#Miner'sRespite – August 12, 2014

Va'ynna is standing behind the bar this slow mid-afternoon, looking slightly bored. She is in a dark-gray dress with green trims.

Gren enters the Inn, shouldering his way through the door in his bulky armour. He is helmetless as he glares around the bar, narrowing his eyes. He trudges to the bar with Gash, his varren, in tow. He glares down at the asari, waiting to be adressed.

Va'ynna raises her brows as she sees the krogan, taking a step back. When he arrives at the bar, she just stares at him, paralyzed by fear.

Gren continues to glare at the asari, Gash just panting and looking expectantly up at his master. Gren leans forwards and rests his hands on the bar. "This is a bar, little asari," he says, voice grinding. "You're meant to ask what I want."

Va'ynna stares at him for another few seconds before she speaks. "You-you c-cannot have... animals in here," she says in a low voice, looking quite afraid.

Gren watches her carefully for a few moments, his mouth curling up into a snarl. "Gash!" he barks. "Outside." The varren tilts its head and lets out a throaty growl, meandering outside.

Vaden , who has been sitting at the bar reading, jumps in his seat as Gren begins to speak. He glances at the krogan with a startled expression.

Va'ynna nods, looking a little worried at the dangerous animal just wandering out into the street. Not for the animal that can get shot on sight due to not being leashed, but for potential customers it could hurt. She turns her gaze back to the krogan. "So-so, wh-what can I get y-you?" she says, shaking visibly.

Gren looks up at the selection of bottles, tapping a finger on the bar. "Ryncol," he snaps. "And stop your stammering. It's pathetic."

Va'ynna takes a step back, swallowing hard. "I'll b-be right back," she mutters before going through the door to the back, stopping just out of view. She does not return right away.

Gren grunts and pushes himself from the bar. He turns and his gaze stops at the salarian. He narrows his eyes.

Vaden looks rather bothered by the krogan's behavior, glancing at Va'ynna as she leaves. When Gren looks at him he quickly turns his attention to the datapad he was reading on, but he doens't really seem to be reading.

Gren continues to glare at the salarian, before turning once again and stomping to the exit. He leans outside and a short snarl can be heard followed by a short clink. He returns inside, tredding back to the bar.

Va'ynna remains where she is.

Gren raps his armoured fingers on the bar, staring at the door which the asari skittered through.

Gregorij looks up from the corner he's sitting in, studying the krogan with a dulled gaze. There is an empty bottle and a half on his table. Anna is nowhere to be seen.

Gren starts to get impatient and slowly walks the length of the bar.

Gren slams a fist onto the bar, shouting at the door. "I grow tired of waiting, little asari!"

Aylena emerges from the same door instead of the other asari, standing just by it. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" she snaps, glaring at the krogan. "Either you treat my staff and regulars with some respect, or you take your beast and get out."

Gren narrows his eyes for a few moments. He then slowly starts to chuckle, righting himself. "Finally, someone with a quad," he states. "Fine."

Gregorij observes the exhange with some interest from his spot at the booth. He has the half-empty bottle in hand.

Vaden seems quite unhappy to be seated where he is - he tries to ignore Gren and Aylena as best he can.

Gren fishes inside a compartment inside his armour and drops a few credit chits on the counter. "Ryncol," he says again, though with a notable drop in hostility.

Aylena nods curtly. "I'll get it right away, it's in the back," she says. "You can leash your varren in the meantime before a militiaman sees it. Won't end pretty otherwise." She makes her way out through the hallway and returns about fifteen seconds later with a small crate of Ryncol bottles she sets down by the shelf.

Gren grins and trudges out again for a few moments, leashing Gash up. He arrives inside and resumes his spot at the bar.

Va'ynna took the chance he was away and slipped up to her room, almost stumbling as she was running through the room in a long dress.

Vaden looks after Va'ynna, apparently a rather concerned.

Gren waits for the drinks, looking around the inn again. He sees the man in the corner, looking at him for a moment, before returning his gaze at the asari.

Aylena picks out a ryncol bottle and made her way over to the par, finding a mug big enough to hold about 70% of the bottle's content. She pours the glass mug and places the rest of the bottle beside it. "Sorry about that," she says. "We don't see many krogan around here." She takes the credits, giving back any non-empty chits after charging.

Gren takes the remaining credits and stores them, grabbing the mug and downing a large portion of its contents. "She is easily cowed."

Aylena glances at the staircase. "True, but she usually does her job just fine," she says. "Just take it easy next time you see her."

