#Miner'sRespite – January 22, 2014

Va'ynna is sitting at the bar (off work at the moment), looking a bit bored. There is a half-empty glass of water on the counter before her. She's wearing her dark-red dress. There is a datapad-sized bag resting against the counter near her feet.

Zaylus descends the staircase from the upper floor, dressed in his usual attire of basic armor, but doesn't appear to be armed. He pays little mind to the other patrons and makes his way toward the bar, recognizing the familiar asari just before reaching a seat one over from hers. "On a break, hm?" He greets, settling onto the stool and resting his hands against the counter, grinning towards her.

Va'ynna looks up to the turian, almost too quickly, in reaction to the turian speaking to her. "Hm?" she begins. "No, no, I'm not. Just.... Was just going to find a quiet place here to read before I'm needed again."

Zaylus looks around the bar for a moment before letting his gaze come back to rest on the asari. "I don't know if I'd cosider this the quietest place around, but suit yourself." He shrugs, trying to grab the attention of a bartender. "Don't worry about me, I won't ask what you're reading. Probably have never heard of it anyway." He gives a dry chuckle, waiting on an employee to come around.

Va'ynna shrugs slightly. "It's nothing exciting," she says. "Just reading up on things about this..." she glances towards the drink menu "...line of work." She turns to face the turian completely, but doesn't maintain eye-contact. "It's part of my training before I can work here full-time."

Jason marches through the front door in typical fashion, wearing his blue-and-white hardsuit with a datapad tucked under his arm. As he nears the bar, he recognizes Va'ynna immediately and takes a seat on the other side of her, opposite of Zaylus. "Evening, V." he says with a smirk, tossing his datapad on the counter without much worry as to whether he damages it. Plenty of scuffs and cracks indicate that he probably doesn't take very good care of it. "You seem to be on the wrong side of the counter tonight. Get lost?" he teases, not paying enough attention to his surroundings to notice the turian.

Zaylus seems somewhat skeptical, and proceeds to order a cheap turian ale before returning his attention to Va'ynna. Before he can speak a particular human catches his eye, and a reflexive scowl appears on his face. Instead of addressing Jason directly, he leans forward to peer around the asari, giving the human a taunting, over-enthusiastic smile.

Va'ynna turns in her seat to face the counter, looking up at Jason with a small smile. "Hmm, maybe...," she says, though probably not conveying the fact she's joking well enough. "Hey, Jason."

Jason 's smirk widens into a lopsided smile. "Have the night off?" he probes just before catching a glimpse of Zaylus. "Is this derelict causing you trouble, ma'am?" he asks, his smile fading away, replaced with a middle finger he's slowly wagging back and forth in front of his face at the turian.

Va'ynna leans back slightly, glancing a bit to each side. "Uhmm," she begins. "Don't... don't you two work together?"

Zaylus blinks slowly, still holding the wide smile as he brings one hand up to his face, resting his chin on his palm and his elbow on the counter. "And here I was about to ask her the same thing." He says, holding back any real spite.

Jason winks at the turian and puts his hand down. "Guess he told ya the good news, eh V?" he asks, turning his attention back to the asari, "Just a little friendly teasing." he adds, the smile returning to his face. "Oh!" he says, leaning forward to peer around Va'ynna and sounding as though he just remembered something, "I'm gonna need you in the office. We picked up a new contract. It's a one-off job and I'm going to need everyone to stop by so we can put a team together."

Va'ynna leans back further to not be too much in the way for the discussion that's between them. "Mhm," she says. "He has." She picks up her glass of water and takes a long sip of it.

Zaylus lets go of the taunting grin, tapping his talons against his glass when it arrives. Leaning in slightly, he seems to contemplate this for a moment for responding in a teasing manner, "I know you want to be secretive around the lady, but if you want me so bad just give me a call anytime, there's no need for all these excuses." He gives the human a wink, raising his glass for a sip. "Just tell me when you need me there," the turian pauses, seeming to struggle. "...boss." He forces with some difficulty, grinning in amusement at himself.

Jason shakes his head and lets out a short disingenuous chuckle. "Get your head out of your ass already. I didn't come here for you." he says, putting a hand up to wave down the bartender, "Messages are going out tonight. Just figured since you're right here..." he shrugs, "Might as well give you a heads up." He quickly lists off his order to the bartender and rotates on his stool a bit to better face Va'ynna and Zaylus, "It's a good opportunity though." he continues, "The job, I mean. Pays well, too."

Zaylus rolls his eyes good-naturedly, going for another sip of his drink. "If you say so." He shrugs. "I won't ask what it is, at least, not out here." He adds, glancing at Va'ynna. "Not worried about you, of course. Just a principle." The turian gives her a light back-pat, being mindful of the talons.

Va'ynna looks at the counter, a slight frown visible on her lips. "I could... leave you two alone if you want to talk about it."

Jason shakes his head and puts a hand out, patting Va'ynna on the shoulder. "Nah. Poor business practice to talk about sensitive information out in public." he says before adding with a shrug, "Besides... I've deal with this shit all day. I'm here to get shit faced, not stressed out." As if on cue, his drink arrives and he tips it back, slugging a hearty amount with a satisfied sigh, "All work and no play make for a dull life, right?"

Zaylus gives a deep, throaty chuckle. "You may be right about that one." He says, taking a hearty drink of his own glass in turn. "It can definitely wait." Setting his drink back down, the turian turns himself to face the two better. "I don't know if this counts as work talk," he begins, leaning in slightly. "But what did you make of those other aplicants? That human guy seemed a bit... off." he says, a somewhat thoughtful look on his face.

Va'ynna jerks her head towards Jason when he patted her shoulder, seeming a little tense for the briefest moment, but she remains quiet as the turian speaks.

Jason raises an eyebrow at Va'ynna's sudden movements, but turns his attention back to the turian upon hearing his question. He considers it for a moment, trying to put a name and face to the person in question, "Yeah, I don't know... I probably shouldn't be discussing other potential employees." he says, attempting to shrug off the question. "You alright, V?" he asks, finally removing his hand from the asari's shoulder, "You seem a bit tense." he continues, chuckling slightly to himself, "More than usual, anyways."

Zaylus shrugs, letting the question go, having no real interest anyway. Instead he too looks over at Va'ynna, "Hm, yeah." he agrees, letting the observation stand as he goes for another sip of his drink.

Va'ynna nods, looking a bit sheepish as she returns her gaze forward. "Yeah, it's nothing," she says. "...to worry about." She looks up at the drinks menu, considering getting something light. "So... how have you been, aside from the job?"

Jason leans an arm up on the counter, but continues to face Va'ynna, "Been alright..." he says, sweeping the question aside, "But really... Is everything alright?" he persists.

Zaylus watches the two, curiously awaiting whatever she has to say.

Va'ynna forces a shrug, but it ends up looking more tense than was meant. "Yes," she says. "Just... not slept well last night, is all." She moves a hand up to rub her neck, getting a little more uncomfortable.

Jason rests his head on his hand, leaning heavily against the counter. "Just one of those nights?" he asks, "Or... There somethin' you need to talk about?"

Zaylus turns and glances up the steps, looking suspicious as he returns his gaze to the asari. He makes a low grumbling noise, but says nothing.

Va'ynna is quiet for a few seconds, then nods. "Just one of those nights," she says, sounding uncertain of her own answer.

Jason nods a few times and gives a shrug of his shoulders, "Gotta get a handle on that, V." he says, reaching for his drink, "Know what helps me sleep?" he asks, lifting the glass in front of his face without awaiting an answer, "Booze. And lots of it." he chuckles and takes a swig of the drink.

Zaylus continues to appear perturbed, glancing once again up the steps. With a shake of his head, he attempts to brush off whatever he was thinking and focuses more on his drink for the time being.

Va'ynna takes a long sip of her glass of water. "I've heard that," she says, "but eh... I'm not really a... I don't drink much, to be honest."

Jason sets his glass back down. "Well see? There's your problem!" he says, slapping a gauntleted hand down on the counter as if he's solved some great mystery. A moment later, he scrunches up his brow, "Wait..." he begins, "You mean to tell me you're a bartender that isn't really a drinker? Is that legal?"

Zaylus lets out a small grin, chuckling lightly as he responds, "Better not let the management hear that." He teases, taking another sip of his drink.

