furrowed as if she's lost in choice as feigns interest in the next vending machine over. "What the fuck is-...." her mouth moves in an attempt at pronouncing one of the unfamiliar products in the vending machine, but all that ends up coming out is a muttered growl with far too many consonants.

Yan Sun types away for a moment or two, mumbling a little to herself - not quite the same model of machine that she's used to - but soon enough she casually presses a single button on the machine's interface, and with a whir, every single slot on the machine starts to dispense its item, toppling down into the slot with a series of thumps. She slips the duffel from her shoulder, the side pocket open, and crouches to scoop as many food and

drink items as she can fit into it before straightening up and closing the zipper. The rest of the items are left behind in the slot, to be found by whoever uses the machine next. She gives Jessica a nudge and a cocky grin before nodding down the hallway and heading off.

Jessica's confusion is short lived, distracted by the sudden clinking of a cascade of snacks. She snickers, casting a quick glance over her shoulder before shuffling a bit to better block line-of-sight. Yan Sun's nudge is met with a roll of her eyes, though her smirk persists. She gives a shake of her head before adjusting the strap of her bag and following after.

Yan Sun goes back to leading the way, sticking to the exterior wall where the windows offer views of ships docked outside, their hulls cast in the same diffuse red glow as the landing pads and the ground beyond. "Let's get to the terminal before checking out what we got," she says. Fortunately for Jessica's growling stomach, that proves not to take long. Smaller docking tubes and hangars soon give way to manned security gates leading into a

larger terminal. Satisfied that they won't run late, Yan Sun plops down onto a bench, shifting her bag into her lap and letting out a relieved sigh at the chance to rest, watching the crowd passing by, here mostly travelers by the look of things.

Jessica sighs, gaining a little pep in her step briefly in order to catch up beside Yan Sun so she can keep her voice low. "Is not my first time stealing, kitty cat." she mutters matter-of-factly. Of course she's not about to start rummaging through their ill-gotten goods mere yards away from where they stole it. She gives the woman a playful nudge of her own. Once they get to their destination, she drops into a seat beside Yan Sun,

lowering her duffel bag to the floor between her boots and keeping her crate close as she joins in on the people watching. "What we are eating? Mmm?" she hums distractedly.

Yan Sun unzips her bag, taking a peek at the contents. "Looks like we've gooot... a ham and cheese sandwich, a... 'spicy protein blend wrap', veggie soup... and some crunchy nutribars. To drink... SmartBlast Cyan, lemon sparkling water, and... ooh, score, Warp Cola!" She grabs the silver plastic bottle of 'Warp Cola Iridium' for herself before offering up the bag's contents for Jessica to peruse.

Jessica stakes a claim in the spicy wrap and the SmartBlast. "Not bad." she says, passing another smirk Yan Sun's way. "So-..." she begins as she opens her drink, momentarily distracted by the unfamiliar beverage, causing her to give it the sniff test. Seemingly deciding that it passed, she continues. "...How much time?" she asks before taking a swig.

It's hard to tell what exactly the flavor of the drink is supposed to be aside from, well, 'cyan', but it apparently contains all manner of nutrients and minerals, and some mild stimulants to boot. The wrap, once clear of its packaging, is a soggy thing, and said packaging is real cagey on the source of said protein, but hey, it does smell spicy!

Yan Sun picks out the sandwich, tearing open the plastic and immediately taking a big bite. "Mmh... should get in line soon as whr done. Mwe arrivhd pretty late," she says while chewing, casting a glance towards the checkpoint where corporate security in crisp uniforms and tactical vests admit queueing travelers one at a time through a scanner gate while bags are placed on a nearby conveyor.

Next Logs

Yan Sun's Homecoming
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya

Previous Logs

Yan Sun's Homecoming
Yan Sun
Jessica Kaya