#Miner'sRespite – August 26, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Ehanis enters the Respite and heads over to the bar. She's wearing a close fitting red top held up by shoulder straps and a skirt going down to her knees, but also a dark-gray jacket considering the weather outside. She takes a seat at the bar.

Gren stomps into the bar, wearing his usual armoured attire. The same stoic look adorns his face as he takes a seat at the bar, a few stools down from Ehanis.

Va'ynna is about to serve the other asari, but stops upon seeing the krogan. She grows a bit uncomfortable, and decides to serve him first. She heads over to pick up a bottle of Ryncol before approaching the bar. (Ehanis_Tioran)

Ehanis looks over at hearing the krogan's gentle footfalls, but returns to looking ahead rather quickly.

Gren chuckles grimly. "Didn't even need to ask," he growls, dropping a chit on the counter.

Va'ynna offers a tiny smile. "I... just guessed," she says as she grabs a mug and pours most of the bottle's content into it. She puts it and the bottle on the counter in front of the krogan. (Ehanis_Tioran)

Gren | "Thanks," he grunts, nodding slightly at Va'ynna. He snatches up the mug and downs most of it's contents in his usual fashion, slamming the almost depleted mug back down once he is done. "Ahhh, better."

Va'ynna is quiet for a moment, considering whether to tell him, and most importantly, how. "I.... Briggs has heard that D'Inea is sending someone to... step in for her," she says, "and... that she's fine." (Ehanis_Tioran)

Gren looks up, staring at Va'ynna for a moment. "That so?" He chuckles, scratching at the scar on his face. "Well, girl has a quad on her. Good to hear she's fine."

Ehanis turns to the side, looking towards the barkeep and the krogan while she waits for service.

Va'ynna nods. "But... she doesn't want us to know where she is," she says, "or what's... going on." (Ehanis_Tioran)

Gren shrugs, refilling his mug with what's left of the bottle's contents. "So?"

Va'ynna frowns. "I... work here," she says. "I should be... concerned if my employer is gone without... telling me where and why." (Ehanis_Tioran)

Gren shrugs again. "You're her underling," he says simply. "She doesn't have to tell you anything."

Va'ynna takes a step back. "That... doesn't mean I... won't worry," she says and starts walking down to the other end of the bar, not eager to speak more with the krogan. (Ehanis_Tioran)

Gren snorts, turning back to his drink.

Ehanis raises a hand to stop her, but the bartender just walks past her. "Hey, I want to..." She sighs and shakes her head when it's clear the bartender isn't stopping.

Gren chuckles, speaking out loud. "Seems I struck a nerve," he comments idly.

Ehanis grins. "You sure did," she says. "At least she probably doesn't have the courage to tell you when you've had enough."

Gren 's laugh thunders through the Respite. "Nobody has had the gall for years. I kinda miss it, lead to some good brawls."_

Ehanis hums. "We're boring, I know, but we kinda like living for a long time," she says. "I'm going to be stuck in here working security while that guy is off doing the fun merc stuff, so wait until he's back before you start a brawl, okay?" She doesn't sound serious.

Va'ynna is currently serving a patron at the other end of the bar. (Ehanis_Tioran)

Heh heh heh. No one worth fighting so far. Except one turian. A biotic. Only seen a few of those in my lifetime. Killed a couple too. They always put up more of a fight before they go down.

I'm guessing they're both in a ditch somewhere right now?

More like down a drain.

Gren chuckles grimly and swigs at his drink.

Ehanis snorts. "Well, I think I get why people aren't picking fights with you," she says. "You're a merc, though, aren't you?"

Gren blinks at her. "What gave it away? The knife, the armour, the shotgun or the fact I'm a krogan?"

Ehanis smirks. "All of the above?" she says. "Then there's no need to have a bar brawl when you go somewhere else to pick a fight and get paid."

I haven't had any decent fights since I got here. Except one or two in Respite itself.

What did they do to deserve that?

They shot up the bar themselves. Got a nice trophy from that one. And the second time some asari attacked the owner.

Ehanis tilts her head. "Did the owner water down their drinks or something?" she asks.

Gren lifts his shoulders up and then drops them in a shrug. "Fuck if I know."

Does that happen often? And here I was thinking it would be an easy job.

I ain't been here long and it's happened twice now. Dunno much else. Talk to the human who guards this place.

Skythix entered the Respite wearing her usual warm clothing of a dark leather jacket and hugging black pants that didn't cover her spurs. Immediately upon entering, it was impossible for her to not see the krogan from before sitting at the bar next to an asari she recognized meeting a bit back. She walked a few seats away from the krogan to sit down, her heavy-toed boots clicking against

the floor. She could see Va'ynna working and tried to wave her over. "Hey, Va'ynna! Mind if I get something warm to eat? Safe for me would be preferable." She added with a chuckle.

Gren hears the turian's voice and growls quietly. "Remember that turian I mentioned?" He jabs a thumb behind him. "There."

Ehanis glances at the turian. "I'll do that if I get the chance," she says, then looks around before looking back at the krogan. "I'm Ehanis, by the way," she introduces herself without extending a hand. "I think I'm working for Redrock Agency now."

Gren | "Gren," he replies, giving her the same courtesy. "Have fun with that."

Skythix caught a glancing look at the krogan finger jutted at her, as well as his booming voice echoing in her direction. She meerly gives him a small look just to make sure he isn't trying to charge her again before looking back at the bar. She caught snipets of their conversation but mostly listened just for threats of violence. Shouldn't be long considering the krogan was... well,

krogan. She let out a small shiver before unzipping her jacket from her cowl to try and let some warmer air in from the ambient heat of the bar.

Va'ynna walks over to the turian. "I'm sorry... the kitchen is closed," she says. "We're very understaffed at the moment, but the kitchen will open in... the next few days." (Ehanis_Tioran)

Skythix frowned sadly at the asari, gently placing a hand over her stomach. She didn't realize how hungry she was until she was denied food. "Can I at least get a warm tea or something? I'm freezing here." She said, shivering dramatically for emphasis while trying to produce a small grin.

Ehanis sighs. "I doubt it'll be fun," she says. "My over-protective sister is helping run Redrock, so... yeah. At least it's paying work."

Ha! She must think you're weak.

Gren slurps at his drink.

Va'ynna nods. "I'll... take a look," she says, crouching down and sifting through the different types of tea. She picks out two different sorts and stands back up. They're in wrapping, and are produced in a remote turian colony that do trading with Terminus worlds. "We... have these." A small smile shows up. (Ehanis_Tioran)

Skythix let out a contented sigh, putting her talons on the bar counter while she examined the tea bags. "Oh spirits, yes. That'll be perfect. Thanks, Va'ynna." A smile with renewed vigor on her face that she almost forgot about the krogan threat looming next to her.

Ehanis raises her brows, but nods. "She does, and it's fucking annoying."

So, what, you're just going to lay down and take it? Not even going to try and prove her wrong?

Va'ynna walks over to another part of the bar to pour a cup of hot water. She returns with it about ten seconds later and puts it on the counter after finding a plate to set it on. "Is there... anything else I can get you?" (Ehanis_Tioran)

Ehanis shrugs. "I'll prove her wrong," she says. "I'm just stepping in for the guy working here for a couple days, after that I'll try get in on a real mission."

Gren grunts. "If you say so."

Skythix cupped the warm tea in her hands and nodded with a smile that spread her mandibles apart. "No, thank you. By the way, do you have any nicknames? Va'ynna is quite the mouthful. Just a, uh, passing thought." She said with a teasing grin. She could have heard the other two were talking about missions. If her memory served her right the asari worked for Redrock too? Wait, that

couldn't mean what she thought it meant.

Va'ynna looks thoughtful. "Jason call me V, and... Vay I've heard some times, and a little girl called me Vayna this morning," she says. "I... don't mind." (Ehanis_Tioran)

How is Redrock doing anyway? Last I heard, they were in the shit.

Skythix giggled gently under her breath. "Vayna is pretty adorable, I won't lie." She tried to snuffle the grin but it stayed on her face. "I think Vay can work." She took a small sip of the tea, letting the hot liquid warm her gullet. At the mention of Redrock from the krogan, she now turned her head to give them her full attention. They were the local PMC afterall. It wasn't definitive

that he actually worked for them.

I don't know, but it looks like they've got the situation under crontrol somehow.

Va'ynna looks towards the two, as well, but mostly to hide the fact that her cheeks got a little bit more purple. (Ehanis_Tioran)

Gren grunts. "Right." He scratches the scar on his face again. "It won't surprise me if they disappear soon. Sounds like they throw themselves at stupid odds all the time."

Skythix really didn't want to butt into their conversation but the more and more she heard about RedRock, the worst things she'd hear about them. Was it really such a good idea for her to have joined them? She noticed Va'ynna looking at them too. "Do you know them?" She asked the asari.

Va'ynna shakes her head. "No... not really," she says. "The krogan knows... the owner, though."

They've been doing that long before Redrock was a thing, and they've always come out on top.

Dead, crippled and poor? Hardly coming out on top.

Skythix frowned now, unhappy with the way the krogan was speaking ill of the few people he knew on Aite. "They're not all dead though are they?" She finally said outloud to the krogan and asari.

Gren snorts, turning his head so one beady eye stares at the turian. "Depends on how you look at it, turian," he growls.

Ehanis frowns. "Risk we all know we're taking when we pick up a gun to fight for creds," she says. "Besides, it looks like they're recovering from that."

Va'ynna looks towards them, as well, but remains quiet. (Ehanis_Tioran)

Gren looks back at the asari. "Easy to say. Though it's hard to collect credits when you're missing a few limbs. Harder still when you're dead."_

Skythix hummed low to herself, keeping her eyes mostly on the hulking mass. "Death seems pretty black and white to me. The gray part is how you get there."

Ehanis sighs. "If I wanted safe creds, I would take a safe job," she says. "Like, serving drinks or dancing."

Gren shrugs.

My point still stands. Redrock will get themselves killed if they keep throwing themselves against unwinnable odds.

Skythix gave a wicked smile. "Gotta earn money some way, right krogan?"

Gren has his back turned to the turian. And he's pointedly ignoring her. "But, who am I to judge, asari? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm right. We'll see."

I haven't been on one of those missions, but they're apparently well paid, so I suppose they make it worth it for those that come back with most of the pieces still intact.

Gren shrugs once again and finishes off his drink. "Have you asked them if it's worth it?" He asks as he stands, rolling his shoulders. "Good talk. Try not to get yourself killed."

Ehanis snorts. "If I ever get a chance to go on one of them, that is," she says. "I'll try."

Skythix was more relieved than anything that the krogan was leaving. Maybe she'd go check on Jason while she was here if he was around. She sipped again at her tea, enjoying the pleasant aroma.

Gren nods and leaves, casually knocking over a patron stupid enough to stand in his way.

Va'ynna covers her mouth at seeing a patron being knocked over, looking more than a little worried. She walks over to take the credit chit the krogan left behind. (Ehanis_Tioran)

Ehanis sighs and turns back to the bar once the krogan is outside.

Skythix frowned at the show the krogan made upon exiting. "I can't believe you people let him in here considering he causes trouble everytime he comes in." She said, thumbing the side of her warm tea cup.

Va'ynna fidgets nervously. "I... I can't tell him to go away," she says. "He's... scary." (Ehanis_Tioran)

Skythix looked over at the poor asari with a sad frown. She couldn't blame her, krogan scared her too but it was more of a respect of their power than real fear. "You should tell that human security guard to do it. He was able to at least calm him down the last time he attacked me in here."

Va'ynna nods, and glances at the security camera. "I'm... sure he saw what happened," she says, "but... I can tell him." (Ehanis_Tioran)

Skythix sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, don't bother. I'm sure if my first impression of him is anything to go by he won't care." She took out a small credit chit and handed it to the asari. "Thanks for the tea, Vay. I'm gonna go see if Jason is around." She stood up and zipped up her jacket before making her way to the stairs.

Va'ynna takes the chit. "I'll see you," she says with a smile. After the turian leaves, she finally walks over to Ehanis, remembering that she was trying to get her attention earlier. (Ehanis_Tioran)

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Va'ynna Atana
Skythix Teratus
Ehanis Tioran
Skythix Teratus
Va'ynna Atana
Ehanis Tioran
Va'ynna Atana

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Va'ynna Atana
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Ehanis Tioran
Va'ynna Atana
Va'ynna Atana