#Miner'sRespite – February 23, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Va'ynna is standing out at the bar, anxiously glancing towards the entrance. The asari has been here since early in the morning after a few hours too little sleep, and she certainly looks the part. She's wearing her dark red dress, not yet changed into her more casual clothes that she wears when cooking food. She had asked Tara to show up earlier today shortly after getting a message from Jason, since she cannot

leave the bar unattended. Her reply to Jason made no promises about how timely the order will be filled, but she said she'll try to get it done as fast as possible.

Tara enters the Respite after being called in by Va'ynna, wearing her brand-new puffy red jacket, as well as the colorful knit hat that she favors. She glances around the room briefly before noticing Va'ynna. She hesitates for a moment before giving the asari a small wave with a mitten-clad hand, and then starting to cross the room towards the bar counter.

Leah enters right behind Tara. She's dressed in a pair of form fitting black pants, clunky black boots, and a poofy light blue jacket. "Hey Va'ynna." she calls out as she stomps the snow off of her boots before following behind Tara.

Va'ynna gives a relieved sigh as she sees Tara arrive before Jason gets here to pick up the order, and a smile shows up. She returns a wave to the pair, though she doesn't shout back to them.

Tara stops near the counter, giving Va'ynna a respectful tilt of her head. "Good evening. I will go get ready for work." she says softly, keeping her gaze low as she adresses her.

Leah takes a seat on a stool at the bar since it's still a good while since she has to get ready for work. "You look like you could use a nap." she says to the asari as she removes her gloves and wrings her cold hands to try and get the blood flowing. "Long day, huh?"

Va'ynna nods, returning a slight left tilt of her head. "Thank you so much... for coming," she says, barely refraining from giving her a hug due to knowing better. "We have an order for... two varren kebabs, please prioritize that." She then turns to address Leah. "Mhm," she says. "Maybe when...," she yawns, "...Mavus shows up... if there aren't too many orders."

Tara gives a small nod, heading off to the door by the counter and disappearing out of sight.

Leah gives a nod as she pulls her hood down, freeing her tight ponytail. "Is Mavus coming in soon?" she asks as she leans her forearms against the counter. "If you want, I could probably help out a bit with some bartending tonight. Nothing too fancy, but if things get busy I can help with the simple stuff."

Va'ynna glances Tara's way before leaning on the counter. "In two hours, I think," she says. "I'd appreciate all the help I can get, though, so if you can bartend..., then please."

Leah shrugs her shoulders. "Can I bartend? Noooooooooooo. Will I bartend? Why not?" she says, giving Va'ynna a big, bright smile. "I can pour a beer. That's half the battle, right?"

The sound of pots and pan clanking can soon be heard in the kitchen as Tara gets to work getting things ready.

Va'ynna grins, looking a little amused. "I... thank you," she says. She seems conflicted for a moment, her concience competing with her fatigue, but she decides to ask regardless. "Would it be... too much to ask for you to take over once I've talked with Jason?" She raises her brows and quickly adds, "Until people start arriving, I mean."

Leah snickers but nods. "Sure. I was just going to sit here on my ass for the next couple of hours until my shift started anyways."

Va'ynna gives a relieved sigh, her concern and shame quickly fading away. "Oh, thank you, Leah, I... I really appreciate that," she says as blinks away tears. There's a good reason she's craving a nap, she's barely keeping herself together emotionally. She picks up a glass next to the sink, pours it and quickly downs its contents.

Leah waves the gratitude away. "Don't mention it, Va'ynna. I can't imagine how stressful it must be to have to take charge of everything like this. It's the least I can do." She climbs off the stool, swiping her gloves up off the counter, and begins to circle around. "Just let me get suited up first, alright? Then I'll be back out and you can show me the basics."

Va'ynna nods, her smile fading a bit as she's more than a little ashamed of her excessive emotional response. "Alright, I'll... see if I can find my... datapad with all the recipes," she replies. "You... probably won't need it, but... it could prove useful."

Jason steps out of the car and into the cold winter air. He instinctively shoves his hands into his pockets. Luckily for him, they no longer feel the winter chill. Yeah, 'lucky'. "Hey now. I'm about to be a married man. Don't go getting any ideas." he teases. He purposefully avoids elaborating on the 'usually' or even acknowledging the statement in any way. When Nathan asks about the food, he gives a shrug of his shoulders. "I

don't see why they wouldn't. I mean, everyone has BBQ sauce, right? But it sounded like V might be a bit swamped tonight. The weather isn't too bad tonight, though, so we can swing by somewhere else if you had a taste for something specific." he offers as he approaches the Respite door.

