#RedrockAgency – March 15, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

It's the morning of November 14th. The weather is rather calm, though it's still quite chilly outside given the time of year.

Sarah walked into the main lobby of the Redrock's building, she was wearing long grey pants, a dark blue shirt and a grey coat. She looked around for a receptionist or a button to press to get some assistance.

A green hologram flickers to life behind the reception desk. As usual, Fergus is dressed in plate armor with a sword holstered at his side, furs line his armor to fit with the season. His hand casually rests against the pommel of his sword and he bows in greeting as he spots Sarah. "Greetings! I am Fergus, VI of Redrock Agency. How can I help you?"

Sarah notices the hologram flicker to life and takes note of the medieval design of the VI. She approaches the desk "Hello, I was wondering if it is possible for me to have a word with one of Redrock's founders or the owner." She did not see much reason to ask the VI the question she had, she rather ask someone that was a founder of the group.

Fergus offers a warm smile and a bow of his head. "Lady Vasquez is terribly busy, I'm afraid. Allow me a moment to see if Lord Wolfe is available." he offers. He visibly takes a step back from the desk before fading from existence. A minute or two passes by before the physical representation of the base VI manifests once more behind the desk. "Lord Wolfe will see you in his office." he says, giving a gesture down the hall.

((remove :10*))

Fergus offers a warm smile and a bow of his head. "Lady Vasquez is terribly busy, I'm afraid. Allow me a moment to see if Lord Wolfe is available. Who, shall I tell him, is seeking an audience? And for what purpose?" he asks.

Sarah nods at the VI "My name is Sarah Murphy, I'm looking to ask a question about one of his employees." She said, upon hearing the point out a lord and lady believing they are also the owners of the group.

Fergus once more bows his head, keeping it low for a moment. "I will inform him of your request." he says. He visibly takes a step back from the desk before fading from existence. A minute or two passes by before the physical representation of the base VI manifests once more behind the desk. "Lord Wolfe will see you in his office." he says, giving a gesture down the hall.

Sarah gives a nod to the VI once it reappears "Thank you." She begins to make her way to Wolfe's office, believing that it should be marked as the VI did not tell her what door.

It is, in fact, marked. And according to the interface, it is unlocked.

Sarah gives a knock on the door once she reaches it, she did not want to seem rude. If she had no response she would wait outside his door until Wolfe arrived.

The door slides open nearly immediately after Sarah knocks.

Jason is seated behind his desk in a long sleeved white shirt, black pants and a pair of black boots. He looks as though he's still in the process of waking up and there's a half drank cup of coffee on his desk in front of him. As Sarah comes into view, he glances up from his terminal to study her and sucks in a deep breath. "Uhh... Good morning miss.... Murphy...?" he greets, sounding unsure as if he already forgot what the VI

had told him. "I understand you have some questions for me about one of our employees...? What is this about?" he asks, reaching up with one synthetic hand to rub at his left eye.

Sarah walks into the office once the door opens, she gives a nod at hearing her last name. "Well, it's actually Doctor Murphy." Confirming to the man that he had the right name. She moves closer to the desk and takes a seat. "Well, I just got a few questions about a woman that works here." She stops for a moment and looks at the man's synthetic hand for a moment but quickly returns back to the man's eyes.

Jason sucks in a deep breath and nods a couple of times as he shifts in his seat. "My apologies. Doctor Murphy." he says with a bit of exaggeration in his voice. "We've got a number of employees working here, Doctor. Mind narrowing it down for me?" he asks.

Sarah remains quiet for a moment, trying to find the right way of how to phrase her next question. "Do... do you have an employee named Victoria? If you do then I will have another question. If not, I'm sorry I wasted your time." She figured that was the best way of asking that question.

Jason winces, bringing his hand back up to his forehead. "Fuck... What did she do this time...?" he mutters under his breath before looking back to Sarah. "Look, whatever damages she may have caused we'll pay for, alright? Let's just... not make a big deal out of this."

Sarah looks at Jason with surprise at first and a little shocked. "As far as I know, she did nothing." She stops again for a moment. "Look, I am trying to figure out if she is my sister." She now looks a bit worried upon hearing Jason's statement.

Jason continues, speaking over Sarah at first. It seems his worry that Victoria may have gone and gotten herself into trouble is enough to have woken him up. "Redrock certainly doesn't stand behind her actions, whatever they may be, and, between you and me?" he leans forward, lowering his voice to a stage whisper, "I think she may have a bit of a drinki-..." he pauses as Sarah drops the info bomb. "...Oh." he says softly, clearing

his throat before adding a second, "Oh!" He straightens up in his seat and scoots his chair slightly closer to his desk to lean his forearms against it. "Excellent employee. Pleasure to work with." he says, quickly changing his tune and putting on a charming, lopsided smirk to cover up his badmouthing of an employee, "Definitely... Uhh.... One of a kind, that one." Suddenly he furrows his eyebrows and studies Sarah for a

moment, "....You did say Doctor Murphy, right...? And.... And you think Victoria might be your sister...? Victoria Steels...?"

Sarah looks a bit concerned as the man continues saying how her sister acts. When she hears that her name is now Victoria Steels, she continues to looks concerned but is clearly thinking. "Look, I will just tell you what I know." She takes a breath before she starts to explain her situation. "I was told by my parents at a young age that my older sister died in an accident. The reason I became a doctor, but as I grew older, I did

not know any information about that accident." She stops for a moment "My parents never told me anything about the accident, and I could never find anything about the accident. So I hired an information broker, and his information basically told me that my sister works here."

Jason gains a distant look as Sarah tells her story. When she finishes, he leans back in. "Uh huh. Uh huh." he nods dismissively before shifting gears right back to his previous question, "Now, we're talking doctor doctor, right? Like, 'take your temperature' and shit, doctor? Not-.... Not like a 'I wear a goofy hat and write children's nursery rhymes' doctor?"

Sarah looks at Jason wondering if he even listen to her story or not. "A doctor that operates on people, a doctor that deals with broken bones and illness, yes." She sounded a little frustrated at the man's question and wondering why he decided to ask that.

Jason gives a snicker to himself and shakes his head. "Well.. shit." he says, giving no context as to the reasoning for his line of questioning. With a deep breath he sits back in his seat, "Well, I can't exactly just hand out personal contact information for one of my employees miss-... Doctor Murphy." he quickly corrects, "But I'm guessing you've come a long way to follow up on this information. So if you send your contact

info my way, I'd be more than willing to pass it along and give Vicky a chance to reach out to you." Despite his confusion and scepticism over Vicky possibly being related to someone who saves lives for a living, when it comes to family it's not something he takes very lightly and his sincerity becomes clear in his tone. "How does that sound?"

Sarah sighs "Alright, that was probably the best I could hope for in reality." She sighs again. "Sorry, I was just hoping for an address or something. But you are just looking out for an employee." She reaches for a business card and hands it to Jason. "My contact information on that is all correct."

Jason reaches across his desk to take the card before looking it over briefly. He gives a sympathetic tilt of his head in regard to her disappointment. "Sorry about that. Just can't go giving that sort of information out to anyone. Especially in the line of work that we do here... But I'll call her up as soon as we're done here, you have my word." he assures her with a nod as he sets the business card down on his desk. "...Was

there anything else I could do for you, Dr. Murphy...?"

Sarah shakes her head "No, that was all I needed. Thank you. I better get going, if I want to make it to the hospital before my shift begins." She stands up from her seat "Thank you for giving her my information. Even if this does turns out to be a wild goose chase."

Jason gives a nod of his head. "Not a problem." he says before something she said registers with him and he furrows his brow. "Shift...?" he asks, "...Are you working here? On Aite?"

Sarah nods "Yes, I felt like I could use my education better out here. Most hospitals and clinics on the Citadel already have talented staff."

Jason's lopsided smirk returns to his face and he gives a small nod. 'Kind, selfless, intelligent. Surely the information broker got it wrong' he muses silently to himself, causing his smirk to widen somewhat. "Nice to know there's good people out there willing to lend a hand." he says, "Welcome to Freedom Falls, Dr. Murphy. I hope everything works out for you."