Gren grunts, in confirmation or dismissal, it is unknown. "She needs to learn. She will not make it far in this galaxy by running," he says, thumping the mug down. "And that is not a threat, merely reality."

Vaden has returned his attention to his datapad, doing his best to ignore the krogan and focus on reading.

Aylena nods. "It's not your job to teach her," she says. "I'm sure she will learn, but things take time." Aylena shrugs, glancing around to see if anyone else needs service.

Gregorij appears to have emptied his second bottle. He is now staring straight ahead with a blank gaze, still grasping the bottle.

Gren shrugs, downing the rest of the drink. "Another," he says, shifting the mug towards the asari.

Aylena moves over to get another bottle, returning with it before pouring 70% of it into the mug, placing the bottle beside the mug.

Gren grabs the mug, pouring more of the drink into his mouth. "Are there places for sale in this dump?" he asks, scratching the large scar on the left side of his face.

Sure. 200 a night for the small ones. 300 for the bigger ones.

Vasquez opens the door to the Respite and takes a step inside. She's not wearing her uniform, rather her old combat fatigue pants and tank top combo. Her gaze wanders slowly around the inn in an appraising manner - she's never been here before. She starts moving towards the bar. Her limp has gotten considerably better, but it is still obvious.

Gren growls, narrowing his eyes. "I said for sale. I'm not interested in staying in here."

Vaden flinches slightly as the krogan growls, but doesn't stop reading.

Gregorij 's gaze follows Vasquez briefly before trailing off and staring ahead once more. His face is mostly blank.

Aylena snorts. "Do I look like a real estate broker to you?" she says. "Should be easy to find on the extranet, though, since I haven't kept up with that market."

Vasquez reaches the bar, taking a seat one stool away from Gren. She puts her arms on the counter, leaning against it with a burdened look on her face. She seems to have regained much of the lost muscle mass in the last months.

Gren waves dismissively, downing the rest of the drink. "You all look alike to me," he snarls. "Another." He, again, pushes the mug to the asari.

Gren grabs the bottles that have accumalated and finishes them off, slamming them back down on the counter.

Aylena chuckles. "A hint -- property brokers don't serve drinks," she says as she goes to find another bottle. "Drunks deciding on property... hmph, maybe it'll work." She returns to the counter and pours the bottle into the mug and leaves it beside it again before walking over to Vasquez. "Hello, what can I get you?"

Gren grunts and chugs a large portion of the drink.

Vasquez ponders the question in silence for a while, eventually muttering: "Batarian ale."

Aylena nods and heads over to grab the bottle, remembering its location, and returns with it. "How are you?" she says, even if she can tell the signs that everything isn't alright. She pours a 2dl-ish glass and sets it infront of the woman.

Vasquez grunts. "Fantastic." She says before grabbing the glass and gulping down about half of it, causing her to wince slightly as she puts the glass down - she hasn't touched any alcohol since the incident.

Vaden looks up, eyes darting around as he hears Vasquez' voice. He is quite clearly surprised. After noticing his boss he looks at her for a moment before returning to reading.

Aylena frowns. "Something wrong?" she says. "If you don't mind me asking, of course."

Gren grabs the glass and pours the rest of its contents into the mug, downing a further portion of the drink.

Vasquez downs the remainder of her drink in one swig, putting the glass down and letting out a hoarse grunt. "Always something." She mutters. "More." She holds out her glass without looking up at Aylena.

Gren lets out a throaty laugh, hefting his mug again.

Aylena pours the glass, without taking it from Vasquez, and puts the bottle under the counter. "Must be serious, though," she says before making her way over to grab another bottle of Ryncol, still 12 more where it came from. "There's no bottom in you, huh?" she smirks before pouring it into the mug and leaving the bottle beside him. Aylena stands across the counter between the two.

Va'ynna starts descending the staircase, but stops halfway down when she sees the krogan is still there, looking towards the bar.

Gren beats his chest proudly and smirks. "I have yet to be defeated in a drinking competion," he boasts, downing most of the mug.

Vasquez takes a long sip from the strong ale, shaking her head to herself as she puts the glass down. Her gaze has started to lose focus, but she keeps looking down at the counter. "Idiot!" She blurts out. "Idiot. Should've gone. Always have to go. It's not safe."

Gren turns and looks at the woman. "What are you blubbering about, human?", he asks.

Aylena is about to answer the krogan when the woman starts chastising the bar counter. "Hey, what's wrong?" she says, sounding a bit concerned.

Vasquez shakes her head and sips her drink again. "Nothing. He'll come back. And he'll be fine. Be-..." She trails off briefly, and sips her drink once more. "...because they're not fighting them. Gonna be fine."

Gren narrows his eyes and drinks deeply from his mug, finishing it and hefting it to the asari without taking his eyes off the human.

Aylena tilts her head. "You're worried for someone?" she says before nodding to the krogan and making her way to get another bottle. She returns and pours it into the mug. "You trying to break a record?" The asari puts the bottle down beside the mug.

Va'ynna takes a deep breath and descends the remainder of the staircase, making her way to the entry to the bar furthest from where the krogan is sitting.

Gren places the mug down, barely bothering to look anywhere else.

Vaden looks up at Va'ynna as she returns and offers a sympathetic, if brief, smile.

Vasquez lets out a weary chuckle and sips her drink before putting it down and letting go off the glass. "Idiot better not get himself killed..." Her right hand fingers are twitching faintly.

Gren grunts, loosing interest in the human. "The human is insane," he declares. "Weak."

Va'ynna enters the bar and walks over to the salarian. "Hey," she says. "Is there... anything I can get you?" She tries not to think about the krogan nearby.

Aylena smiles slightly as she sees the other asari back to work, but remains at the bar herself. "Your friend is a merc?" she asks, sounding a bit curious.

Vaden ponders the question briefly. "Should probably order something. Rude to use seat otherwise. Do you have any snacks?"

Va'ynna smiles slightly. "Don't... worry, it's okay," she says, "We do have snacks, though. Anything specific you want?"

Vasquez 's expression darkens as she hears Gren's remark. Her right-hand index finger twitches as if on a trigger. After Aylena speaks she says: "Yes."

Gren downs the drink, quickly followed by the glass. He doesn't ask for another glass, however. "Do you have any pyjak meat?" he asks Aylena.

Vaden asks: "Have any roasted beetles?" with a hopeful smile.

Aylena is about to ask Vasquez something but is interrupted by the krogan's question. "No, I'm sorry," she says. "We have varren kebab, though."

Gren ponders this for a moment, before replying. "Eh, Gash won't care. Bring me some."

Va'ynna thinks for a moment, then nods. She shudders faintly as she makes her way down the bar, picking a bag out from one of the cupboards. Va'ynna returns with it and places it before the salarian. "Here," she says. "So, um, how are you?" she tries to make conversation.

Aylena nods. "Alright," she says, typing it into the terminal. "It'll take a few minutes, though."

Gren grunts once, fishing inside a seperate compartment and dropping a rather large amount of credit chits on the counter. "For the drinks and the kebab."

Vasquez goes quiet for the moment, sipping her drink again.

Aylena takes a step back. "I've got some paperwork to take care of," she says before gesturing to the other asari. "Now be nice to Va'ynna while I'm gone." And with that, she makes her way over to and through the door.

Vaden blinks. "Most of me is well." He says, lifting his stump slightly. "This is getting fixed." He says with a smile.

Va'ynna smiles sheepishly as she looks at the snack bag. "That's... good to hear," she says. "What... happened to it, if I can ask?" She nods at the bag. "Would you, um, like help opening it?"

Gren grins as the asari leaves. "Heh heh heh."

Vaden tries to open the bag with only three fingers, not doing particularly well. "Would... rather not. Unpleasant business." He says, only a brief hint of instability in his voice - he is lucky to be salarian. When asked the last question he nods and lets go of the bag. "Would be appreciated." He says, smile coming back, although it does seem slightly forced.

Va'ynna takes the bag and pinches each side of it, opening it while holding her breath as she was not particularly font of insects. "I won't... pry, then," she says. "So what... kind of work do you do?" She lets go of the pack as it's open.

Vasquez mumbles something incoherent to herself as she hears Vaden mention his hand. She sips her drink again.

Steve passes Aylena with a nod in the hall as he exits the security room and continues towards the bar with an empty glass in-hand. "Well this is a sight." he says with a smile as he approaches the counter, "Don't think I've ever seen you take a vacation from the agency, Chief." He holds his empty glass under the faucet and begins filling it with water.

Gren starts to fidget impatiently as he waits for the kebab. He looks up at the new arrival, giving him a one over before giving a disapproving sniff.

Vaden takes the bag with a nod. A wide smile spreads across his face as he sniffs the contents. The salarian puts it down on its side and grabs a few beetles, tossing them into his mouth with expert precision. "Work for Redrock." He says while chewing the crunchy snacks.

Va'ynna raises a brow. "Oh, sorry..., I remember you now," she says. "You were here... when the... shooting happened." She glances over to Vasquez with an uncertain look after hearing Steve address her.

Vasquez looks up at Steve, studying him with an unsteady gaze. "...Briggs." She says while raising her drink to sip it again. "Think... think they're okay?"

Gren speaks up. "The one you call, 'Chief', seems insane. All she has done is mutter. Irritating."

Steve looks over at Vaden and makes a disgusted face as he spots the beetles. "Hey..." he says, staring at the bag for a moment before returning his gaze to Vasquez as she speaks. He glances at the krogan and raises an eyebrow. "How much have you had to drink, Chief?" he asks.

Vasquez takes a moment to focus on Steve as she prepares to answer. "Second... mmh... second glass." She says, emptying said glass. "Batarian... ale."

Gren lets out a throaty chuckle, sniffing the air for the current state of the kebab. "Can't hold her drink either."

Va'ynna listens to Vasquez and Steve, but keeps her eyes on the salarian.

Steve sighs and turns off the faucet as the glass is nearly full. "How about I call you a shuttle?" he asks tentatively, "Looks like you could use a little rest. I'm sure whatever's on your mind will seem a whole lot better after some sleep."

Vasquez lets out an annoyed grunt and shakes her head. "I'm fine. Just fine. Have to-... have... find them. You know we have to find them? ...right?" She seems to be having some trouble focusing on Steve as she speaks.

Vaden nods at Va'ynna and seems about to reply, but looks to his side past the krogan at Vasquez instead.

Va'ynna follows his gaze, looking at Vasquez, as well.

Gren looks at Chief, his eyes narrowing in interest rather than anything else. He taps the counter absentmindedly.

Steve places his hands flat against the countertop, studying Vasquez with an amused smirk. "Oh yeah? Who is it we have to find?" he asks.

Vasquez focuses her gaze on Steve with a blank look on her face. "Them." She says, as if he's stupid for not understanding. "You saw... you... you know what they can do. You saw what happened... on the asteroid." Her right hand twitches again now that she's let go of the glass. "Have to-... we need to stop them." She's slowly sinking a bit closer to the counter, leaning more heavily on it. During the last remark she makes an uncoordinated gesture at Steve. "...whatever... whatever it takes... right?"

Gren watches Chief closely, narrowing his eyes (again) at her words.

Va'ynna looks uncofmrtable as Vasquez speaks before glancing at Vaden. "You... know what she's talking about?" she asks him in a lowered voice.

Vaden subtly gestures at his stump with a nod.

Steve looks around at the others nearby. He shrugs at Va'ynna. "Yeah... Of course." he agrees with the drunk woman, hoping to calm her down, "Whatever it takes. So long as you're paying." He rubs his forehead as he gazes at Vaden with a look that says 'What do I do?' Finally, he reaches out and pats Vasquez' shoulder stiffly a couple times, the way one might cautiously pet an unfamiliar dog. "I'm not sure this is the right place to be talkin' about this, darlin'... How about a glass of water? Maybe get a little food in you."

Va'ynna frowns but a beep from the terminal has her make her way off to the kitchen, returning a few seconds later with a tray containing a plate with the kebab. She makes her way over to the krogan, looking visibly uncomfortable, and places it infront of him. Some typical condiments are in one-use packets on the plate, as well as a small bowl of sauce.

Gren turns and stares at the asari for a moment. He gives her a small smile (rather discomforting coming from a krogan) and he grabs the plate, leaving the sauces and such. He wanders outside and stays out there for a few moments, before coming back in with an empty plate and carelessly dropping it on the tray.

Va'ynna tries to keep composure best she can, looking a bit relieved when the krogan makes his way outside. She has walked back to where Vaden is by the time he returns, though.

Vasquez grabs Steve's forearm when he touches her, it's not a very quick movement, but her grip is strong. She stares Steve down - or tries to. "I still-... they're there. And I know-... it... you too. Can't-... did too much. Only... yeah?" She looks at him as if what she just said makes perfect sense, expecting a reply.

Vaden is looking rather troubled my Vasquez' ramblings. He glances at Va'ynna when she returns, but otherwise looks in the direction of the two humans.

Gren looks at Chief, letting a short, throaty chuckle out of his throat.

Steve narrows his eyes at the krogan. He lightly tugs his arm a few times, attempting to free it from Vasquez. "Yeah, whatever you say, Chief." he says, "You just... Put your head down and I'm gonna put in an order for you. How's a burger sound?" He slides the woman's empty glass away from her, and slides his own glass of water in its place, "Have some of this."

Va'ynna looks at Vasquez, trying to piece together any sort of sense from her words, but supposes it's just the translator garbling it.

Vasquez pulls Steve closer and mumbles a completely incoherent string of words with a very serious look on her face. She proceeds to turn around and get of her chair to leave, only to stumble to the floor.

Gren bursts into laughter, looking at Chief with an amused expression.

Steve groans and leans his head back, making no immediate attempt to help. He mutters something about being a babysitter. "Va'ynna, can you call a shuttle for our friend?" he asks with a sigh, leaning forward and peering over the counter at her drunken display, "I'll... Help her out when it arrives."

Va'ynna nods. "Of course," she says, sending off a message from the nearest terminal. "It... should be here soon now."

Vaden looks as Vasquez falls, surprised to see his boss in this state. He seems unsure what to do.

Steve slowly shuffles around the counter towards the downed woman. He crouches down beside her and pokes her in the shoulder a few times. "C'mon, Chief. Get up. Don't make me have to carry you." he pleads.

Too frail to carry her, human?

Vasquez gets back on her feet with a grunt and a mumble, waving her hand dismissively at Steve. She starts making her way towards the exit rather slowly. She keeps mumbling to herself: "...their help... isn't... silence... where was...?"

Gregorij has been observing Vasquez since she fell to the floor. He's still sitting silently in his corner.

Gren chuckles again. "Keep her away from Gash," he says. "He might still be hungry. Heh, heh, heh."

Steve glances up at the krogan with a scowl on his face. "How about you keep your comments to yourself, buddy? Enjoy your drink, order a snack, and mind your own busienss." he waves dismissively before giving chase behind Vasquez as she stands and begins to walk away. "Hold on, Chief. Shuttle is on its way."

Gren narrows his eyes at the human, contemplating whether to beat him with his own spine or not. He shrugs and turns away from the human.

Vasquez nods repeatedly and keeps walking, eventually exiting the Respite and then immediately sliding down the wall furthest from the varren. She looks around groggily for the mentioned shuttle.

Va'ynna looks towards Steve and Vasquez, worried. The shuttle would arrive just outside the entrance, as they usually do when Respite orders them.

Gren | Gash's head snaps up from the floor and it stares at the human female. It takes a few steps towards her, before the chain locks and it stops, unable to get anywhere near her or the entrance. It sits back down and watches her.

Vasquez blinks as she tries to focus on the varren, fumbling for the machine pistol holstered on her hip.

Gren grabs the bowl of sauce and lifts it to his mouth, taking a testing taste of it. He grunts and turns to the exit, taking it out for Gash to have.

Steve continues following Vasquez outside. His attention turns to the varren as soon as it begins to approach. He hovers his hand over his SMG, preparing to draw on it until he notices the chain holding it in place. He returns his focus to Vasquez. "No... No weapons for you." he says as he reaches down and lightly grabs Vasquez' wrist. "C'mon, up you go. Shuttles already here." he continues with a gesture towards the vehicle.

Gren exits the building, dumping the bowl in front of Gash who eagerly starts to lick up the sauce. Gren turns and watches the pair, eyes narrowing.

Vasquez pushes Steve away and draws her Shuriken when he tries to prevent her from reaching it. She aims it at him with a furious, but unfocused glare, arm swaying a bit.

Gren now watches with interest, clearly hoping to witness a firefight.

Vaden looks after the two humans as they exit, clearly both concerned and confused. She turns back to Va'ynna once they're out. "Odd behavior... troubling."

Steve weaves backwards instinctively and puts a hand up, palm outward, in front of him. "Whoa, Chief! Just me!" he assures her cautiously, "Come on, you don't wanna do this."

Heh, heh, heh.

Va'ynna nods. "Yeah, it is," she says. "She's... the leader of the agency, right?"

Vasquez stares at him for a while before slowly lowering the gun and shaking her head to herself. "Damn it... I-..." she trails off and starts to get on her feet in an unsteady manner, heading towards the shuttle while struggling to holster her gun again.

Gren lets out a disappointed grunt and leans on the wall, folding his arms and watching.

Vaden nods at Va'ynna before glancing over his shoulder. "Could be result of stress. Or... something else. Human behavior is... not my expertise."

Steve furrows his brow, clearly rattled and a bit angry over the event, and watches as she enters the shuttle. He makes no attempt to help her, and starts back towards the door once his boss is inside the vehicle. "Make sure that thing doesn't bite anyone." he grunts as he passes Gren and re-enters the Respite.

Va'ynna frowns. "Not for me, either. I... I should tell Jason," she says. "He'll want to know... I think."

Gren turns to look at Gash. He grins as he speaks to the varren. "Bite whoever is stupid enough to go near you. They're too stupid to live if they do."

Gren reaches down and unhooks the chain, holding it tightly in one hand. He starts to walk off, Gash following close behind. Time to go and buy a home here.

Vaden nods once more before his omni-tool beeps. After reading a brief message his eyes widen. "Not the chainmail!" he shouts, before running off without explanation.

Va'ynna raises her eyebrows, but he's out of earshot before she's even able to get a word out.

Steve steps to the side as Vaden runs out, giving him a strange look before returning to the counter. "And that's the woman I work for." he sighs with a shake of his head.

Va'ynna glances out the exit. "Is she... going to be alright?"

Steve snorts loudly as he rounds the counter and passes by Va'ynna. He grabs his glass of water and takes a sip.

Don't know. Don't care. She drew a fuckin' weapon on me!

Va'ynna raises an eyebrow. "Really? That's... terrible of her," she says. "I... was already planning on telling Jason... about this."

I didn't have her pegged as such a headcase... But after seeing the way she acted during our last job, and now this? Well, it's pretty obvious that she's got some fuckin' problems.

Va'ynna nods, starting to move along the bar to pick up her glass and the krogan's tray and mug. "She had... two glasses of batarian ale," she says. "Maybe... we shouldn't serve her that anymore."

Steve shrugs and places a hand atop the bar's counter.

Plenty of people get drunk around here without pulling weapons on each other. That woman has problems.

Va'ynna places the tray beneath before moving the five empty bottles to beside it. "I suppose you're right," she says, before sighing. "I... must have made a fool of myself infront of that krogan."

What're you talkin' about? That asshole say somethin'?

Va'ynna looks down on the counter. "I... I froze in fear when I saw him walk in," she says, "and he said some hurtful things. Told me it was pathetic."

Steve rotates his glass idly on the counter idly as he listens to Va'ynna speak.

Wouldn't worry about it too much. They suffer from a pretty serious defect: Their mouths are much bigger than their brains. They like to talk, and talk. Think they can push everyone around. He probably loved every second of it once he saw how scared you were. Don't give him the satisfaction.

Va'ynna brings a hand up to cover her mouth after giggling at the first part. "But... they look scary, and, um, dangerous."

Steve points at Va'ynna and shakes his head.

See? That's the kind of thinkin' that's put them in this position. The more we cower in fear of those big oafs, the more they think they can just push us around. Salarians should've just finished the job. Would've saved all of us a whole lot of trouble.

Va'ynna nods, and sighs, before noticing a customer waving in the corner of her eyes. "I suppose... you're right," she says before walking over to serve the patron.

No two ways about it. They strut around and do whatever the hell they want. Act like the rules don't apply to them since they think they can just strong-arm their way out of anything. Let me tall ya, they bleed just like the rest of us.

Va'ynna returns after pouring a beer for the patron. "I... don't make people bleed," she says, "and you know me."

Steve waves it off with a sigh, clearly overly passionate about the issue. "I know, I know... I should get back to work. Got a few things to take care of and I'm supposed to be clockin' out soon. Just try not to let 'em get to ya." he says as he scoops up his water and proceeds towards the door.

Va'ynna nods. "I'll see you," she says. "And I'll... try."

Steve raises a hand in a sort of half-hearted wave before disappearing through the door to return to work.

Next Logs

Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Vaden Noran
Va'ynna Atana
Gregorij Sakamoto
Va'ynna Atana
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Gregorij Sakamoto
Vaden Noran
Linda Vasquez
Va'ynna Atana
Linda Vasquez
Va'ynna Atana
Steven Briggs
Linda Vasquez
Va'ynna Atana
Aylena D'Inea
Va'ynna Atana
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Linda Vasquez

Previous Logs

Vaden Noran
Linda Vasquez
Vaden Noran
Aylena D'Inea
Gregorij Sakamoto
Va'ynna Atana
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Gregorij Sakamoto
Va'ynna Atana
Aylena D'Inea
Vaden Noran
Va'ynna Atana
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Va'ynna Atana
Steven Briggs
Aylena D'Inea
Steven Briggs
Gregorij Sakamoto
Vaden Noran
Steven Briggs
Linda Vasquez