Shadow Broker Dossier: Jason Wolfe (Timeline)

FLAGGED: Low Priority

2156: Jason Christopher Wolfe born. Point Loma, California, UNAS.

2161: Death of mother.

2162: Education started at Point Loma Junior Alliance Academy

2169: Death of father. Custody obtained by uncle, Christopher Nicholas Wolfe.

2170: Expulsion from Point Loma Junior Alliance Academy. Education continued at Point Loma High School.

2173: Enlisted in the Systems Alliance.

2174: Posted on Mindoir.

2176: Relationship started with Mina'Deeran.

2177: Stationed onboard the SSV Beirut. First tour of duty.

2180: Second tour of duty onboard the SSV Beirut.

2183: Third tour of duty onboard the SSV Beirut. Death of Mina. Honorably discharged [See attached file]. Mercenary career started. Relationship started with Linda Vasquez [See report on Linda Vasquez]. First and second Evening Star Incidents [See report by Agent Hunter]. Returned to Earth with Linda Vasquez where the two resided in Point Loma.

2184: Death of Michael Hernandez.

2185: (Current): Establishment of Redrock Agency on Aite. Oogafau incident [See Agent Ghost black box]. Object Omicron incidents [See report by Agent Viper].