#RedrockAgency – March 14, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Halisi is sitting in the infirmary, sitting by her desk, eyes moving along lines of text on the screen in front of her. a datapad and a couple of papers are spread out across her desk, along with an empty coffee cup. She looks tired, only part focused on what she's reading, but her white doctor's coat and her hair is immaculate as always, illuminated by the cold white-blue ceiling


Nathan is currently in the armoury, hunched over a workbench with his grenade launcher disassembled on it. His omni-tool is sat to the side with it's haptic interface active. Music is blaring from it, guitar rifts and a heavy drumbeat. 'When the Devil comes, I'm going to ride that traaaain~!'. The doors leading to the armoury, including the meeting room, are open.

Halisi seems to have more or less tuned the music out by now, and is going on with her reading, with an occasional glance at the datapad sitting on the desk. She lets out a faint sigh and leans back in her chair, staring at the bit of wall just above the monitor thoughtfully, swinging her chair idly back and forth.

Nathan has, by now, reassembled his launcher. He raises it up and turns it over, examining it meticulously. Finally satisfied, he sets it back down and switches the music off. He stores the launcher back into the weapon racks, then exits the armoury, snagging his omni-tool along the way.

Halisi is snapped out of her train of thought and glances briefly at the wall facing the meeting room as the music disappears. She leans forward in her seat and seems about to return to reading when she notices the empty coffee cup. She scrunches her nose and stands up while grabbing the cup, heading for the door. When it slides open she steps out into the corridor, heading for the


Nathan is looking down at his omni-tool as he is about to pass by the infirmary. Completely lost in his own world, he doesn't even click onto the fact the doors have opened and would probably bump into Halisi.

Halisi is clearly caught off-guard as Nathan walks right into her, and she stumbles to her left, but manages to make an impressive recovery just as it seems she's going to slip to the floor. She tugs at the bottom of her coat as she gets her bearings, still looking a bit bewildered.

Nathan flails as he staggers backwards, eyes wide. He scrabbles to catch whomever he walked into, his omni-tool deactivating. "I'm sorry!"

Halisi cracks an amused smile. "You should watch where you're going, don't want to stumble into an irate krogan." She furrows her eyebrows. "Nathan, right?"

Nathan smiles back, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He's dressed in a black vest top, dark blue jeans and a pair of dark brown boots. "Yeah, wouldn't be the first time," he says with a light chuckle. "That's right. Nathan Tennhausen. But call me Ten," he says as he holds his hand out for her. "And you are?"

Halisi nods, shaking Nathan's hand. "Ten it is. I'm Dr. Halisi. I'm the one that'll be patching you up if you end up with any unwanted bulletholes."

Nathan smiles, his stormy grey eyes creasing up. "Pleased to meet you," he says. "Knowing my luck, we'll probably be seeing a lot of each other. I'm quite the bullet magnet...".

Halisi raises an eyebrow as she returns her hand to her side. "That so? Well, if it's any comfort, that goes for most of Redrock. They tend to take a beating, but they're good at coming back alive." Her smile fades, her own comment perhaps causing her to think back, but it's not gone for long. "I take it you were the one playing that, uhm... interesting music?"

Nathan chuckles. He then smiles somewhat bashfully, nodding. "Uh, yep. I take it that it was a little loud?" He scratches the back of his neck again.

Halisi shrugs. "I don't mind. Work long enough in a hospital and you get used to tuning out any disturbances." She points a thumb over her shoulder. "I'm headed to the rec room to fill this up." She shakes her coffe mug slightly. "You want anything, or were you on your way out?"

Nathan hums and nods toward the mug. "Sure. I could do with a brew," he says, rolling his neck. He gestures for her to lead the way. "Lead on, doctor."

Halisi turns around with another nod, resuming her path towards the stairs.

Nathan follows closely behind. "So, you been with Redrock long?" He asks idly, peering over to her.

Halisi starts heading up the stairs. "A while now. They saved my life. Felt obligated to return the favor. And I needed a new job. I work at the hospital as well - Redrock doesn't usually take up much time."

Nathan quirks an eyebrow, surprised. "Huh. That's... Damn," he says, not quite sure how to respond. He decides not to ask. He follows her up the steps.

Halisi turns to her right once she's up the stairs, tapping the door panel and stepping into the rec room. "And you? I keep up with the personnel files. Demolitions, right?" She gestures at the fridge and then heads over to the counter next to it, starting to heat some water for the coffee.

Nathan follows her in, looking around at the recreational room. He walks over to the fridge and pops it open, fishing out some milk. "Aye," he says. "Been practising the art for about... Nine years now. I tell you, my parents were not expecting that as a hobby," he chuckles.

Halisi takes a seat the round table not far from the fridge as she waits for the water to heat up. "Oh yeah? Self-taught then?"

Nathan shakes his head, setting the milk on the side. He leans against the counter and shakes his head. "No, professionally. Sandbeck Enforcement Agency. A small outfit bordering on the edge of the Terminus," he explains. "Learned from an ex-soldier."