Leah gives Va'ynna a wink and a pat on the shoulder as she passes her by. "Sounds like a plan." she says before disappearing through the back door.

Nathan follows suit as he shuts the door behind him, nestling his hands into his pockets as he proceeds towards the entrance. "You'd be surprised. I knew this place that didn't sell a single sauce from Earth. Not a single one. No ketchup, no BBQ, no mustard, no nothing. I was traumatised, I tell you, traumatised!" He gives a dramatic shake to his voice as he opens

the door, motioning for Jason to head on inside. "It'll be fine. I think the kebabs have a bit of a zing to them anyway. Suppose adding BBQ sauce to it would just be overkill." He glances around the interior, a part of him unable to suppress the urge to check for any more holdups or shootouts in the Respite. Seriously, this place gets shot up more than a

tavern in an old style western film.

Va'ynna briefly considers hugging her, even lifting her arms very slightly, but she decides against it. Leah had just waved away her overly emotional response of gratitude, after all, so maybe it wasn't such a good idea. She catches sight of Nathan in the corner of her eyes, and returns to the counter to give them a wave.

Jason steps into the Respite, giving Nathan an appreciative nod and snickers at his little story. As Va'ynna comes into view, his lopsided smirk grows and he raises a hand in greeting. "Hey V!" he calls out to her as he starts towards the bar. "Got some good news and I've got some bad news." he informs her once he reaches the counter.

Nathan follows behind Jason, offering Va'ynna a smile and a polite nod in return to her wave. "Hi," he offers, but quickly falls silent as Jason opens up discourse. He merely leans against the counter, eyes wandering about once more.

Va'ynna raises an eyebrow once Jason finishes speaking, but a smile does show up. "Hey," she says. "What... is the bad news? I... opened the kitchen early for nothing?" If there was any indication of this being a joke, it was completely lost in her tired voice.

Jason gives a shake of his head as he leans against the bar. "We might have a couple more orders to place. And by 'might' I mean... We absolutely have a couple more orders to place." he winces, "Sorry, V. Thought we were just swinging by to pick up the kebabs. Hope it's not too much trouble."

Nathan blinks and looks to Jason. "Wha- why didn't you tell her this in the message you sent while we were walking out of the front door?"

Jason glances to Nathan. "Because I thought you wanted to stop somewhere else for a burger!" he says. "Advice on 'rustling up the best damn burger I've ever eaten in my life'? Ringing any bells?" he asks. "You take any heavy blows to the head lately, Ten? You know Halisi is only a call away."

Va'ynna sighs as she listens to them argue. "It's fine, I... I'll go help Tara with it," she says with a frown as she steps aside to stand infront of a terminal. While she trusted Tara, she felt bad about giving her too much work without being there to help. "What else do you want to order?"

Nathan blinks very slowly. "Are you sure -you- haven't taken any blows to the head? I mentioned that up because we were on the topic of giving advice! Remember? About not being able to give you much advice on being a dad, but able to give you advice on rustling up the best damn burgers. Why would I say that, then go and -buy- burgers?!"

Tara exits the kitchen, carrying two styrofoam containers stacked on top of each other, smelling enticingly of varren kebab. Surprisingly quick work, considering the kitchen had just opened. The kind of efficency brought on by a lifetime of dire consequences for disappointing work. She's removed her winter clothes, and is sporting a colorful sweater with a very tacky print of a dog on it as well as plain blue jeans. The

ownership branding is plainly visible on her forehead, her very short blonde hair doing nothing to conceal it or her scars. She looks to Va'ynna as she exits, her eyes widening as she realizes she may have made a mistake. "They... were to go, weren't they?" she asks the asari quietly.

Jason gives an apologetic glance to Va'ynna, but Nathan's response seems to pull him right back in. "Wha-... Because we were leaving to get food! Why would you-... Hold on, hold on, hold on.... You said-... And then I-.... No, fuck yourself." he decides, raising his hand and flipping Nathan off, though a smirk follows. "I take it back! All of it! Worst soldier ever!" he taunts.

Nathan gives Jason a double finger flip. "Eat a dick, Wolfe." He grins, then realises that both Tara and Va'ynna are stood there as he keeps his fingers raised at Jason. "Ah, sorry." He lowers his hands and clears his throat. "Coooooould it be possible that I get two more orders of kebabs to go? With BBQ sauce, if you have any." He smiles sheepishly, before looking

to Tara with a reassuring smile.

Jason extends his arm and waves his finger at Nathan as he looks to Va'ynna. "Sorry, V!" he repeats, "You're the best and we love you!" As Tara makes her grand appearance, he lowers his hand back to the counter and offers her a smile. "Hey, Tara."

Va'ynna tenses up as Jason raises his voice, the needless shouting irritating the tired asari more than she would like to admit. She turns towards Tara and nods. "Yes, sorry, I should... have mentioned that," she says with a gesture towards Jason. "It's for him." She then nods to Nathan as she continues. "Could you make another two, also to go, and a bowl of barbeque sauce? The sauce first." When Jason speaks to

her, she frowns. "You... should thank Tara. If it wasn't for her coming early, we wouldn't have been able to deliver it."

Tara keeps her head low, wordlessly placing the kebabs on the counter in front of Jason and then turning to Va'ynna as she listens to her instructions. "I will." she says with a small nod, her voice little more than a whisper. She's been making a concious effort to get away from her usual way of acknowledging instructions when addressing Va'ynna. A moment later she's slipped back into the kitchen.

Nathan hums, feeling more than a little awkward for his childish display. No, wait. He leans across to Jason to raise his hand and quickly swat him across the ear before retreating back a few steps along the counter. Alright, now he feels ashamed. And a little self-satisfied. "How has she been coping with working here? She looks a little... tense."

Jason winces, giving a long drawn out sigh at the sharp pain in his ear. "You fucker!" he exclaims. He raises his hand, as if waiting for an opportunity to backhand Nathan should he move in again. "Just wait. I only need to get one good one in and your whole damn ear is coming off." he threatens, wiggling his synthetic fingers. "One shot. Crack. When you least expect it." He brings his hand back and cups his ear. Tilting his

head to the side, he looks back to Va'ynna. "Didn't-..." Nope, back to Nathan, "Fuck! That shit stings!" he complains as he stares down Nathan. With a groan he rubs at his ear and looks to Va'ynna yet again. "Didn't mean to cause you any issues, V. I know things are a little hectic. But seriously. Thank you."

Va'ynna gives a small smile as she crouches down to take out a few plates from a cupboard below the counter, as well as two pairs of utensils. She's about to answer when Jason starts talking again, and she winces at his threats. "It's... it's the least I could do after... all you've done for me, Jason," she says. "I... I'll be fine." She then looks at Nathan, her expression blank for a few seconds as his question

had almost slipped her mind. "Oh, Tara, yeah, she's... doing fine," she says. While she could go into so much detail, she didn't feel that she could articulate it in her current state. "She's... really good at this."

Nathan raises his hand to Jason and starts mimicking someone talking with his fingers, clearly indicating that Jason is all talk and no bite. He lowers his hand back down as Va'ynna replies, offering her a smile and a nod, but also a curious tilt of his head. "She is, huh? Hmm, probably been in the business before or something. Working in a kitchen, serving

customers." He sniffs at the air, looking hungrily at the containers containing the delicious smelling kebabs. "And she must be a hell of a cook. Jesus, that smells great. I've got a lot to live up to when Tara and Leah come around for dinner at some point."

Jason gives a roll of his eyes as Nathan mocks him. "Yep. Keep it up. It's fine. You'll get yours." he says. He decides against correcting Nathan's assumptions about Tara since he doesn't know how much Nathan knows. Besides, it's not his place to tell her business, after all. "Anyway-..." he continues as he focuses back on Va'ynna again, "...It's good to hear that she's settling in well." He climbs onto one of the stools since

it might be a few before the rest of the food is finished.

Leah emerges from the back door, all geared up sans helmet. "Alright. Let's make some martinis!" she says with a bit of mock enthusiasm. An enthusiasm that quickly drains as she spots Jason and Nathan. In jest, of course. "Ahh shit. Look what the cat dragged in. These two giving you a hard time, Va'ynna?" she jokes, "You want me to escort them outside?"

Va'ynna can't help but giggle at that. "No, no, they're... mostly a danger to each other," she says, not making it very clear whether she's joking. A good case could be made for either, after all.

Nathan winks to Jason, but turns to look at Leah as she emerges. He gives an exaggerated sigh and a gesture to Leah. "Aw great, we come in when this bozo is working. Talk about terrible timing," he muses, leaning on the counter and giving her a wide grin. "You know, when it's my shift, I'm going to use that same old tired joke with you and see how you like it." He

doesn't comment further on Tara, thinking nothing else of it. He'll admit to being mildly curious about her, but it is hardly a pressing need to know.

Tara once again emerges from the kitchen, with another two styrofoam containers of varren kebab. She sets them down next to the first set, giving Jason and Nathan a slight tilt of her head before placing a small plastic container of sauce on the counter as well.

Jason seems to turn his ire on Leah instead of Nathan now that she's pulled his attention. And up his finger goes again and he's waving it in Leah's direction. "Oh fuck off!" he says. As Tara sets down the food, he gives her an appreciative nod and points at Leah. "Don't let her become a bad influence, Tara." he warns.

