Extranet Message History: Jason Wolfe / Aylena D'Inea

Sent after reading the Illium article provided by Va'ynna.

Subject:I just read the news
Jason Wolfe

Jason Wolfe


Date:Dec 20, 2185

Oh, Janysa went running off without letting the people she's paying to protect her know? And then the people she was paying them to protect her from tried to kill her?! Shit, ya don't say. Who would've guessed? NOT ME!!! THIS IS THE POINT WHERE I WOULD MASH MY KEYBOARD IN ANGER IF I WASN'T USING A TEXT-TO-SPEECH PROGRAM AND SHOUTING WAY TOO FUCKING LOUDLY IN A PUBLIC PLACE! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! YOU CAUSED THIS!

What are you looking at?! Mind your own business and keep walking! No, don't transcribe that. Ya know what? Fuck it. Just leave it in, she'll figure it out.

I'm tired of the cloak and dagger bullshit, Janysa. I imagine they've got you pumped full of meds and bedbound right now, but as soon as you're in any condition to send one, I expect a message letting me know you're alright and explaining just what in the hell is going on. I know you're gonna pull through this because you're far too much of a pain in my ass not to. And when you do, and you're back here safe and sound? You better believe you're never hearing the end of this.


Subject:RE: I just read the news
Aylena D'Inea

Aylena D'Inea


Date:Dec 28, 2185

[This message arrives at an ungodly hour of the morning back in Freedom Falls, about 7 and a half day after Jason contacted her.]

I am recovering. My doctor has approved a tentative new court date on [January 11, 2186] provided that NAPF locates the final defendant, Esseria Illeni. That is the same woman who attacked the Miner's Respite back in on [November 7, 2185].

Our security contract is for the Miner's Respite and my safety in Freedom Falls, and I have upheld to share all information pertaining to the security of its staff. I have limited access to its systems after my niece disabled some remote access systems. She stepped into Kanaya's place without informing me, and lacks the necessary experience to properly perform her role, so I recommend you keep Atana in the loop about the day to day operation there.

But to answer your question, Mr. Wolfe, I have again made a grave miscalculation of risk. I only let Atana know about my departure on the day of, and limited my time on Illium ahead of the court case to [6 hours] in an area with a heightened NAPF presence. How they found me at the hotel is a matter I am investigating, but for now, all I can do is wait for NAPF and the medical staff here to do their job.

I do not need any help at the moment. Even if she learns my location, she does not have the resources to get into this hospital, and I have a trusted friend by my side.

Aylena D'Inea

Subject:RE:RE: I just read the news
Jason Wolfe

(Unknown Character)


Date:Dec 28, 2185

Well, well, well. What do we have here, an ACTUAL RESPONSE? Shit, it must be a Christmas miracle.

Look, Janysa, as much as it pains me to admit, I AM glad you're not a stain on the side of the road somewhere. But I meant what I said. This shit really does need to stop. I've got no interest in shoving my nose in your business, but I DO have a job to do. And, whether you seem to think it's relevant or not, you keeping information from us makes it damn hard to do efficiently. It also puts my staff, your staff, and everyone else at the Respite in danger.

And I'm not just talking about this spur-of-the-moment business trip, either.

As soon as you get back, you and I are gonna need to have a little sit-down. I'm not gonna go into it all in a message, but there's a certain Armali Intelligence officer that you and I need to discuss.

In the meantime, how about trying not to get your ass shot off again? You've underestimated these people before, and if they were able to scramble something like this together with only 6 hours, waiting 2 weeks for your next court date gives them plenty of time to take another shot at you. Keep your head down and hire some good security. And pay them well because you're a pain in the ass to look after. AND, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, GIVE THEM THE INFORMATION THEY NEED TO KEEP YOUR ASS ALIVE!
