#RedrockAgency – January 19, 2014

Rellis Darennon discusses a sensitive contract with Jason Wolfe.

The agency is still currently under renovations. A handful of people are outside the building performing odds-and-ends jobs, such as patching up the old fence. A sign hangs above the front door with the company logo and name.

Jason is seated at the receptionist's desk in the lobby with a datapad sitting before him.

Rellis approaches the entrance, seemingly not minding the construction going on. He looks up at the logo with a nod to himself. The dark-green salarian is wearing a gray armor with orange trims, but no helmet. "Hello," he says as he steps inside the building. "Rellis Darennon," he introduces himself. "Here to discuss a contract." He is holding a briefcase that seems to be large enough to hold three datapads. Relis has no weapons visible on his person.

Jason glances up from his datapad and listens as the salarian speaks. After the man's introduction, he sweeps his datapad off to the side and stands from his seat. "Jason Wolfe." he says as he rounds the desk to meet the salarian, extending a hand towards him. "Co-founder of Redrock Agency. Sorry, we're still getting things in order here. Haven't managed to hire a receptionist yet." he explains, cocking a thumb on his free hand over his shoulder towards the desk.

Rellis takes Jason's hand. "Pleased to meet you," he responds. "And that's not a problem. Hope you have a moment to talk?" The salarian's face didn't give much in terms of clues.

Jason nods a few times. "Absolutely. Ms. Vasquez told me to expect you. We can discuss the details of the contract in my office." he says, turning towards the door behind the receptionist's desk, "Less distractions there." he adds as a batarian emerges from the door and slips past the pair without a word, exiting the building.

Rellis nods acknwoeldging. He appears unfazed by the batarian passing him before he starts to follow Jason. "Shouldn't take much of your time," he says.

Jason continues through the adjacent room and through a door on the left which leads to a hallway with a few doors on the opposite side. "Not a problem, Mr. Darennon. We'll take as much time as we need to" he says with a smile as he opens one of the doors and stands aside, allowing Rellis to enter.

The door leads to a small office with a basic desk containing a terminal and a few datapads strewn about. Two chairs sit opposite of the desk. It still seems to be in a state of unpacking as a few boxes sit in the corner. The only decorations in the office are a few digital picture frames displaying personal photographs. The most prominent being the picture on Jason's desk of himself with a hispanic woman at his side.

Rellis steps inside the room. "Hmph," he says to himself as he gives the room a quick look-over before putting the briefcase down on the desk before opening it. He pulls out a single datapad from it. "It will suffice," he says, not entirely making it clear what he comments on. "I need you to sign an NDA before we can begin, Mr. Wolfe." He places it on the desk before closing the briefcase and moving it to the floor, standing against the desk's leg.

Jason enters the room behind Rellis and closes the door. "Of course." he says, keeping his composure as his curiosity is piqued. He approaches the desk and takes a seat on the opposite side from the salarian, putting the desk between himself and his guest. He reaches across the desk and slides the datapad in front of himself and begins looking the NDA form over.

Rellis | "Just a formality on this world," he says, "but valid on Illium and a number of other worlds out here, and most of council space." The NDA is just a basic NDA without anything terrible hidden between the lines.

Jason signs the form and sets it back on the desk, sliding it back across to the salarian. "Understandable." he says, folding his hands on top of the desk, "You can never be too careful." He clears his throat and locks eyes with the salarian, "So what can you tell me about the contract. Mr. Darennon?"

Rellis | "As I said in the first message, I need a threat to the people I represent eliminated," he begins. "There is only one target, but there will be opposition. Will take care of recon and transport, but need a handful of mercs commited from you."

Jason nods a few times. "I see. What can you tell me about the target?" he asks, leaning forward in his seat.

And what can you tell me about his location? Defenses? Any estimate on numbers?

Rellis considers it briefly. "Organization is based in a warehouse," he begins, "one of only two buildings still standing. No windows on warehouse. Ruians around will provide adequate cover." He pauses.. "Number fluctuates. I will observe and time mission to when their number is low. May need mercs on short notice for that reason."

Jason glances down at his desk for a moment, nodding as he does. "And where is this warehouse located? Is there any risk of collateral damage?" he asks, settling his gaze back on the salarian.

Rellis gives a small shake of his head. "Small abandoned town located by a forest." he says. "Twenty-six galactic standard minutes away. No civilians there."

Jason nods once, "Good." he says, leaning back in his seat. "You said he runs a smuggling ring." he asks, "May I ask what kind of goods he's in the business of?"

Rellis shrugs. "Nothing out of the ordinary," he replies. "Saw no heat signatures; sapient trafficing unlickely. Have reputation for high success rate on the right channels."

Jason remains silent for a few moments, searching for the right way to approach his next question. After a somewhat awkward length of time, he finally speaks. "I mean no disrespect by this, Mr Darennon... But what has this turian done to deserve death?" he asks, looking a bit uneasy about the question.

Rellis doesn't seem taken aback by the human's questioning. "They have done harm to people I repesent. People who are willing to pay a great sum of credits to have the threat eliminated."

Jason nods as he listens to the salarian, attempting to appear indifferent as he does. "Don't take this the wrong way, Mr Darennon. We would love the opportunity to work with you... But we're not assassins." he says, weighing each word thoughtfully, "I just need assurance that this isn't simply a matter of an innocent man getting on the wrong side of someone with a lot of credits. Again, I don't mean to offend." he says, putting a hand up apologetically.

Rellis | "Very well," he says. "He and his companion are dangerous, both to their own forces and to innocents." He pauses as he stands up. "Offer is forty-thousand credits per armed soldier you commit," he states, "but I have no more to say if you aren't interested."

Jason shakes his head and swiftly stands as well. "No, I'm most certainly interested." he says, managing a smile. "If we're to do business together, a little trust is in order, right?" he offers, "If you say he's dangerous..." Jason takes a breath and nods, "We'll take care of him. But I'm going to need any information on his warehouse. As well as any information you might have on his security firm. I don't want my men going in blind."

Rellis nods. "Twenty men in total. Rarely more than half on base. Most are turian, salarian or batarian, but also one asari, two humans and one krogan.. Warehouse has two entrances, including garage door. Their servers have no blueprints for inside, and windows all boarded shut. Northern half is storage. Also have a shuttle port nearby." He pauses for a brief moment. "Organization difficult to reach unless you know the right channels."

Jason nods to himself a few times, considering the information. "Shouldn't be much of an issue for my people if we catch them at the right time. You said your people will provide transportation. Does this include both drop-off and extraction, or will I need to make arrangements to get my guys out?"

Rellis | "Both," he replies. "I will be transporting them personally."

Jason rounds the desk towards the salarian and flashes another smile. "Then I believe that about covers it. You've got yourself a team, Mr. Darennon."

Rellis extends his hand, offering a slight smile of his own. "Looking forward to working with your team, Mr. Wolfe," he says. "One question. Will you be briefing the team yourself?"

Jason takes the salarians hand and gives it a shake. "Absolutely." he says as he withdraws his hand, "As well as joining them in the field."

Rellis nods. "You can send me a message if you have more questions that are non-sensitive."

Of course. If you get access to any more information pertaining to the job, or if anything changes that may affect the mission, contact me or Ms. Vasquez as soon as possible.

Rellis | "I will," he says. "Might need to exchange it in person if sensitive. Was there anything more, or should we call it a day?"

Jason shakes his head and moves towards the door, which slides open with a press of a button on the wall panel beside it, "I think I've got enough information for now. I'll begin preparations."

Rellis nods, following him to the door. "Will do my best to give sufficient notice," he says. "Estimate we'll strike eight days from now, but it could change."

Jason steps out of the office and begins heading towards the entrance. "Understood. I'll inform my agents. We'll be ready to go on your notice."

Rellis | "Sounds good," he says. "Goodbye." Without any further word, he makes his way outside, and heads towards Freedom Falls.

Jason remains at the door for a few moments watching the salarian disappear into the distance before taking a deep breath and returning to his office.

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Rellis' Contract
Jason Wolfe
Rellis' Contract
Rellis Darennon
Jason Wolfe
Rellis' Contract
Jason Wolfe
Rellis' Contract
Jason Wolfe
Rellis' Contract
Rellis Darennon
Jason Wolfe