#VVApartment – February 17, 2019

Va'ynna stirs and wakes after the rumble of a heavy vehicle passing by the street outside; it has passed before she is conscious enough to realize what had woken her up, however. She quietly pulls up her omni-tool from her nightstand, and sighs as a faint orange projection popping up to show the time to be twenty minutes before her alarm. She quietly puts it back, rolls back over to look at Victoira, and closes

her eyes to try and sneak in a nap.

Victoria gives a groan upon hearing the rumble, annoyed by the fact it disturbed her sleep. She does open one eye to see if it woke up Va'ynna, giving a groan seeing that the rumble woke her as well. "Asshole should not be driving this early." Trying her best to stifle her yawn while speaking. Vicky tries to snake her arm under Va'ynna's body to bring her closer to her. "What's the time?"

Va'ynna frowns as Victoria disturbs her attempt at taking back some of the stolen sleep, and opens her eyes. The frown doesn't last long before she shifts closer and wraps her arms around Victoria in turn. "Almost twenty minutes to five," she mumbles groggily.

Victoria yawns again, "Another twenty minutes sleep then." She wanted to make sure her lover was not going to be too tired for work, and did not to be a reason for waking her up to early. She was quite comfortable now, the only downside now is that the rumble had actually woke her up.

Va'ynna closes her eyes again, but does not let go. "Yeah," she sighs and tries to fall back asleep. She doesn't, because her mind is starting to work through her worries and the day ahead without the asari being able to quiet it.

Victoria looks over to Va'ynna, seeing her in the same situation of not being able to get back to sleep. "Can't get back to sleep?" She waits to hear an answer before doing anything else. If Va'ynna was not going back to sleep, passing the time talking might be a better way to spend their time if sleep was not longer an option.

Va'ynna gives a weak affirmative hum, and shifts around to bury her face below Victoria's neck. "Today is... going to be... terrible," she murmurs. "More terrible," she corrects in a whisper.

Victoria gives a content hum when Va'ynna buried her face into her. "Just look at the good thing, you get to come home to me. That should brighten your day." She jokes, trying to pick up the mood. "Oh, there was something I need to talk to you about. We can save for later, if your too tired."

Va'ynna lets out a small sigh that's probably felt more than heard. "For... a minute before we go to bed, yes," she says. "It's... I hope things return to... normal soon." Considering her second question, she pulls back a little and leans her head back to look up at Victoria. "There... is time to talk about it now."

Victoria gives a nod, hoping that things go back to normal as well. "Well, my sister was talking about some Christmas plans for the three of us. Me being the genius I am at times, thought I introduced you two already. She said otherwise." Vicky did believe she had introduced the two, but with dealing with the shipping business might have just misremembered. "So, I should probably get you

two to meet one another soon."

Va'ynna pulls back further and get a better look at Victoria without straining her neck. A small smile show up. "Crease-mass," she repeats in the hopes of remembering it this time. "I was telling Li what I've heard. The basics: gifts, cookies, the tree, and... that was about it." She sighs, realizing that she has gone off on a tangent. "Sorry," Va'ynna says. "I... I was wondering how things... were going between

you two, but I've been so busy that I haven't... thought about telling you I need to meet her."

Victoria gives a shrug "I mean, I forgot and thought you two had met already. She is a good person, hard to see how we are relative by how we act." She remains silent for a moment. "But we can drop by Miner's today when you have free time. So you two can meet quickly." She pauses again for a moment, then realise that she actually have people to celebrate with instead of getting pass out

drunk. "Oh, I guess this will be my first Christmas in a long time. Have not bothered with the holiday for a long time." She tries to think back to her last Christmas she actually celebrated.

Va'ynna gives a small smile. "I... hope you're right," she says. "This town can't have... more than one Victoria." Her tone is far too groggy to give off any hint as to whether she's joking. "D'Inea let me take hours off around lunchtime to... visit Li day before yesterday," she says. "I... don't think leaving the bar for a bit is... too much to ask for. At least not when it's quiet."

Victoria kiss Va'ynna on the forehead. "I don't think you can handle more than one of me. I think I give you a handful now to deal with." She teases slightly. "I mean, if you don't want to do it today, we don't need to rush it." Wanting to make sure Va'ynna actually wanted to do it today or if another day would be better.

Va'ynna gives the faintest nod at first. Thinking otherwise would be to forget the many months leading up to the start of their romantic relationship. "If she... can find time, I'd... love to meet her today," Va'ynna murmurs. "Has she found... somewhere to work yet?"

Victoria nods "Yeah, I believe she is working at the clinic. I think she said, she had her work organise before coming here." Vicky gives another shrug. "She plans for things it seem. Did not learn that one from me."

Va'ynna is about to follow up, but the alarm from her omni-tool interrupts her. "That's good," she says as she turns around and sits up on her side of the bed. She taps and gestures at the projection to turn the alarm off, having put in a few hindrances to make sure she doesn't oversleep. "You had plans though, didn't you?" She sighs and stands up. "Anyway, we... can talk later, I... need to get ready for work,"

she says and yawns. "Send me a message before you're... at the Respite, so... I can make time."

Victoria watches Va'ynna for a little bit before doing saying anything. "I will make sure she can make it, before I do anything else. So I will send you a message, if she can make it."

Va'ynna nods and gives a small smile before walking off to the bathroom without another word.

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels