#SyranisFoundation – March 22, 2016

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

The Syranis Foundation Building is located in the old town, easily distinguished even among the other buildings of asari architecture as it sits on a low hill overlooking the river. Large glass windows stretch between sleek pillars along the three-story building. On a sunnier day the stunning sky of Aite would be reflected, but now the windows are covered instead by the downpour of water resulting from the heavy rainfall. The river

can be heard rushing on the other side of the building. Stairs lead up to the front entrance which consist of wide glass doors.

Cross arrives much in the same fashion as his previous meeting. A large, grey shuttle with a black insignia, three lines and a circle, on the side of it lands in the parking lot. The word 'Enforcers' is emblazoned above the emblem with the word 'Adrasteia' in smaller lettering to the left of it, as if to denote a specific region rather than being a part of the namesake of the

security force. As the doors open, Cross steps out with a turian. Cross himself is dressed in what is quite obviously an expensive suit. His shoulder-length brown hair is tied back. The turian beside him is in a plain grey hardsuit. The pair make their way up the stairs and through the glass doors.

The doors open up into a sizable lobby, two stories tall. There is one door on the left-hand wall, another on the right-hand wall, and the far wall has a long desk flanked by stairs on both sides, leading up to a second-floor overlook of the lobby. Behind the desk sits a young asari in a business dress. She looks up from her computer terminal as Cross enters, offering a polite smile. "Welcome to the Syranis Foundation. What can I do for you?"

Cross gives a nod towards the turian as they enter the lobby, who takes a position flanking the door without a word. "Good evening." Cross says, flashing the pearly whites as he approaches the desk. "I have a meeting with Matriarch Syranis." he informs, "Bryan Cross."

Receptionist 's smile widens. "Of course! Just a moment Mr. Cross!" She says in an overly perky tone before typing something into her terminal. After a moment her gaze returns to Cross. "If you'll head up the stairs someone will bring you to the Matriarch shortly."

Cross bows his head slightly. "Excellent. You have a nice evening." he says, giving a quick glance back towards the doors. "Hope you brought an umbrella. It's really coming down out there." he adds, keeping his tone friendly as he proceeds to the indicated stairs and following them up.

The overlook at the top of the stairs has a glass railing on the unwalled side. Each of the three walls has a single door. A padded purple bench sits along the railing, and the two corners both have tall Aite-native ferns in pots.

Cross opts to stand as he waits for his guide, watching out over the glass railing.

The glass windows arch up to the ceiling, giving a view of the rain as it smatters down on the building before running down the front, as well as filling the lobby with a steady noise. There is no sign of anyone coming to fetch Cross for the first couple of minutes.

Cross continues to stare out at the rain, placing a hand on the railing as he waits.

After a few more minutes of waiting, a vorcha steps through one of the doors at the overlook. The vorcha, who is wearing a white tunic, has unusual posture and cleanliness for a vorcha - of course, that makes it look no less monstrous by human standards. It taps the datapad in its left hand and bows its head in respect. "Apologies for delay, Mr. Cross. Matriarch will see you now." It says, gesturing toward the door it came from.

Cross raises an eyebrow, an amused smile crossing his face. "It's fine." he assures the vorcha with a dismissive wave of his hand before stepping through the door. "Beautiful building you've got here. Asari architecture has always drawn my eye."

Rusk follows Cross through the door, which opens up into a short, but wide corridor. "Yes... old building. History." the vorcha comments. When they're about halfway through the corridor the door at the other end opens and Vasquez steps through, wearing her Redrock uniform. She's clearly on her way out.

Cross has obviously done his homework on Redrock, and is somewhat surprised to see the woman exiting the door at the other end of the hallway, but his smile widens somewhat. "Ah, Ms. Vasquez, I believe?" he greets as he continues in her direction. Not wanting to come off as a weirdo who knows more than he should, he brings a hand to his forehead and shakes his head. He extends his

hand in her direction as he nears the woman. "I apologise. Bryan Cross. I've ran into a few of your employees. Good people."

Vasquez raises an eyebrow, stopping and looking confused until he mentions his name. "Cross? Didn't realize you were visiting Freedom Falls." She shakes his hand with a nod, not quite managing a polite smile. "Yeah, I'm Chief Vasquez. You here about the expedition too?"

Cross blinks a couple of times as he tries to place the expedition mentioned. "Ah, the Saint Lucia expedition, I presume?" His grin widens slightly and he tilts his head a bit, "I-... Yes. Something like that. Am I right to assume that your presence means Redrock will be providing security for the expedition?"

Vasquez nods again. "Yeah, that's the plan. Always nice to have an opportunity to protect local endeavours." She glances back at the door she came from briefly. "I won't keep you. I'm sure I'll hear of it if you end up getting involved in the expedition as well." She says, finally managing a brief smile before heading off down the hall, leaving Cross to approach the door.

