#FreedomFalls – April 18, 2020

The salarian nods, but keeps a watchful eye on all three customers present. The quarian casts a curious glance at them before continuing to sift through the merchendise comparing each piece to a set of images projected off his omni-tool. Victoria might spot something that could be a drawing tablet revealed by one of the items he lifts to inspect.

Va'ynna continues to inspect the items along the shelf, only able to guess what half of them are meant to do. She lifts up a pack of assorted circuit board chips, shakes her head and puts it back on top of a datapad. "Have you... found anything, Victoria?" she asks. She doesn't raise her voice, but the three walls around them does make her easier to hear than when they were in the crowded halls.

Victoria continues to look around the store, trying to see if she could spot a drawing tablet. She only just notices what could be the ideal gift for Li. "I think so, just give me a second." Vicky begins to make her way to the quarian, and the possible gift. "Excuse me, I think I saw a drawing pad over here. Is it all good if I take a quick look?" She kept a kind tone to her voice, not

wanting to get in the quarian's way.

Va'ynna stops and watches them through the narrow space between items on the shelf. Maybe she isn't trusting Victoria enough to cancel her search.

The quarian lifts the drawing pad with his free, omni-tooled hand. "This thing?" he asks. "I'm not an artist, so cannot appraise its quality. I use less... primitive tools for my plans." There is a label on the white, pastic-wrapped device showing the brand – which might be recognized as one of Elcoss Combine's many, many subsidiaries – and confirming that it's indeed the item they're looking for. The device itself

looks simple, and in a size a few inches bigger than an A5 sheet of paper. It has a frame going all the way around with unlabeled buttons on the left and a housing for the pen on the right. The technology in it is far from novel, so the device is relatively light and thin. It doesn't come with a folder or any accessories.

Victoria nods "That is exactly what I'm looking for. Is it okay if I take it? Unless you want it, then I can just keep looking." Vicky keeps her kind tone during this short conversation, not wanting to take it from the quarian if the quarian wanted the tablet for his own purposes.

The quarian shrugs and hands the item to Victoria. "That's okay," he says. It's not possible to read his face behind the mask, but his tone is positive. "I'm here to buy parts, not recreational devices."

Va'ynna begins making her way out from between the two shelves now that she's confident Victoria had found the right thing, making sure not to bump into anything with her plastic bag on the way.

Victoria smiles, nods and takes the device from the quarian. "Thank you very much." She begins to make her way back to Va'ynna. Once Vicky has made her way to the asari, she presents the device to her "Here we are sweetie, what do you think about this model?" Waiting to hear Va'ynna's judgement on the device.

The quarian nods, before moving on to looking through the shelves. The salarian shop owner is tappning away on his terminal, but is still able to keep an eye on the people present.

Va'ynna takes the device and looks it over before focusing on the label on the front. "My old one was... a little bigger, and it was completely flat, but... it is fine, I think, it's hard to know without... testing it," she says. She weighs it in her heand, and inspects what she can with the uneven plastic wrapping. "Let's get this one." The 90 credit price tag might have contributed to her decision.

Victoria gives Va'ynna a smile. "Why don't you give it a quick test once we are back home. To make sure that it meets your artistic standards." She jokes, trusting that the drawing tablet should be good enough for Li. "Alright, lets go pay for this."

Va'ynna gives a low, displeased hum at Victoria's joke and heads over to pay for it. "Thank you," she says to the quarian on her way there, but he's too focused on finding the parts to notice. She puts the device on the counter, and pays for it. The salarian has already set up the order on the terminal, making that a quick process.

The salarian looks at Va'ynna with some curiosity as she pays, but doesn't say anything before stepping back with a nod. "Thank you for your purchase," he says, "and merry christmas!"

Victoria gives a goofy smile at Va'ynna's hum, a smile that simply say 'I'm sorry, don't make me sleep on the couch.' Vicky waits for Va'ynna out the front of the store, she gives a little stretch once she is out of the cramp store. While she waits for Va'ynna, she begins to watch the crowd.

Va'ynna puts the device into her plastic bag, moving a few sweaters around to make room for it. "Merry christmas to you too," she says before making her way out of the store, having gotten much better at pronouncing it. "So,... where are we going next?" The asari's spirits are quite high, as she has gotten considerable progress on her gift list and it is beginning to feel surmountable.

The crowd is still the same, but now that they're from the entrance, people sometimes have to find ways around areas where some stalls' products are spilling into the space between the stall and their neighbors, and popular stalls that draw a lot of people are also slowing down foot traffic. One of said stalls is a nearby one that sells wrapping paper and ribbons, which seems to be shifting its massive stock at an

alarming rate.

Victoria turns to face Va'ynna once she is out of the store. "Well, we should get some wrapping paper. Ain't much of a surprise if you hand their gift unwrapped to them." She looks at the bag that Va'ynna is carrying, and then back to the asari. "Unless you want to look for more gifts first." She pauses for a moment. "I feel bad for making you carry all the gifts. You want me to take

over for carrying duty?"

Va'ynna shrugs. "I... I've bought most of it, though," she says, but hands over the bag anyway. The thin plastic bag is nearly full, and putting more in there could lead to it tearing open. "Let's get that out of the way first," she says and turns towards the wrapping paper stalls. "And... maybe get some cards if they have any."

The person behind the stall is a human male in his forties. All the product is behind the stall, so he's constantly fetching a roll or two to give to customers. The patterns vary from simple colors or patterns; to prints of christmas trees, santa or other figures traditional or modern. There is a poster on the stall with the prices, which are the same for all rolls regardless of color and pattern.

Victoria takes the bag from Va'ynna. "Gotta keep my hands busy somehow, plus I don't really need to get anymore gifts." She pauses for a moment. "Well that is not true, but not going to get your gift right in front of you." Slowly starts making her way towards the wrapping paper stalls. "So we need at least two or three rolls of wrapping paper and some cards."

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels