#Miner'sRespite – February 11, 2014

Renala is sitting at the bar, a glass of human-made brandy on the counter before her. She seems a little bored, but that's about it. She's wearing a blue top that covers most, aside from a bit below the neck and her arms; and non-descript dark-gray pants.

Victoria walks into the Respite from the door, it looked like she spent all her time outside today. She was wearing her usual white tank top and green long pants. She walks up to the bar next to an asari and waves down the bartender. She did not notice it was Renala.

Renala looks up at the woman taking the seat next to her. "Hey Victoria," she says. "What's up?"

Victoria looked over at the asari to see it was Rena ''Oh... Hey Rena did not see you there. I was just finally exploring the town. What is up with you?''

Renala shrugs. "Just sitting around most of the day," she says. "Thought I earned a drink after working on my door-opener." Renala pauses. "DId you see anything exciting around town?"

Aylena -- the currently working bartender saw Victoria's wave as she emerged from the kitchen with two pizza-boxes. She handed them off to another human standing there, who paid and made his way out of the Respite. She then walks over to Victoria. "Drowning your sorrows today too, huh?" she says. "What can I get you?"

Victoria looked over at Aylena as she handed off the pizza boxes. Then when she came over to Vic ''Well the usual rum and coke. Could I also get myself a pizza?'' She then looked at Rena ''Some places, I was just going around to see what else is here.''

Renala looks up at the bartender as well, offering a polite smile. "Another glass of this, please," she says holding up hers before taking a sip of it. "I've seen much of the town, but I'm not too familiar here aside from the grocery store, and that crazy volus' shop."

Aylena nods, handing her a datapad with a pizza menu -- the typical: starts simple at the top, more creative as you go down. "Just tell me which, what size, and whether you'll be having it here," she says. "Might take a while, though." She makes her way off to fetch the bottles for their drinks, but is still within hearing earshot.

Victoria looks at the menu hoping for a pepperoni pizza, ''A crazy volus owns a shop? Please tell me it is a sex shop, since that will make me laugh so much.''

Renala chuckles. "Did I hear that wrong, or did you just think I've been to a sex shop?" she says with a tilt of her head, putting on an oddly out of place face of innocence.. "No, sorry to disappoint you. He sells guns... as dangerous as that sounds."

Aylena returns with the bottles and pours the drinks, the rum and coke at the same ratio as last time. "Made a decision yet?" she says as she places the glasses on the counter. "Sorry, we can't make the varren kebab one at the time." She'll find one with something resembling pepperoni on it, being from an Aitian source.

Victoria decided to get the one that resembled the pepperoni. ''Can I get the pepperoni, medium?''

''That Ren would also be a thought that makes me laugh so much, I would fall out of my chair.''

Aylena nods. "Sure, sure," she says as she takes the datapad and places it back beneath the counter. "I'll be right back." She walks over to another patron signaling for her and takes his order.

Renala grins. "He knows his stuff, though," she says, "but he's a volus through and through. Tried to sell me a ship-mounted gun for Goddess' sake." A chuckle follows.

''Why on Earth would you need a ship mounted gun? I could understand why I would want a gun like that.''

Renala nods. "Exactly," she says. "Asked if it came with a free ship, but don't remember if he got back to me on that one." She pauses, picking up her drink. "Why would you want one? I don't hope Jason would want you to fly us into a hot zone anytime soon."

Aylena makes the drink for the other patron before making her way through the door on the back.

Victoria pulled a dramatic face ''I am shocked Rena. My pilotting skills are legendary.'' She takes a sip of her drink ''I feel offended now.''

Renala laughs, giving Victoria a pat on the shoulder. "Not what I meant, darling," she says. "I don't think our boss plan to drop us into a terrible situation just yet." She takes a sip of her drink. "Or... well, anything out in space."

''But don't you ever just want to blow something up with a huge gun?'' She asked putting on a puppy dog look.

Renala raises her brows. "No, can't say I've had the compulsion," she says, mock serious. "The thought of you flying up there with something that has a gun, though..." She didn't continue, sipping her drink.

Aylena returns through the door, though empty-handed and approaches another patron.

Victoria looks up at the roof ''Such a marvelous image ain't it?'' She then took a sip of her drink

Renala smirks. "That's just what I thought," she says jokingly. "Well, a little bit scary, but sure."

Victoria sighs ''I miss my old ship, she was a beauty. She had the everything you could ever want.'' She then took another sip.

Renala tilts her head. "I don't think I've heard of that," she begins. "You lost it?" She sips her drink.

''Well kicked off of my own ship since one of my crew members was a good fucking liar. And I did not give him what he wanted.'' She just shook her head ''The asshole.''

Renala fronws, wrapping an arm over Victoria's shoulder comfortingly. "Well, their fucking loss," she says. "What did he want from you?"

''What most men want power and a quickie. And I always have the code of never bang someone you work with.'' She then looked at Rena ''Believe it or not, I have some class.'' She said with a smile.

Renala grins. "Oh?" she says. "Why would I ever doubt that?"

''Well if he was an asari, I might have considered it. Asari just make better lovers.''

Renala smiles. "I won't confirm or deny that," she jokes. "I thought you said you had a code, huh?"

''I love asari so much I am willing to break that code once.'' She took a sip of her drink and gave Rena a wink.

Renala pats on her back before retracting her hand. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here," she says.

''Fine... I guess I will just keep it to playful flirting with you. I'll also keep all of my snarky remarks for Zay.'' She gave a devious smile

Renala shrugs. "Alright," she says with an eaggerated sigh. "And what have you got against Grumpy?" She takes a sip of her brandy.

''Nothing, I just like giving him a bit of a snark off contest. But I think I won our little snark off during the last mission.'' She sip her drink ''I mean calling someone a bitch ain't that creative.''

Renala tilts her head. "Well, I've referred to one of our new friends back there as such," she says. "You don't have to be creative to make your point, you know."

''Would that be my asari temptress you are referring to?'' She pull a face of dramatic bliss ''Oh how I miss her already. Anyway, Grumpy should know I was only joking, I might feel bad if it hurt his feelings.''

Renala grins. "The one and only," she says. "I really hope I don't see her again, personally, but you know, singularities can really be a bad start to a relationship." She pauses. "He's probably alright... just don't call him grumpy. He'll just prove your point when you do that."

Aylena walks over to the door to the kitchen, where she meet a familiar purple asari holding the plate with Victoria's ordered pizza, cut into eight slices. Aylena takes the plate and the other asari returns through the door. She makes her way over to the counter and places it before Victoria along with two paper napkins. "I hope you like it." Another patron calls for her attention, though, and she makes her way down the bar.

Victoria as soon as the plate with the pizza arrived to took an slice and also instantly started to eat it. ''I fucking love pizza.''

Renala glances at the meal, nodding. "Yeah, that makes two of us," she says. "Me and my kid went to a resturant specializing in that when we were on Sanves a month or so back."

Victoria was half was done with her slice when she look at Rena ''You have a kid? Now that explains why I find it funny as hell if you were in a sex shop.''

Renala chuckles. "Yeah," she says. "Me and her mom had a few disagreements, and here I am." She takes a sip of her drink. "I still talk to her, though, almost every day."

Victoria finished off the slice in her hands ''Well that is good to hear. Gonna stay in contact I guess. Well for some people that would be fine.''

Renala nods. "Yeah, but she sometimes forget that Thessia spins a little slower," she says, "but she won't sleep if I don't take her calls, even how much I tell her to have a little faith in me."

''Aw that is cute.'' She said as she started on her second slice ''Atleast your daughter likes you. I can't stand my parents.''

Renala | "Oh?" she says. "Me and my folks aren't besties, either, but come on... they can't be that bad?"

''Well, they brought their little girl up to be a law breaker. Then expected her to become a rule following goodie two shoes.'' She sipped her drink and took a large bite of her current slice. ''So there is that.''

Renala pats her back. "And now you're out here, doing honest security work while chasing asari," she says. "Well, it probably won't hit the mark for them, but it's something, right?"

Victoria eyes went wide ''NO!!! I've turned into a honest living person!!'' She paused remaining quiet for a few seconds ''I feel dirty now.''

Renala can't help but burst out in laughter as the last part caught her off-guard. "Goddess. Victoria," she says as she composes herself. "You never cease to amaze me." Her omni-tool tools gives her a repeating beep, though Renala supresses the sound. "Sorry, Vica, I've got to get going," she says with an apologetic smile before downing the rest of her drink.

''Alright Rena, I'll be here finishing off my pizza and drink taking a long hard think about what I have become.'' She gave a smile

Renala returns the smile as she stands up, giving her a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry yourself too much," she says. "I'll see you around."

''Talk to you later Rena.''

Renala remains there for a second, before she makes her way upstairs to her room.

Victoria after a little while later finished off her pizza and her drink. She then paid for both and went back to her room.

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Aylena D'Inea
Victoria Steels
Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Renala T'Iavay
Victoria Steels
Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Victoria Steels

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Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Victoria Steels
Renala T'Iavay
Aylena D'Inea
Renala T'Iavay
Victoria Steels