Conversations from the Menagerie

Inter-Relay Text Chat

Location: [HIDDEN]

Date: [HIDDEN]


From: [HIDDEN]

USER 1: You ever wonder why THIS is what we’re using this tech for?
USER 2: Nope.
USER 1: Come on! It could revolutionize all sorts of fields!
USER 2: I don’t question instructions. It’s bad for your health.
USER 1: You know I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just curious.
USER 2: It’s illegal, for starters?
USER 1: Sure, but if no one knows…
USER 2: There’s a reason we’ve stuck to the Terminus, you realize that, right?
USER 1: Yeah… guess you’re right.
USER 2: I’m always right.

Inter-Relay Text Chat

Location: [HIDDEN]

Date: [HIDDEN]


From: [HIDDEN]

USER 2: What do you think? Brings a tear to the eye, doesn’t it?
USER 1: It scares me sometimes how much you enjoy your work.
USER 2: Well, it’s all about perfection. This is the most complex unit I’ve ever had the
pleasure of working on.
USER 1: Right. Just scientific curiosity, is it?
USER 2: Well…
USER 1: Not voyeurism?
USER 2: Perks of the business, my friend.
USER 1: Right.
USER 2: Like you haven’t went through the archives. It’s like our very own vid drama!
USER 1: You’re twisted.
USER 2: We all are.

Inter-Relay Text Chat

Location: [HIDDEN]

Date: [HIDDEN]


From: [HIDDEN]

USER 1: How long are you going to keep the prototype on that backwater?
USER 2: The assignment is yielding invaluable test data on a daily basis. Not to mention how unexpectedly fruitful it has been in terms of actionable intel. Our mercenary friends are quite the nexus for interesting happenings, aren’t they?
USER 1: I’ve noticed. Did you know when you picked the original assignment?
USER 2: I’m flattered by your faith in my vision, but I don’t think any of us could have foreseen what happened.
USER 1: Hell of a coincidence.
USER 2: You’re worried about discovery.
USER 1: Can you blame me? Between the Cerberus mole and the Shadow Broker agent things are getting crowded.
USER 2: Viper’s freelance now. Burned her favor with the Broker after we snatched Omicron. Besides, you’ve heard the rumors. This is our chance. It’s time to make moves.
USER 1: And Cerberus?
USER 2: You’ve seen the mole. I doubt we have much to worry about there.
USER 1: Conversation over, I guess...

Inter-Relay Text Chat

Location: [HIDDEN]

Date: [HIDDEN]


From: [HIDDEN]

USER 1: Did you hear the news?
USER 2: Of course I did.
USER 1: Crazy stuff, huh?
USER 2: Yeah...
USER 1: You know it was all Shepard.
USER 2: Doubt they’ll spin it that way.
USER 1: It’s strange to see everyone celebrating.
USER 2: Why?
USER 1: Because they think it’s over? Even though it isn’t?
USER 2: We all need our delusions now and then.
USER 1: You know, we could spread the word if we wanted.
USER 2: Giving away information for free isn’t our business.
USER 1: You know as well as I do there’ll be a day all that won’t matter anymore.
USER 2: That’s an idiotic statement even from you.
USER 1: It’s the truth.
USER 2: Once the dust settles, who do you think will rule the new galaxy? The ones that were prepared.