#Hospital – February 18, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Jason arrives at the hospital in civillian clothes and heads straight towards Vasquez' room. He's looking a bit more relieved now that everything seems to have been taken care of with Rellis

Vasquez | The hospital is in a fairly busy state, a nurse bumps in to Jason while hurrying past him. He mumbles a quick apology without stopping.

Jason raises an eyebrow and gives the nurse a glare, looking back over his shoulder at him, but continues on towards Vasquez' room muttering a few choice words for the rude nurse.

Vasquez | A coarse grumble comes from Vasquez' room. It is clearly not her voice.

Jason frowns as he walks into Vasquez' room and looks around. "Time to get the fuck out of this place. Smells like old people in here." he says as he swings through the doorway.

Vasquez is nowhere to be seen. A burly, bearded man whose leg is in a cast looks over at Jason. "Eh?"

Jason furrows his brow and looks around the room. "Who the hell are you?" he asks.

Vasquez | The man scratches his armpit, looking a bit confused. "Uh... Nate? Pleasure."

Jason folds his arms across the chest. "Where was the woman that was in here?" he asks, almost sounding like he's interrogating the man, "Dark hair. 'Bout this tall-..." he adjusts his hand accordingly, "Lots of eyerolling. Probably called everyone in the general vicinity an idiot?"

Nate: Uh... I dunno.

Well.... Fuck. What use are you? Go to sleep or something.

Jason groans and turns around. "Uhh.... Get well and shit." he says before marching off back into the hall to hunt down Halisi

Vasquez | Nate furrows his brows for a moment. "Could you get-..." he trails off as Jason leaves, looking a bit dismayed.

| Halisi is sitting in her office in the very same hallway, door open, typing on her computer terminal.

Jason marches straight into Halisi's office with a loud "What the fuck, Halisi!?" as he closes the door behind him, "So, either you turned my girlfriend into a dude, wiped her memory, and convinced her that her name is Nate....." he stops and thinks about it for a moment, "Which I'll admit, at this point doesn't even sound that far outside of the realm of possibility, given everything else

we've been through, or she ain't in her room."

Vasquez | Halisi seems a bit startled by Jason's entrance. She turns the display for her computer off and spins her chair around to face Jason. "What? I released her over an hour ago. I thought she was going to call you the first thing she did."

Jason furrows his brow. "You released her!? And you didn't call me!? What the hell!?" He reaches into his pocket and removes his omni-tool. After a button press, the orange interface is projected before him. With his other hand, he begins typing away at it. "I said... Call me..... If anything.... Happened...." he says, having trouble concentrating on both a conversation, and some intense

one-finger typing, "THIS....Counts as anything!"

Halisi: Wh-... she said she'd call you herself!

Jason allows the interface to dissipate and he quickly shoves the omni-tool back into his pocket. "And I told you to call me yourself! She could be anywhere! Having some sort of seizure in an alley like some junky while a wild animal eats her fucking kneecap!"

Vasquez | Halisi shakes her head, but looks a bit concerned over her failure to inform Jason. "No, the new implant is state-of-the-art. Seizures should be completely eliminated. I'm sure she's fine."

Doc, you don't know her like I know her. That chick could break a leg doing the dishes.

Jason 's omni-tool begins beeping, a bit muffled in his pocket, but he quickly begins digging it out. After a few button presses, his features soften a bit and he places the omni-tool back in his pocket. "Uhh.... She's okay." he says, "....Sorry about that. It's just-..." he sighs loudly, "Luck is not on our side, Halisi."

Vasquez | Halisi nods. "I get it. She's been through a lot. Honestly though... she seemed fine when she left here."

Jason lets out a deep breath and nods as he moves to exit the room. "I'm gonna try and catch her." he says as he grabs the handle and pulls the door open. He pauses before leaving and glances back, "But... Seriously. Thanks for all you've done." He doesn't bother sticking around for a response.

Vasquez | Halisi is about to say something when Jason leaves. She looks after him for a moment before spinning back to her terminal and activating the display again. Her expression goes back to a focused one as she resumes studying the data displayed.

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Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez

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Jason Wolfe
Linda Vasquez