Halisi looks to Nathan from her seat at the table. "Huh. Can't say I've heard of them, but... I wouldn't claim to be knowledgable about the subject. I don't really want to... blow anyone apart." She's quick to add: "Not-... not that I'm judging you. Redrock does good work, even if it can be... destructive."

Nathan chuckles lightly, waving a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it," he says. "They're small, but well funded. They can afford the best." He pauses and tilts his head at her curiously. "Just... How destructive are we talking here?" He narrows his eyes slightly in thought.

Halisi heads back to the counter as the water is done, and starts preparing the coffee. "Oh... no more than any other company like them, I'm sure. They seem to be magnets for trouble though. So I'm sure you'll fit right in."

Nathan quirks an eyebrow at her, a small smile on his face. "Suppose I will," he says with a nod. "So, would you say there is anything I should know about the people here?" He asks, pushing the milk over to her. "One sugar, please."

Halisi opens a cabinet and takes out another cup, filling both with coffee and dropping a sugar cube in Nathan's. "They're good people. If a bit troubled, some of them. But I suppose that's not uncommon in this line of work..." She grabs her own cup, turning around and leaning back against the counter, looking across the room as she sips it.

Nathan plucks up his cup and gently blows at it to cool it down. "Aye, it's a bit of an unwanted tag along in this job," he murmurs. "Pardon me for asking... But do you- y'know what, never mind. It ain't my place to ask." He sips at his coffee, humming. "Mm, good coffee."

Halisi doesn't seem bothered by the heat of the coffee, taking another sip before heading to the table and sitting down again. "If you've got a question, I don't mind." She says in a calm tone.

Nathan pauses for a moment. He remains at his spot leaning on the counter, watching her with curious eyes. "You have any troubles? I mean, you're technically in this line of work with us." He hastily adds: "You don't have to answer, of course."

Halisi looks out across the room. "Plenty." She says with a faint smirk. "Although I object to the assertion. Mercenary is not a word I identify with. I just keep you all standing. Hopefully..."

Nathan chuckles. "Sorry, didn't mean to insult you, doctor," he says with a light nod. "Well, you seem like good people. I have full confidence you'll keep us ticking." He sips at the coffee, gaining a thoughtful look. "Though, who keeps you standing?"

Halisi takes a small sip of her coffee. "I'm usually not the one getting shot at." She says with a smirk.

Nathan hums a laugh. "Can happen though," he points out.

Halisi shrugs. "I'm not the only doctor in town. Besides, I've patched myself up in the past."

Nathan hums. "So you've been shot at. You act as a field-medic for Redrock then?"

Halisi shakes her head. "Not... really. I've come along once or twice when it seemed like a medic might be needed, but it's not something I do a lot. Most action I ever saw was... when Redrock saved me, I suppose..." She doesn't seem like she intends to elaborate, going back to sipping her coffee.

Nathan nods. For the moment, it looks like he's going to ask her to elaborate, but then he decides against it. He closes his hand around the mug. "Heh, seems I steered this conversation to a bit of a sombre topic," he mutters. "I apologise, doctor. I'm, uh, not that much of a social butterfly," he offers with an awkward smile.

Halisi offers a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it. Tell me something about yourself. Where you're from, whatever. And take a seat, you're making me nervous over there."

Nathan blinks and nods. "Oh, sorry," he says as he slips into a seat, placing the cup down with a light thud. "Well, I'm from Earth originally. I was born in Hamburg, Germany," he says with a small fond smile. "It's a beautiful city. Rich in history and culture and full of wonderful people." He pauses and gazes across the room. "I miss it, sometimes."

Halisi nods, her smile remaining. "I've never been, but I've seen London. I've heard Hamburg is similarly well-preserved."

Nathan looks back. "You should visit. Are you from Earth too?"

Yeah. Mombasa metropolis. Lots of history there too, but... not a lot of old architecture.

Hmm, never been. So what made you leave Earth and come this far out?

Halisi smirks. "My parents, what else?"

Nathan chuckles. "Good point," he admits.

Halisi takes another sip of coffee. "And you?"

Nathan smirks. "My friend asked me to go off world with him. So I did."

Huh... fair enough, I guess.

Nathan shrugs. "Well, I kind of wanted to leave too. See the galaxy." He sighs and leans against the table, propping his head up with his hand. "Instead, we end up working in a warehouse on some backwater. Go figure."

Halisi chuckles slightly. "How'd you go from that to explosives?"

Nathan sips at his coffee before he replies. "Recruitment drive. A Sandbeck rep happened to come to the area and we both jumped at the opportunity. After going through training, I decided to specialise in explosives and he as a sniper." He smiles slightly. "And what about you? Have you always wanted to be a doctor?"

Halisi nods with a fond smile. "Yeah. Went to medschool as soon as I could. My parents pa-..." She's interrupted as her omni-tool beeps. She reaches into a pocket and pulls it out, activating the display and reading quickly. After the hologram disappates she looks to Nathan while standing up. "I'm sorry, duty calls." She says with an apologetic look.

Nathan nods. "No problem. Maybe we can talk more at another time," he says as he partly raises his mug. "Thanks for the coffee."

Halisi departs in a hurry, leaving her cup of coffee behind.

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Nathan Tennhausen