#Miner'sRespite – September 6, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Ilyna arrives at the Miner's Respite together with Li around noon, looking around for where Ehanis is sitting. She's wearing her typical modest not tight-fitting casual dress.

Ehanis is sitting a a booth near the bar, and waves at them as they enter. There's a glass of beer on the counter before her, and an empty plate. She's in a dark-red tank top and a gray skirt going down to just below her knees.

Li follows in tow after Ilyna, holding the asari's hand. She's too distracted by various patrons to notice Ehanis.

Ilyna walks towards the bar at first, but then turns for the booth where Ehanis is. "I know I'm a bit late," she says, before crouching down beside Li. "This is my sister Ehanis. She'll be with you while I'm out doing boring things i need to do."

Li leans to her side, looking past Ilyna at Ehanis. "Okay..."

Ehanis smiles and slides out of the booth. "Hey, Li," she says, sounding a bit enthusiastic. She glances at the bar. "Do you want to get something to eat or drink before we sit down?"

Li waves hesitantly at Ehanis. "Hi." When she is asked the question she responds eagerly with "Homeworld juice!"

Ilyna mouths the word 'Orange Juice', as they do speak the same language. "Call me if there is anything I should know, okay?" she says.

Ehanis looks at Ilyna with an inquisitive expression before nodding. "We can get it together, Li" she says and walks over to the bar, glancing to make sure Li is following.

Li slowly starts to follow Ehanis, glancing back at Ilyna every now and then to make sure she hasn't left yet.

Ilyna gives her a small wave as she gets back up to her feet. "I'll be back soon, I promise," she says before turning around and walking to the exit.

Ehanis looks for the bartender, who is currently busy with another patron. She turns around, leaning a bit against the bar counter.

Li stands close to Ehanis, looking around at various patrons, her gaze settling on whatever the most interesting alien currently in the Respite might be.

Ilyna gives another wave before she leaves the building, taking a left turn and walking down that street.

Ehanis glances towards the bartender, who is still serving the other patron, but it looks like she's almost done.

Li looks a bit distressed as Ilyna waves, turning to Ehanis and looking up at her. "She's coming back, right?"

Ehanis nods. "I have no doubt she will," she says with a smile. "Ilyna is very protective over those she care about. Too much so if you ask me."

Kanaya finally walks over to them. "What I can do for you two?" she asks with a polite smile.

Li can't see Kanaya from down on the floor, but yells "Homeworld juice!"

Ehanis grins and turns around. "That means orange juice," she whispers before speaking, "I still have my drink. I'd like some snacks you think she'll like, too."

Kanaya nods. "Got it," she says. "I can bring it to your table in a minute." She walks over to the racks of bottles, looking over them trying to find what she asked for.

Ehanis smiles. "Thanks," she says and turns to Li. "Let's go." She walks over to the table to reclaim her seat before patting the seat beside her.

Li follows after Ehanis, climbing into the seat. She doesn't say anything, looking at the door.

Ehanis places a hand on Li's shoulder that's furthest from her. "I hear we'll be spending a couple days together soon," she says, sounding enthusiastic about it. "We should do something fun together!"

Li looks up at Ehanis curiously. "Like what?"

Ehanis tilts her head. "What do you like to do?" she says. "I think there's a place with games and such in the town. We'll find something, I'm sure."

Li lowers her gaze. "I... don't know. I used to play with my friends... but they're gone now."

Ehanis pulls her closer for a moment. "Aww, that's.... Sorry," she says, then pauses for a moment. "Can I be your friend, Li?"

Li shrugs at the strange asari. "I guess..."

Ehanis grins. "Aw, thank you," she says. "We will have lots of fun, I promise."

Li nods faintly. "Okay..." she says without much enthusiasm.

Kanaya approaches their booth with a tray with a glass of orange juice, a small bag of salted potato chips, a choclate bar (brown), and a mixed bag of different sorts of chocolates and other sweet things. She takes the glass and places it in front of Li. "Which one would you like?" she asks, looking at LI.

Li immediately sips the orange juice, gaining a smile. She looks at the snacks curiously. "I dunno... what are they...?"

Kanaya smiles, and taps the chips. "This is potato chips, it's crispy and salty," she says, then taps on the choloate. "This is chocolate, which is very sweet, and..." she then retracts and stands back up straight. "The last one is mostly sweet things, but you might not like all of it." She pauses. "Would you like some time to decide?"

Li hesitates for a moment before reaching for the chocolate bar, studying it curiously, then trying (and failing) to open the wrapper.

Ehanis nods to the other asari. "A decision has been made," she says followed by a giggle. "Thanks, that'll be all for now." She is about to reach for her glass when she notices that LI is unsucessfully fumbling with the wrapper. "Want some help with that?" she offers, reaching out her free hand.

Li struggles for a bit longer before handing the bar over, looking a bit grumpy at her failure. She sips her homeworld juice.

Kanaya nods and returns to the bar with the tray, setting it under the counter in case they ask for one of the other options. She then walks over to serve another patron.

Ehanis takes the bar and retracts the hand that was over the girl's shoulders. "I can teach you," she says, and starts tearing at it, very unsuccessfully. "It's actually pretty easy." Another tear, also unsuccessfull. After another few seconds, she finds the right place to tear, indicated by a tiny barely readable instruction on the back. "See? Easy." She extends it towards Li.

Li looks on skeptically. She takes the bar, looking at it suspiciously for a moment before taking a bite, struggling briefly to break a piece off. After chewing for a while she smiles.

Ehanis leans back with a sigh, picking up her glass of beer and downing what little remains of it.

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Ehanis Tioran
Ilyna T'Rea
Ehanis Tioran
Kanaya D'Inea
Ehanis Tioran
Ilyna T'Rea

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