#Miner'sRespite – January 12, 2014

Renala is sitting at the bar on the first floor, around the middle seat. Having just arrived there, she has yet to order anything. She's is her usual wear; a blue top beneath a halfway zipped up leather jacket and non-descript gray pants.

Victoria walks down the stairs to the bar, she is wearing long lose fitting pants and a white tank top. She takes a seat close to an asari and orders herself a rum and coke.

Renala notices the other patron in the corner of her eyes, and her head turns in her direction shortly after. She seemed familiar, but Renala failed to place her. After a few seconds, she returns her gaze to the menu screens on the wall.

Victoria put her head on the bar top and groaned. "I need to sleep more... Or get out some more. Doing nothing is killing me."

Renala raises an eyebrow. "You can't tell whether need sleep or getting out?" she asks, her head turned towards the other woman.

Victoria gives a little chuckle "Well I cannot decide whether or not I am getting too lazy or not." Her drinks arrives and she pays for it.

Renala shrugs. "As long as you're making ends meet," she says with a slight smile, "there's nothing wrong with being a little lazy." She orders a glass of beer from the bartender.

"Fair point... I'm Victoria, by the way." She offered the asari a friendly hand shake.

Renala turns towards Victoria and takes her hand. "Renala," she introduces herself. "So, what do you do around here?"

"Well, I got an interview for a job. So at the moment nothing." She let go of Renala's hand and took a sip of her drink.

Renala nods. "I've had one, so I guess we're at the same point," she says. "I'm not too sure about the job, though, but I can't say I have too much choice right now." The bartender delivers her drink and she takes it with an appreciative nod.

"Well my choice is to get this job or go broke. So not much choice." She takes another sip of her drink.

Renala chuckles. "Exactly," she says. "And here you just have to take what you can get." She takes a small sip of her drink before asking, "Where did you apply?"

"You mean what type of job I am looking for?" She asked not knowing what the woman meant.

Renala | "Didn't you say you had an interview?" she asks, referring to what Victoria said earlier.

"Yeah... sorry bit of a thickheaded moment there. Well basically to fly any ships that needs a pilot."

Renala nods. "Sounds like a good job," she says. "I'm just trying to find a decent security job. It's not what I'm best at, but they're easy enough to come by here." She brings her glass up to her lips before asking, "So, anyway, what sort of flying will you be doing?"

"Well I can fly just about anything. Shuttles to the bigger bulkier ships. I'm decent flying at just about anything. Plus got some ground combat skills as well." She took a sip of her drink.

Renala chuckles. "Hey, I'm not the one going to hire you," she says with a smirk. "I asked what you'll be flying if you get that job?"

"Well anything they want me too. I won't know until I get to the interview really."

Renala sips her drink before placing it back on the counter, hand still wrapped around it. "Ah," she says. "Take it you're gonna be leaving town, then?"

"Possibly. I mean it all depends on where they want to send me, if I get hired. But I don't mind this place now." She takes another sip of her drink.

Renala nods. "Mind if I ask who you'll be working for?" she says followed by a sip of her drink.

"That Redrock agency, I believe it is called." She rubs her chin "I believe that is right."

Renala lets out a small smile. "That's where I'm trying to get a job, too," she says. "Not sure about the kid in charge, though, but they seem like an alright bunch."

"Well there is only one way to find out if people are alright. So really just have a play the waiting game." She finishes off her drink.

Renala nods. "True, but in a job like that, you have to be a little careful," she says. "You'll have to trust people that can shoot you where you stand." She sips her drink.

Victoria shrugs "If it happens, it happens. But the guy seems trustful."

Renala chuckles. "I'm probably not the biggest optimist in this galaxy," she begins, "but that can't be a healthy attitude towards those risks we're taking."

"Well I am just a big ol' risk taker. Old habits die hard." She laughs.

Renala laughs, as well. "I keep forgetting I used to be one," she says. "Well, most asari are in the earlier parts of their lives." She pauses. "I'll be more than happy with a simple patrol job, which Wolfe said Redrock had contracts for."

"Well I just need a source of income at the moment. So any job would that is somewhat like my former job, I would love."

Renala nods. "Me too, me too," she says. "I was kinda too confident I'll get an IT job, so I spent most of my creds on a vacation to Thessia, so now I'm in a hurry to get a job before I run out."

"Exactly, it is either get a job. Or live in a streets and become a hobo who steals or begs." She laughs at the end.

Renala | "I sure hope it won't come to that," she says with a frown. "I don't think my chances are that bad, though, since they'll probably need a tech."

"Well I am sure, my piloting skills would get me in." She strokes her chin "I hope atleast."

Renala smiles at her. "I don't doubt it, to be honest," she says. "Takes a certain confidence to fly around the Terminus Systems." She takes a long sip of her drink. "I don't think they got more than a shuttle, though."

"Well I can make any shuttle dance around space." She said in a smug and joking tone.

Renala looks at her with a mock serious expression. "You better do," she says, "Don't want you crashing the thing when I'm in it." Her smile returns shortly after, though.

"I'll be sure I will make a safe crash landing, if something like that happens." The joking tone still remaining.

Renala chuckles. "Safe crash landing," she repeats. "Bit of an oxymoron that, isn't it?" Her tone isn't entirely serious, though.

"Well any crash landing, that has no one getting injured, is a safe one by my books." There was no seriousness in her voice.

Renala | "Ah," she says. "I don't think I've flown to hot zones at all during the few merc jobs I took in my maiden years." She sips her drink. "If I have, it wasn't particularly high up as I spent most of them on Omega."

"Well at least you will have a hardsuit. I sort of lost mine." She presumed the asari had armor."

Renala frowns. "I didn't have one when I got here, but... I kind of picked it up on a job," she says. "Considering the previous owner, I'm not sure if I want to use it."

"Fair enough. Preowned armor is not the best. I rather have a brand new armor." She said in a happy tone.

Renala sighs. "So would we all, I think," she says, "but they sure earen't affordable." Renala sips her drink.

"That is why I plan on saving my first pay towards some decent armor. Can't be running around in normal plain clothing."

Renala nods. "I'll probably do that, too," she says, "but I think I'll hold off any big investments until I'm sure the job will be something to have long-term."

"That is a smart idea. I might need to do that as well."

Renala chuckles softly. "Where's the risk-taker in you now, huh?" she says. "Nah, just kidding. I need to pay to get my pistol fixed, though, since I'm not that good with that kind of tech."

Victoria holds the side of her face over reacting "Oh no!! My time here is taking away my risk taking!!" She acted jokingly.

Renala laughs. "That's called getting older, my dear," she says as the laughter dies down a bit. "Happens to all of us..."

"But I don't wanna be old yet. Give me more time!!" She continues to mock. "Oh well. I guess I better go to sleep some more. Better live up the lazy life."

Renala nods, patting her lightly on the shoulder. "It's been a pleasure talking with you, Victoria," she says with a smile. "I'll see you around."

Victoria stood up "Pleasure talking to you as well, Renala." She left the bar and headed up stairs to her room.

Renala remains at the bar for a few minutes, and then leaves for the second floor.

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Renala T'Iavay
Victoria Steels

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Renala T'Iavay
Victoria Steels