#RedrockAgency – December 30, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Va'ynna arrives by taxi (the wheeled kind), which has just stopped by the front gate. Jason is most likely with her. Like at the Respite, she's wearing her dark-gray dress with green trims, with her navy blue jacket on top. She has also brought a purse, which has lied flat on her lap during the trip.

Jason passes along a credit chit to the taxi driver as the door slides open. With an appreciative nod, he hops out and waits beside the vehicle for Va'ynna to rejoin him. "All of the major construction is done." he informs, casting a glance back towards the building behind him, "Pretty pleased with how it all turned out." he adds with a grin.

Va'ynna follows him out of the vehicle, hanging the purse off of her shoulder. Once outside, she looks the building over. "Mhm," she says with a small smile. "I didn't know you were doing so well."

Jason snorts and gives a shake of his head as he starts towards the entrance. "Well might be a bit of an overstatement.... But we're still afloat. For now." As he nears the door, he reaches out and taps the panel, causing the door to slide open to reveal an empty reception. A few chairs line the wall to the left and an unmanned desk is in front of them, beside a hall leading further

into the building. "After the hit our building took last time I had to call in a few favors and sell off some of our assets to even get this project going."

Va'ynna nods a few times while listening to him. "I.... That's good to hear," she says. "I hope you won't have to do that again." She looks around the room and tilts her head. "I take it people haven't come back to work yet?"

Jason gives the reception a once over and rolls his shoulders before continuing into the hall beyond the desk. "They stop by. This place functions as more of a stop-gap for the staff than a place for them to remain. A place for them to file their reports. For us to hold briefings. Store gear. We've got a workout room upstairs." he gives a glance down the hall towards the stairs. "So

they pop in now and then. The only ones that will be on-site regularly will usually be me, Linda, Ilyna and to a lesser extent, Renala I suppose." He looks back over at Va'ynna, "But with Li under her watch, I don't expect Ilyna to spend much time here until she gets that sorted."

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah, I... think Tioran is tired of having to babysit... her for hours without due warning," she says while following beside him. "She... complained about that when I... last delivered her dinner."

I'm sure she'll figure it out. Not a whole lot I can do to help, unfortunately. Everyone I know has their own jobs to worry about. I'm not pressuring her into returning to work anytime soon, though.

Jason nods at the left-hand wall of the hallway. "Washroom and offices for myself, Linda and Ilyna. Just a spot of our own to get paperwork done. Nothing fancy, but it's good enough for our needs."

Va'ynna looks at the indicated doors. "I... thought Ilyna was just stepping in?" she says. "Is she... still going to help you with managment now that Linda is back?" She looks towards to the right when they reach the intersection.

Jason gives a nod. "So long as she's willing to stick around. Never hurts to have another experienced pair of eyes. Besides, there's few people I trust as much as her." He follows her glance and rounds the corner. "Infirmary. Figured it would be best if we had a place of our own for Halisi to work. Better safe than sorry." he says as he taps the panel beside the first door on their

right. It opens up to reveal a small room with a single bed against the far wall. It looks as though it's not entirely in order yet, as a few boxes sit in the corner. A cabinet lines the wall to their right with numerous drawers and doors for storage.

Va'ynna looks the room over thoughtfully. "Does she... even have time for that?" she asks. "I... don't think I've ever seen her... having a break, not even at Miner's Respite."

Jason gives the panel another tap, causing the door to slide closed once more. "She's a busy woman." he admits, "But she seems to be able to handle all the work, so I'm sure she'll make time if we need her here." He turns 180 degrees and gives the panel to the door on the opposite side of the hall a tap, too. It opens to reveal an L-shaped room with a few cubicle clusters, each containing

multiple desks with workstations atop them. Mendez is seated at one, looking over his screen. He glances back as the door opens, but pays the pair no mind and returns to his work. "This is where our field agents do their paperwork. Take notes. Whatever they need to do." he adds with a shrug. He nods towards Mendez and lowers his voice, "Don't let him fool you into thinking he's actually

working. I think he's just pretending to know how to read." he whispers with a smirk.

Va'ynna walks up beside him and looks into the room. She brings up a hand to cover her mouth as she holds back laughter in response to Jason's whisper. "Does... Victoria know of this?" she asks. "I... don't believe she's doing anything at all when I'm at work, because she's never busy when I ask her to go out with me."

Jason gives a shake of his head as he closes the door. "With everything still shifting around, I haven't actually taken the time to call everyone in to get them all up to date yet. I know Vicky has been putting all the pieces into place for us to make a move on her old ship so I don't want to call her in until I have some news on when we can begin making some progress on it. Should be

soon, though. Hopefully." His smirk grows a bit, "So... How is that going, anyway? You and her? Is it true love?" he teases.

Va'ynna blushes and looks to the side. "I... um, we're doing well," she says. "I moved out of my room a few days ago, and... we're going to look at an apartment today or tomorrow."

Jason blinks a couple times before bursting into laughter and clasping a hand on Va'ynna's shoulder. "You're moving in with her!?" he says, much louder than intended, "I didn't know it was going that well, V! That's great! ....Right?" he asks. "Sheesh. Keep moving at that pace and you're gonna beat me to the wedding bells." he jokes.

Va'ynna smiles, then tilts her head. "Do you think... I'm going too fast with this?" she asks as her smile starts to fade. "Now that she... probably has a lot of work going on? She... she never tells me no."

Jason furrows his brow and gives a firm shake of his head as he starts down the hall once more. "If it feels right, you need to go for it." he says. He taps the interface to the door on their right which opens up to a conference room. A large table sits in the center of the room with a screen taking up the entirety of the back wall. He doesn't bother commenting on the room. "So long

as you're happy and the two of you treat each other right..." he shrugs, "Whether or not it's 'too fast' or not-.... well, you'd know better than I would. Does it feel like it's moving too fast to you?"

Va'ynna follows him down the hall and stands beside him as she studies the room. "Maybe... now that I give it more thought," she says. "I... never stop to question her when... she always has time for me when I want to spend my time off with her. That's... why I wondered if she's even doing anything at all." She looks over at the screen. "So... this is where you watch your sports?" she adds followed by a smirk.

Jason cocks an eyebrow at her. "You're not far off. Eventually this will be used for our briefings. But for now? Yeah! Movie night. Asajura. Looks great on that thing." he says with a nod at the screen. He glances towards the door off to the side of the conference room. "Leads into our armory. It's a bit barren now, but once we get back on our feet we'll hopefully be able to provide

whatever gear a job calls for." He closes the door and turns back towards the asari before continuing with their conversations. "So... what makes you think it might be moving too fast?" he asks, "I mean it sounds like you're happy, right? Sure, she won't always have this much free time, but that's the case with any relationship, right? You'll find a way to work around it."

Va'ynna frowns. "Your... reaction, mostly," she admits. "It... made me stop to consider." She pauses for a moment, glancing to the side. "We're... happy, yeah," she says with a nod. "I wouldn't be... considering renting an apartment if not; you know... how unwilling I was to get my own place before."

Jason bites his lower lip for a few moments before responding. "Don't let my reaction influence you, V. I'm happy for you two. Honest. And if you're happy then that's all that matters. I've found that happiness isn't something you come across easily in life. Gotta hold onto it when you do." he says, glancing absently past Va'ynna and towards Vasquez' office door with a smirk. "If

you think moving in together is the right move-..." he shrugs, "...then I say go for it. And make it work."

Va'ynna turns to the side to follow his glance. "I... I understand," she says. "This... is really something I should be talking with her about, but... thank you." She pauses, her smile returning. "Besides, a little Respite room is... too small for the two of us, and... more expensive."

Jason 's smile widens and he gives a nod. "Not a problem. Bad advice is what I'm good at." he teases. He gives a nod towards the door across from the conference room. "That's Renala's office. Since she'll be maintaining the security systems and shit like that, we figured she may as well have her own workspace." He glances back towards Va'ynna and lowers his voice, "I'm not sure if

she's around right now, but I'll track her down tonight and take care of all-... that. Promise."

Va'ynna giggles at the first part, but her expression turns more serious at the mention of Renala. "I... can understand the need for her own room," she says, trying to push that topic away for now. "You... should have seen the security office when she stepped in for Briggs. There... were parts and other things all over the desk, and even some on the floor for me to step on when delivering food."

The door to Renala's office is unlocked, but there's been no sign to the recent arrivals that she's present.

Jason gives a short chuckle. "Well, so long as she doesn't let that crap spill out into the hall, I don't really care whether or not she clutters the room up. As long as the systems are up and running..." he shrugs. He continues towards the door at the end of the hall and taps the panel, causing it to open up into a large hangar with high ceilings. A single Kodiak sits in the center

of the room, propped up with a pair of coverall'd legs hanging out from under it as Jasper works away, seemingly in his own little world. "Had to sell off some of our other hardware, so we've just got the one shuttle right now. We'll fix that soon enough, though." He gives a glance up towards the ceiling where there's some obvious work-in-progress, signified by open wires hanging from

a housing unit. "Automated security is coming along. Should help in case we have anymore 'unwanted visitors' or angry salarians poking around."

Va'ynna enters the room and looks around it. "I see," she says. "I think... it's impressive that you could afford all this and still... have a shuttle. Aren't those very expensive?" She looks up to the ceiling. "The salarian helping Kanaya out doesn't seem angry," she says, sounding less than serious, "so don't worry about him."

Jason tilts his head to one side, then the other, weighing the question. "They are expensive... But we picked our shuttle up as a junker. Jasper spent a whole lot of time fixing it up." he says, with a nod towards the dangly legs. "I'll file that intel away and take him off the 'suspicious' list. Good work, V." he says in response to Va'ynna's comment about the salarian, a big grin

on his face. He waves back towards the door. "C'mon. I'll take ya upstairs and show you the rest."

Va'ynna turns around and steps out of the hangar, grinning as well. "I'm... happy to have been of service," she says.

Jason continues back down the hallway they came from, rounding the corner to their right once he reaches the end. "Hey, that position at Redrock is still waiting for you!" he offers with a glance over his shoulder. "Forget receptionist. Intelligence officer! How does that sound?' he asks, obviously just joking. Once they pass the office doors, he grabs the stairs' railing and begins

to climb them. The staircase leads up to a landing then turns the opposite way to lead to the second floor.

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Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe

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Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe