#Offworld – August 18, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

A full Citadel day passes while C-Sec investigates the matter. Each of the children would have been individually talked with about their side of this. After C-Sec thought they've heard enough, they were moved to their species' embassy where they stayed the night.

Evelina refused to answer most questions, maintaining that she is fine. She has spent the night in silence, most laying down even when not sleeping.

Toren has taken to the Citadel far more than the others already, being quite talkative with C-Sec and being fascinated at meeting more turians. When night came he was fairly upset over being split away from the other children however.

Ping has been reluctant to talk about their experience on the planet and the loss of their parents, while Li has been quite willing to talk, even though her understanding of the events is limited by her age.

Ilyna has recounted the relevant parts of the mission in detail, but could not speak much about their rescue of the children due to her being elsewhere at the time. She had a lawyer for most of her communication with C-Sec, and managed to undo the paperwork she previously sent on Li's behalf.

Li would be asked to follow a C-Sec officer out to the embassy lobby as a skycar sets down outside.

Li follows the C-Sec officer cautiously, keeping a wide distance around any unfamiliar officers, especially salarians.

There are no other C-Sec officers here than the one leading her (human male). He's been here for the latter half of the night, but hasn't directly interacted with the children before. When they reach the lobby, he tells her to wait before going back into the hallway. The embassy lobby is almost empty. Ilyna steps out of a sky-car once she sees Li and starts walking towards her. She's in a casual dress similar to the one she arrived in.

Li looks back at the officer when told to wait, clearly not very happy with being left alone, but upon seeing Ilyna her face lights up with a wide smile and she runs towards the asari with arms outstretched.

Ilyna crouches down as the girl gets near her and stretches her arms out in turn. She is smiling, as well, looking a lot less tired than whe she arrived on the station.

Li runs into a hug, clutching Ilyna as tightly as little arms can manage.

Ilyna holds the hug, patting her on the back. She is quiet for a few seconds. "I'm sorry you haven't heard from me before now," she murmurs. "I hope you've slept well?" She eventually lets go of the hug.

Li shakes her head. "I couldn't sleep... but then I did." She says with a frown.

Ilyna pats her shoulder before standing up. "It's going to be a long trip," she says with a small smile. "A lot of time to sleep." The sky-car is still open.

Li starts to approach the car curiously. "Can I drive back?!"

Ilyna laughs softly as she follows to the car, and hums thoughtfully. "The Citadel traffic isn't a very good place to learn to drive, trust me."

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