Leah snickers as they both turn their attention to her. "Awwww, poor Nate. Did I hurt your feelings?" She mockingly plays an invisible violin. "Maybe you should start bringing it with you." she teases.

Nathan offers Tara a thankful nod, before turning back to Leah and snorting. "One: Your form is appalling. And two: It'll take much more than a squeaky munchkin to hurt my feelings," he counters with a shit-eating grin. He looks to Va'ynna and asks, "How much for the lot?" He gestures to all of the food, not just his and his sisters.

Tara has mostly tuned out the loud group by the counter, focused entirely on her job as she turns to Va'ynna. "Are... there any new orders?" she asks, holding off on heading back to the kitchen until she knows.

Leah scrunches up her nose and looks to her invisible violin. She adjusts her shoulder a bit and stands up a smidge straighter. "Whatever!" she scoffs before approaching the counter. "So why are you here?"

Va'ynna glances at the food, as well as the terminal. Part of her wants to do it the proper way, but she also wants to get it out of the way as fast as possible, so she just adds one entry of 'Food' and puts it at 100. "One-hundred," she then says, which is below the usual price for an order of this size. She shakes her head as Tara speaks to her. "No, no new orders right now."

Jason furrows his brow and glances at Nathan, waving a hand. "Hey, come on. You don't have to do that." he says. "I invited you for a bite. Let me pay."

Nathan quirks an eyebrow, but sure as shit isn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He pulls out his credit chit and gives Leah perhaps the most flat look possible as he slowly points with his free hand to the small mountain of food piled before them. "Food. Believe it or not. I didn't come in here to look at your ugly mug, that's for certain." He gives Tara

a curious look at her choice of words, but shrugs it off. "I was planning on cooking for Sofia and I tonight, but when Jase asked if we fancied kebabs... well, I couldn't say no to that. Besides... going up against Tank certainly works up an appetite." Jason's words go unheeded.

Tara nods and departs yet again, getting the kitchen ready for the evening.

Leah gives a nod as she leans against the opposite side of the counter. "Ahhh. Tank. That's the big chick, right? Did she kick your ass?" she asks, an antagonistic grin on her face as if she has already assumed the answer.

Nathan tisks and takes the containers, handing two to Jason and then his two and the sauce. "The big chick. And it wasn't a complete ass kicking," he whines in protest. "...she was tired, so it was a half ass kicking. A gentle boot to the ass, so to speak." He catches movement out of the corner of his eye, looking out one of the windows as his brow furrows yet

again. Twice now? Something about that man seemed so familiar, yet he couldn't put a finger on it.

Jason accepts the two bags. "She thrashed him." he says with a grin. "I mean, I stepped out of the room before it started so I didn't get to see it. But I stepped back in about 8 seconds later and it was already over. I'm gonna have Fergus send the security footage my way. Want a copy?"

Leah snickers and brushes a strand of hair out of her face. "Whatever you have to tell yourself." Her bright green eyes light up at Jason's offer. She gives a couple of nods. "An opportunity to see him getting tossed around like a toy? Count me in." she says.

Nathan completely blanks the two of them as the man outside the window pauses and looks in. Nate's eyes widen as recognition takes a hold of him. He sets the containers into Jason's arms unceremoniously. "Can you give that to Sofia? I won't be long." He immediately stands, pulling his coat tighter around him and already starting to cross the room towards the exit.

Jason swivels around as Nathan takes his leave, now holding 4 containers in his arms. Eyebrows furrowed, he calls out. "Uhh.... You want me to..... go without you? What's going on, Ten?"

Leah just seems confused. "You having a stroke, Nate?" she teases, though there's a hint of concern in her voice.

Nathan 's hand slips into his coat as he opens the door, almost immediately taking off at a run as he exits the Respite. He doesn't respond to either of them, although his form dashes past the windows towards where the man was last seen.

Leah blinks a couple of times. "What the hell was that about....?" she asks.

Jason cusses under his breath. "I have no idea. I'll be right back for these..." he says, setting the cartons down on the counter before he starts towards the door. He slides his hand into his jacket and presses it against his Predator pistol. As soon as he steps outside he glances in the direction Nathan took off in, looking for any sign of what in the hell might be going on.


Next Logs

Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Va'ynna Atana
Leah Mercier
Nathan Tennhausen
Leah Mercier
Va'ynna Atana
Jason Wolfe
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Va'ynna Atana
Leah Mercier

Previous Logs

Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Va'ynna Atana
Nathan Tennhausen
Jason Wolfe
Leah Mercier
Va'ynna Atana
Leah Mercier
Nathan Tennhausen