#Miner'sRespite – July 28, 2014

Va'ynna is working at the bar on this early afternoon, a few hours before her break. She's in a dark-green dress that's not too unusual for her; modest but not hiding the tall asari's figure too well. She is standing at the middle of the bar, looking around occasionally, but as with most afternoons, it's very slow.

Shyva'Nahl sits in a corner booth, her legs tucked up towards her chest as she flicks through files on her omnitool, occasionally looking at different things on the extranet. She doesn't seem to make a single sound, and she certainly doesn't attract any attention.

Ehanis enters the Respite, a plastic bag in one hand and a purse hanging over her right shoulder. She looks around upon entering and on the sight of her quarian friend makes her way over to her. "Come on, hiding like that isn't gonna make you more friends," she says with a smirk. "How's it going?" The asari's clad in a red top similar to the one she wore yesterday and a skirt going just below her knees. She remains standing by the table, waiting for the quarian to address her.

Shyva'Nahl jumps with a loud squeak, quickly scootching back and trembling. She takes a second or two to recognise Ehanis and takes a deep breath. The trembling lowers a little, but its still very visible, shaking the Quarian all over. "Umm... h-hi..." she mumbles, still curled up. "I'm... um... o-okay."

Ehanis giggles at the quarian's reaction. "Come on, I'm not that scary, am I?" she says. "So, what's got you holed up here? Bar's where you'll meet people, you know." She places the shopping bag and purse on the innermost seat opposite the quarian.

Shyva'Nahl pulls her legs in close and sighs. "I'm..." she mumbles before looking up at Ehanis. "I'm s-scared. I t-think I'm i-in over my head..." she finally admits, her voice trembling a little as she shakes. "I n-never wanted t-to do m-my pilgrimage... I d-didn't w-want to leave t-the fleet..."

You can't just ditch your pilgrimage and go home, can you?

Ehanis sighs. "I've been out in town a few times now. It's not a bad place as long as you stick to the right streets."

Shyva'Nahl shakes her head, still trembling. "I c-can't..." she mumbles. "P-Pilgrimage must b-be completed before I c-can go home..." she curls up a little tighter. "I j-just want to b-be home." She looks out one of the windows and sniffs, before looking down at her knees. "I d-don't like it m-much here."

Ehanis frowns. "Then make the best of it," she says. "And you haven't even been outside...." She glances at her purse once before looking back at her. "I'm gonna go get a drink," she says. "You want anything while I'm there?"

Shyva'Nahl sighs and nods slowly. "O-One of those t-turian fruit d-drinks w-would be nice..." she mumbles, watching the asari, just in case. She was still feeling rather paranoid about Ehanis.

Ehanis nods and makes her way across the bar. She exchanges a few words with Va'ynna, the latter glancing towards their booth, before the other asari goes off to make their orders. After getting the drinks, Ehanis returns back to their booths with a small bottle of the drink Shyva had yesterday, as well as a glass of a milder batarian ale for herself. "Anything new on your job hunt?" she says before taking a seat beside her things opposite the quarian.

Shyva'Nahl shakes her head, trembling all the while. "N-No... t-that's just one m-more thing to a-add to my anxiety..." she mumbles, taking the fruit drinks and pops her straw into it. "T-Thank you." she says before taking a sip. "I-I've sent applications, b-but I've g-got nothing b-back yet." She looks up at Ehanis, taking another sip. "W-What about you?" she asks, putting her glass down on the booth's table. "H-Have you f-found a... w-what do you c-call it..." Shyva taps her mask a few times. "C-Contract? I-Is th-that right?"

Ehanis shrugs. "Answers don't happen overnight, just give it time," she says. "Me? Nah, but I'm not pressed for credits yet." She takes a long sip of her drink, caughing a bit as she may have underestimated it. "Terminus colonies always has a place that could use one more merc, so I'm not worried."

Shyva'Nahl nods slowly, listening intently. "B-But isn't it b-better to g-get a job b-before you start hurting for caps?" she asks, sipping her drink through her swirly fun straw. "I m-mean... surplus is better th-than debt, r-right?"

Mhm, didn't say I'd wait until a day's delay would have me sleeping in an alley

Ehanis chuckles. "Who knows? Maybe I'll run into someone here that's currently looking for mercs. I'll be happy if I can skip the application part."

Shyva'Nahl sighs and looks at her omnitool. No new messages. "A-Applications suck..." she mumbles. "B-Back on the f-fleet your j-jobs as b-basically assigned. I m-miss the fleet..." she sips her drink again and rubs her belly. "I h-hate this feeling... it f-feels like t-theres a kn-knot in my tummy..."

Ehanis | "You don't know about the interview part, huh?" she says with a grin. "I haven't done non-merc work in decades, though, but I hated the interviews." She takes a small sip of her drink.

Shyva'Nahl lurches forward a little as her anxiety flairs. "I w-was trying n-not to think a-about that..." she mumbles, taking a deep breath. "T-Thanks. T-That makes e-everything sooooo m-much better." Her voice oozes with a grumpy sarcasm.

Ehanis giggles. "Sorry," she says. "You'll be fine.... If one interview goes badly, you'll probably have another one just around the corner."

Shyva'Nahl sighs and wrings her hands together. "E-Easy for y-you to say. Y-Your skills a-are obvious, a-and you're an asari. M-My skills take up t-to hours to prove, a-and I'm a quarian." she sighs, placing her head on the table. "L-Life is just TOO h-hard for us."

Ehanis tilts her head. "Don't lose your hope after two days!" she says, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder. "The bartender over there isn't really... that good at her job. Maybe it's easier out here to get a job."

Shyva'Nahl flinches at the touch, still not entirely trusting the asari. "...o-okay..." she finally says. "I s-still h-have nine d-days worth of t-time in m-my room... n-nine days for the p-panic to r-ramp up a l-little m-m-more..." she blinks and starts to shake. "N-Nine d-days... t-that's j-just over a week w-which is s-seven d-days... t-two of which a-are weekend d-days which t-they won't b-be looking a-at applications on, w-which leaves f-five days..." she starts to panic, hyperventilating and rocking back and forth.

Ehanis sighs. "Not everyone's bound to that schedule, even those using whatever system that is," she says, looking a little uneasy. "Hey, keep looking for jobs. If things go to badly... we'll figure something out, okay?"

Shyva'Nahl grabs Ehanis's hand and grips it tightly, taking deep breaths, trying to come down from her panic attack. "I... d-d-don't wa-want to be s-sleeping on the d-dirty streets..." she pants, still taking deep breaths. A few more seconds, and she starts to calm down a little. "I t-think I'm g-going to be sick..."

Ehanis grabs the quarian's hand in turn. "What friend am I if I let you sleep out in the street?" she says with a raised eyebrow. "Shame these rooms are so tiny... without a couch to crash on." She glances towards the bar and hums thoughtfully. "Maybe you could check if they need another hand around here?"

Shyva'Nahl takes several deep breaths, clutching Ehanis' hand tightly. A sense of trust forms in Shyva's mind towards Ehanis, one that she hadn't felt before. "M-Maybe..." she finally mumbles, breathing deeply. "J-Just to t-tide me o-over u-until I g-g-get a real job..."

Ehanis pats her hand with her free hand. "Just don't say that if you get to talk to her," she says followed by a chuckle. "I don't think I've seen the owner, though."

Shyva'Nahl takes another deep breath and sighs, calming down. "T-Thanks, E-Ehanis." she looks at the asari again and smiles. "Y-You really a-are a f-friend." she says. To anyone else, that wouldn't mean much, but from Shyva that means quite a lot.

Ehanis tilts her head to the side and smiles. "Aw," she says, picking up her glass. "Now, keep looking for jobs and don't worry, okay?"

Shyva'Nahl nods and sighs. "L-Listen, E-Ehanis... all t-this panicking... I'm e-exhausted." she gets up, slipping her hand from Ehanis'. "I'll t-talk t-to you a-again soon." With that she scurries off up the stairs.

Ehanis leans back in her seat as the quarian lets go of her hand. "You too, Shyva; rest well," she says with a smile before watching her leave. As the quarian's out of earshot, she sight deeply, pondering the situation. She remains in the booth for the time being, occasionally sipping her drink.

Next Logs

Ehanis Tioran
Va'ynna Atana
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya
Ehanis Tioran
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya
Va'ynna Atana
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya
Ehanis Tioran
Va'ynna Atana

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Ehanis Tioran
Va'ynna Atana
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya
Ehanis Tioran
Shyva'Nahl nar Tesleya