#Miner'sRespite – December 12, 2015

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Va'ynna is sitting at a table near the bar this mid-morning, a plate with a half-eaten sandwich in front of her and a glass of water. She's wearing a dark-green modest t-shirt and simple black pants. She is reading something on her omni-tool.

Kanaya is currently tending the bar, though she's far from busy at this time of day. The matron is typing on a terminal, occasionally glancing at the exit or stairs.

Victoria makes her way downstairs wearing a blue t-shirt and black long pants. Spotting Va'ynna, she decides to walk over to the asari and sit next to her "I really hope this seat, ain't taken."

Va'ynna looks up at her with a smile. "Now it is," she says. "How... are you?" What she's reading on her omni-tool looks like several listinsg of apartments around town.

Victoria puts a smile on her face "Same old, same old. It is all I can say really. How are you, my sweet?" She asked wondering how her partner is.

Va'ynna looks over at her omni-tool. "I'm... fine," she says. "Kanaya overslept, so... I had to wait until I could take a little break to eat breakfast." She pauses. "I'm... also looking at apartments."

Victoria takes note of the half-eaten sandwich and hears about the apartment hunting. "Oh, yeah? Found anything interesting?"

Yeah, but... the best ones seems to be too far to walk to work.

"What is the matter with ones that are closer to work for you?"

Va'ynna hums thoughtfully. "They're... usually smaller, more unfurnished or... more expensive for what you get," she says, "but... I haven't seen all of them yet."

"Well I will be happy with whatever you pick." She said with a smile on her face.

Va'ynna smiles. "You trust me... too much," she says. "You earn... the most, though, so I wouldn't want to make those decisions without you."

"Well, you choose a few you like and we shall come to a decision together." She stated to the asari with a smile.

Va'ynna nods and shuts off her omni-tool. "I'll see... if we can go see some of them tomorrow," she says before picking up the sandwich. "You aren't going to be busy tomorrow, I hope?"

Victoria gives a smirk "I am certain, I can clear up time in my busy schedule for doing that." She states with a friendly tone.

Va'ynna gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," she says. "I'll... tell you when we can go as soon as I know." She then takes a bite of her sandwich followed by a sip of her glass.

Victoria blushes a little at the kiss on the cheek. "No need to thank me, my sweet." She said with a kind tone in her voice.

Va'ynna tilts her head. "Why not?" she says. "You... always have time for me. I would almost think you're not doing anything at all for work." She giggles before taking another bite of the sandwich.

"Yeah me and work definatly do not go together well sometimes." She said joking.

Va'ynna nods. "They're probably busy with things that don't need them flying anywhere," she says. "Like... the new office."

Victoria 's omni-tool started to buzz and beep, she looks at the omni-tool and sighs "I gotta deal with this for a few moments. I'll be back after I am done." She the asari a kiss on the cheek and went back up stairs to her room.

Va'ynna smiles. "I'll see you," she says before turning back to her breakfast.

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Kanaya D'Inea

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Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Va'ynna Atana
Victoria Steels
Kanaya D'Inea
Va'ynna Atana
Kanaya D'Inea