Extranet Message History: Yan Sun / Kirill Kozlov

The journey begins.

Subject:Goodbye Aite!

Yan Sun


Goodbye Aite! We are officially underway! We're hitching a ride on a tiny freighter for the next couple of days, and then we're swapping to a starliner heading earthward. More updates to come! (After sleep (x . x) ~zzZ)

Thanks again for the warm sendoff, for loaning us the truck, and just... everything<3

[2 images attached]

[Image 1: A shot of Aite from orbit, taken through a grimy porthole. Typhon is just rising over the horizon, a bright band of light reflecting through the atmopshere.]

[Image 2: A selfie of a smiling Yan Sun pressed close to an annoyed and probably non-consenting Jessica. They're both in winterwear, in what appears to be a cramped cargo hold.]