Meeting with Cross #1

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Cross' shuttle arrives precisely on time. Large, grey, with the Enforcer logo on the side of it. After lowering to the ground in the parking lot, the door slides open and Cross steps out with an armored turian in tow. Dressed in his usual attire, expensive suit and hair tied back, Cross enters the front door of Redrock Agency and steps up to the counter.

Fergus is stood behind the counter as always, and he bows as Cross enters. "Greetings, Ser Cross. Lady Vasquez awaits in her office." he says with a gesture down the corridor. "The second door on the left."

Cross cracks a smirk at the novel AI, but bows his head politely. "Excellent. Thank you." he says, passing a smile to the turian at his side. He gestures for Brutus to remain behind as he sets off down the hall and taps the interface to the indicated office.

Vasquez is seated behind her desk as the door to her office slides open. She's listening to what sounds like the feed from an ongoing operation, but kills the sound as Cross steps in. She stands up, putting one hand on the desk as she leans across with the other extended to shake his hand. "Good to see you again, Mr. Cross."

Cross adjusts his jacket as he steps forward and reaches out to shake Vasquez' hand. "You too, Ms. Vasquez. If only it were under better circumstances." he says with a sigh, although his polite smile persists. He glances to the chair across from Vasquez and nods to it, as if asking if it's alright for him to take a seat.

Vasquez gestures for the chair with a nod as she sits down again herself, crossing her hands on the table. "I take it there might be something Redrock can do to help with those circumstances?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.

Cross takes a seat, giving a slight nod as he does. "Well, I suppose that's what I'm here to find out." he says, polite smile remaining. "As I'm sure you're aware, Aite has never been the safest of planets to settle down and start a life on." he begins his pitch, "I've done what I can, but it's a constant back-and-forth, give-and-take. Some days you come out ahead, some days you don't. Adrasteia is still, very much, in an early

state of realizing its true potential. We've got a long way to go. It's looking up, but-..." his smile wavers for a second and he gives a dismissive shrug, "...not everyone wants to see Adrasteia succeed. I've made many enemies during my time here on Aite, and it seems a few of them are determined to be a continued thorn in my side."

Vasquez listens in silence, and when Cross finishes her eyebrow rises again. "I'm surprised there's anyone capable of being a thorn in your side - your Enforcers seem like an impressive force. Who are these enemies?"

Cross nods a few times, allowing a snort to escape at the mention of his Enforcers. "When I arrived, I let it be known that things were going to change. The violence. The in-fighting. It just couldn't continue. The city had been eating itself alive for years. Given Adrasteia's history, you would be surprised how many people were ready for such a change. People who were feared. Known around Adrasteia as the ones you don't- pardon

my language- 'fuck with'." he says with a snicker, "They folded like a deck of cards for the most part. You see-..." he shifts in place, leaning forward a bit and folding his hands together, "...I truly-... truly believe that most people want to be good. You know? They just don't all have the opportunity." he continues, a true politician trying to sell himself and his views, "When I presented that opportunity, many of

them jumped at it." He unfolds his hands, palms upwards, and gives a shrug, "But not everyone. Out west there's a place they're calling 'New Haven'." he says, a roll of his eyes as he mentions the name, "Most people just know it as 'The Dome'. It was a research outpost back before the funding dried up. Still is, I suppose. Point is, once I- and my Enforcers- were able to get a handle on the situation in Adrasteia, many who

opposed me fled, like rats out of a sinking ship. More than a few ended up in 'New Haven'." he explains. "Over the past few months, people have gone missing in Adrasteia. Not in large numbers, but enough to cause concern. My Enforcers have been looking into it and they've managed to track it down to a group operating out of 'The Dome'. Some scumbags holding a grudge over their forced exodus from Adrasteia." he sighs. "My

father used to say something-... not that I agree with the sentiment, but it somehow seems appropriate right now." he continues, almost as if switching gears, "Never trust batarians in large numbers." He gives an apologetic shrug, as if ashamed of the words leaving his mouth. He leans forward, tapping his index finger against Vasquez' desk, "A ship arrives here in Freedom Falls once a month. Batarian slavers. We believe

that's where they're selling. It's been a few weeks since their last arrival, so they're due any day. They don't keep a set schedule, so we don't have much to go on there. But when they do arrive? That's another group of people. Gone forever. Mothers. Fathers. Sons. Daughters. I can't let that happen. I've heard what Redrock has done for Freedom Falls. You're good people. I'd like your hand in this."

Vasquez listens to Cross, showing little reaction to his little speech for the most part, but the mention of batarian slavers immediately catches her attention, and a frown covers her face as her right hand twitches slightly - she is quick to cover it up with her left. Her gaze fall for a moment and she nods, seeming a little distant. When he finishes she looks up to meet his gaze again, taking a moment to collect herself

before giving a sharp nod. "Yes. That sounds like our kind of job. We can take care of them." She pauses for a moment, adding: "I assume that's what you had in mind?"

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Bryan Cross
Linda Vasquez
Fergus (VI)
Linda Vasquez

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Linda Vasquez