Va'ynna looks away, covering her mouth as she lets out a giggle. "Oh no, you caught me," she says as she reaches for her glass. "Shh, don't tell her anything, okay?" Her voice is a little lowered, but it's easy to tell she's not very serious.

Jason finishes off what little of his drink is left, and waves down the bartender. "How is the owner, anyways?" he asks, "You like working for her?" He turns his attention towards the bartender momentarily to ask for a refill, but quickly returns his gaze to Va'ynna.

Va'ynna thinks for a moment. "Yeah," she says. "I got the job here easy... didn't even have to write an application." She drinks the rest of her glass of water and places it on the countertop. "So I may be a little biased."

Zaylus watches the two with waning interest. It appears as though something else might be on his mind until a sudden look of realization confirms this. Hopping up off his stool, the turian pauses to pay for his drink. "Hey, guys, I have to get going. Nice chatting." He says rather abruptly.

Jason gives Zaylus a nod. "I'll see you at the office, Zaylus." he says, any mention of posteriors suspiciously absent, "And keep an eye on your omni-tool. If things happen quicker than expected, I might need you without much notice."

Va'ynna looks up at the turian. "I'll see you again, Zaylus," she says, offering a tiny smile and a wave.

Zaylus nods, "Sure thing." he says, giving them both a wave of goodbye before turning and quickly climbing up the stairs.

Jason puts an arm up, waving Zaylus off before turning back to Va'ynna with a grin. "Eh... He's not so bad." he says, moreso to himself than to Va'ynna, "...I guess." He gives a slight shrug and turns to accept his refill as the bartender returns. "So, V, you been to the doctor? Might be able to give ya something to knock you out at night."

Va'ynna sighs. "It's not that," she admits in a lowered voice. "I... am scared, I guess. There's a krogan in the room beside me..." That was enough explanation, she hoped.

Jason furrows his brow and leans in closer. "What did he do?" he asks, sounding quite concerned.

Va'ynna closes her eyes. "Nothing.... He seemed... angry at his roommate," she says, seeming to be shaking a little as she thinks back; mixed with that she feels bad for talking about what could arguably qualify as part of her job. "Their... arguments were every night, so I... talked to her. Offered her a new room with a discount."

Jason seems to ease up a bit, leaning back against the counter. "Oh..." he says, "Well I suppose that's gonna happen from time to time here... Right?" He shrugs and reaches out, giving Va'ynna's shoulder a few more pats, "Krogan are always angry. It's kind of their thing. Shouldn't let it bother ya too much. How is this roommate of his? She alright?"

Va'ynna doesn't react the same as he pats her shoulder now, though tensed a little at the first. "I... hope he's not angry at me," she murmurs. "For helping split them up." She takes a deep shaky breath, but doesn't say anything more.

Jason sighs and nods a few times, understanding her paranoia a little better now. "I wouldn't worry about it, V. It's your job. Nothing personal. I'm sure he knows that." he says, giving a reassuring smile, "And if he does cause you any problems, you just give me a call." he adds with a stern nod, "And I'll send Zaylus to get stomped into a turian soup while we make a quick retreat."

Va'ynna can't help herself but grin amused. "Aw, poor Zaylus," she says. "I.... um, you don't mean that, do you?" She pauses. "Thank you. I'll keep it in mind."

Jason shakes his head and laughs loudly, "No, of course not... I mean, if something were to happen, you know I'd help you in any way I could. I just don't think that's something you need to worry about. At the very least, don't let it keep you up at night."

Va'ynna smiles genuinely as she stands up. "I'll try," she says. "And thank you... it means a lot." She wipes below her eye with the back of her index finger as she takes a deep breath, looking a little ashamed. "Anyway, I need to get back to work, but... I won't be out here tonight."

Jason remains seated and reaches for his drink. "I'll see you around, V." he says and takes a quick sip of his drink, "Don't work too hard." he adds with a wink.

Va'ynna nods, laughing softly. "Don't think I can," she says. "I'll see you around." She makes her way behind the bar and through the door to the staff's area and kitchen.

Jason stays at the bar for a few hours, but doesn't speak to anyone else, just polishing off drink after drink.

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Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Va'ynna Atana
Zaylus Velrin

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Va'ynna Atana
Zaylus Velrin
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Zaylus Velrin