Cross gives a nod. "Pleasure speaking to you." he says as he departs towards the door. He stops when he's beside it, not wanting to just barge in, and looks to the vorcha expectantly, smile still etched into his face.

Rusk presses its hand against the holo-interface, and steps aside as the door slides open, clearly intending to wait outside. The door opens into a sizable room. A long counter/bar covers the right wall, while the left wall holds several glass displays with various artifacts and other obscure items, along with a map of the area surrounding Freedom Falls, hand-drawn in traditional asari style. A holographic projector overlays a

faint hint of a more scientific map. The far-left corner has a desk, but it is unoccupied. The Matriarch, a pale asari in an intricate but practical white dress and hood is standing near the far-right corner, which has two rotatable armchairs and a coffee table. She is watching out the far wall, which is entirely glass, overlooking the river, which is flowing fast and wide due to all the rainfall. There is no sign of any


Cross steps inside, casting an appreciative glance back at Rusk before approaching the Matriarch. "Good evening, Matriarch Syranis. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me. I can't imagine you're afforded much free time given your position." he begins, placing his hands behind his back as he glances around uncomfortably, not entirely sure whether he should sit. Stand.

Pace around. Join her near the window.

Syranis looks over her shoulder, and then gestures towards one of the armchairs with a smile, taking a seat in the other herself, and proceeding to take the pitcher on the table, filling two cups with what looks to be bright blue tea. "Good evening, Mr. Cross. Please, join me." Her tone is friendly and relaxed.

Cross sits in the indicated chair and presses a palm over the front of his jacket to smooth it out. He adjusts the buttons of his suit so it lays better over him in a seated position without wrinkling and straightens his posture. "With pleasure." he responds with a bright smile. "Busy times in Freedom Falls. Or so I hear. This expedition you have on the horizon is quite the


Syranis crosses her legs and reaches for her cup of tea in an elegant movement, taking a small sip and nodding. "Indeed. The preparations started as soon as I made my return to Freedom Falls." She says with a smile, her hood resting far enough back for her face to be clearly visible. "It has been too long since the town took part in such a venture. They were commonplace in the colony's

earlier days."

Cross reaches for his tea in turn and holds it up slightly with an appreciative nod. He takes a small sip, just enough so as not to be rude, before setting the cup back down. "Exciting times." he says, "Expensive times as well, I'm sure. I can't imagine an expedition of this size and scope comes cheap."

Syranis chuckles faintly, leaning back in her chair. Her gaze moves from Cross to the window. "Of course. But discovery is well worth the cost, I believe. It used to be I funded expeditions like this on my own, but the assistance of the ExoGeni Corporation has proven most helpful as I have chosen to focus on several local construction projects. I'm sure you have heard of our new


Cross nods once. "I have. And, it is." he responds. "Worth it, I mean. Research. Knowledge. The future of the galaxy. A noble investment, to be sure. But, the future of Freedom Falls is why I'm here today. Of Aite in general, really." he transitions, "Too many people believe this planet of ours is already lost, so there's no point in trying to better it. Personally? Pardon my

language, but that's absolute bullshit. Aite has a lot to offer the rest of the galaxy. Freedom Falls has a lot to offer."

Syranis nods again, looking back to Cross and studying him with interest. "On that we agree. Every planet is doomed, Aite's end is simply closer. Allowing that fact to overshadow what this world of ours has to offer is tragic. Indeed, it's coming loss only makes Aite that much more valuable while it is still here. I have found that your species more readily accepts the planet as it

is than most. Some would argue it is because you struggle to see or care ahead of your own life, but I believe being able to appreciate what we have before it is gone is a valuable trait. Vital, even. Nothing lasts forever." She says with a thoughtful smile. "Once you pass your 8th century that becomes all too clear."

Cross folds his hands on his lap and nods as he listens, careful not to interrupt. "I'm sure it does." he responds with a charming little smirk and a quick chuckle, "I believe we can help one another, you and I. In positions like ours, you can't help but keep your ear to the ground. You hear things. I'm sure you've undoubtedly already been informed of the problems up north and out

to the east. Adrasteia has already felt the effects to some degree. The Children of Aite. Nu Bloods. Brutish thugs looking to take whatever they can get their hands on through threats and violence. I've spoken with Commander Arius. I believe we have an opportunity to get ahead of the problem. Set up some countermeasures before they tire of throwing themselves at our walls and turn

their sights on Freedom Falls."

Syranis listens in silence as Cross speaks, her face showing nothing but the same thoughtful smile. She sips her tea again. "Is that so? I have of course heard of your efforts, and struggles. Andrasteia had no claim on planetary capital status when I left for Thessia. Such efforts speak for themselves. I have heard of these 'thugs' as well, a great many things are said by a great

many people." She says, smile never wavering. "I have little reason to believe Freedom Falls is at risk of such attacks, however. Our independance and neutrality has been been well-respected for many decades, even as wars have raged around us. A safe starport benifits the whole planet after all."

Cross quietly waits for the asari to finish before responding, smile persisting as the Matriarch alludes to the work he has put in. "Perhaps. But is that a guarantee you would risk the safety of the people of Freedom Falls on? Some might say a spaceport just paints an even larger target on the town. Given the recent attack your spaceport suffered, I don't think they would be too

far off. Factor in the recent misunderstanding Arius' men had in opening fire on an unarmed, innocent civilian, and I'd say Freedom Falls may be in need of a bit of shuffling in regards to the militia. I can help with that. Equipment. Training programs. Whatever it takes to make sure the city remains a safe haven for all who live here." He leans forward slightly, "Perhaps even a

generous donation for this expedition of yours."

Syranis raises an eyebrow. "Hm. That is indeed a generous offer, and it does not go unappreciated. But you must understand, Mr. Cross, that I am reluctant to put the neutrality of Freedom Falls in doubt. Our safety is assured because we do not make such deals with other settlements or groups - accepting favors from friends inevitably leads to becoming a target for the enemies of said

friend. That is not something I am willing to risk. And if we are drawn into conflict regardless, I must trust that our militia, and other capable inhabitants of this fine town, will rise to the occasion."

Cross 's smile persists, but a slight tick indicates that this wasn't the outcome he was hoping for. "I-.... see." He straightens his posture slightly and reaches for the cup of tea, taking another short sip and replacing the cup on the table. "That is unfortunate, Matriarch Syranis." he continues, adjusting his jacket somewhat, "On a planet as dangerous as Aite, it may also be

wise to remember that those without allies has nobody to come to their aid in times of need. An untrained militia numbering at about 150 on a good day, with whatever equipment they were able to scrounge up certainly isn't going to scare off those wishing to do harm. Batarian slavers? Raiders? Perhaps someone who just wants what you have. A self-sustaining power supply. Easy access

to a spaceport. Natural resources. Freedom Falls is a very juicy target. Adrasteia, for example, has an armed force exponentially larger. Top grade hardware. Those 'enemies' of ours you mentioned? Insects in comparison. The kind one would scrape off the heel of their boot without a second thought." His friendly demeanor remains, but there's a very high likelihood that a threat was

implied. "And I would be more than happy to blanket Freedom Falls in that same bubble of safety for very little in return."

Syranis ' expression grows colder, but her smile remains, if less friendly. "Your offer of assistance is much appreciated, I assure you. I will of course discuss it with the militia, and other prominent groups in the town, but I suspect they will agree. If... raiders... were to mistake the peacefulness of Freedom Falls for defenselessness, they may find themselves surprised. I am

sure I do not need to tell you no one lives long on a planet such as this without knowing how to defend oneself. Now, if there are any other, none defense related matters you wish to discuss... expanded trade, spaceport access..." She lets her tea rest on the table.

Cross lets out a breath and unfolds his hands, clasping them on his knees. "I apologize if I've come off as a little overbearing. I mean no offense by it. I just worry for the safety of Freedom Falls." He shifts in his seat somewhat as he considers her other suggestions. "I'm afraid there's little that Freedom Falls could supply Adrasteia with when it comes to goods." he responds with

an apologetic tilt of his head.

Syranis nods again. "Never hurts to ask." She says, the coldness soon fading from her expression. "Is there anything else I or Freedom Falls can do for you, Mr. Cross? I am certain we will speak again, but busy as we both are, it is difficult to know when."

Cross makes a show of thinking for a moment, already sure there's nothing else he cares to discuss. "No, that about covers it, I believe. It appears I've wasted your time for nothing." he says, his smile widening as he stands from his seat and adjusts his jacket again, "For that, I'm sorry. Thankfully, your kind have a whole lot to spare." he adds with a short chuckle. "Ah well,

thank you for the tea, Matriarch, as well as your company. Should you find yourself in need, do keep Adrasteia in mind. The only way we can whip this planet back into shape is by working together." He bows his head slightly, extending his hand towards the asari, "I do hope you'll discuss my offer with Commander Arius and reconsider."

Syranis stands as well, arms never touching the armrests to propell her up, but the motion occurs gracefully despite this - Cross might notice a subtle blue glimmer at the back of her dress, but it is brief. She shakes his hand with a nod. "Of course, and I will be sure to be in touch. And discussing the future of our dear planet is never a waste of time, Mr. Cross." She finishes, her

smile widening. "I wish Andrasteia the best."

Cross bows his head respectfully once more. "Enjoy the rest of your evening, Matriarch." he says before turning on his heels and starting towards the exit. His smile quickly disappears once he's no longer facing the asari.

Rusk escorts Cross back to the lobby, of course.

Cross continues to be pleasant to Rusk. No point to being needlessly rude. He thanks Rusk for the assistance as they arrive back at the main desk and acknowledges the receptionist kindly once more before taking his leave with his turian escort.

Next Logs

Bryan Cross
Linda Vasquez
Matriarch Syranis
Linda Vasquez