Sarah gives a nod and a smile "Thank you. Anyway, I better get out of your hair and I better get going to get to the hospital on time. Goodbye Mr. Wolfe." She turned and began to walk out of the office.

Jason raises a synthetic hand to wave the woman off. "Take care, Dr. Murphy." As soon as the door slides shut behind her, he sets his omni-tool on the desk in front of him and begins to place a video call to Victoria. "Fergus, can you get me a good headshot of Dr. Murphy from the security footage? Something I can send Vicky's way?" he asks as he waits for the call to be answered. A yawn begins to escape him, reminding him just how

early it is.

Fergus' voice sounds out in Jason's office. "Right away, milord."

Victoria it takes a couple of moments before Vicky answers the call. "Give me a second." Vicky can be seen walking in her apartment and wiping the sleep from her eyes. It takes her a couple of seconds before she says anything else. Now taking a seat on the couch "What is up, Jason?"

Jason reaches off-screen for his cup of coffee and takes a quick sip before setting it back down on his desk. "Morning, sunshine." he says with a bit of mock enthusiasm. "Why does something have to be 'up' for me to give you a call? Can't I just check up on you?"

Victoria continues to get the sleep out of her eyes. "Because you would not have called me around midday if you wanted to check up on me. Do you need me to fly the shuttle or something?" She said trying to work out why Jason is calling.

Jason sighs and gives a shake of his head. "Nah. Just had a bit of a .... weird start to my day. A woman by the name of 'Sarah Murphy'-... Doctor Sarah Murphy- stopped by my office looking for you." he explains, studying her reaction through the interface of his omni-tool, "Does that name ring any bells for you...?"

Victoria is midway in rubbing her eyes and when she hears Sarah Murphy, she stops completely. It definitely enough to wake her up and she look at the camera. "Bullshit, Austin told you that name."

Jason furrows his brow and blinks a couple of times. "Alright, so it does ring a few bells." he mutters. He takes a moment to take another sip of his coffee and holds the cup in his hands. "Yep. Ya caught me. Just an elaborate joke me and Austin came up with and I thought I'd call you at the asscrack of dawn just to fuck with you. Head on back to bed, Vicky." he says sarcastically, giving a roll of his eyes. "She just left. Said

she hired an information broker to track you down. Sounds like she thinks the two of you might be sisters. Any truth to this...? Given your reaction, I'm gonna guess that's a big fat yes..."

Victoria nods "She is my little sister. If it is her." Vicky remains quiet after that and just seats there.

Jason lowers his gaze down to his desk. After a moment of silence, he gives a single nod. "I can send a photo your way from the security footage. Just-... let-... me-..." he trails off as he begins to navigate the holographic interface of his omni-tool. His gaze darts this way and that, and it's not long before confusion fills his features. "...Where in the hell is the photo, Fergus...?" he asks.

Fergus' voice can be heard, "I sent it to your Redrock business mail, milord."

Jason stares intently at the screen. To Victoria, his attention would continue to move from left to right, back and forth across the camera as he scans the screen. His expression turns from confusion to frustration after a moment. "Fer-... I can't find it, Fergus. Can you just send the damn picture to Vicky?"

Fergus' voice chimes in once again. "Of course, milord."

Jason finally focuses on the camera once again. "Fergus is sending a picture your way, Vicky."

Victoria is still remaining quiet for the time being. "I'll look at it once we are done with this call." She stops again. "Did she give you any information?"

True to his word, Victoria would nearly instantly find a new message alert on her omni-tool. The contents of the message is a still image from the lobby of the Agency of the woman who identified herself to Jason as Doctor Sarah Murphy.

Jason gives a shrug of his shoulders as he continues to cradle his coffee cup. "She left some contact information that I can send your way. Mentioned something about her parents telling her that you croaked in an accident. Didn't say much more than that and I didn't particularly feel all too comfortable prying. Not really my place, you know?"

Victoria nods "Just send her info to me. And thanks Jason. Do you mind if we cut this short between us, got a few things to do." It is clear that she does not want to talk about it, until she is sure it is her little sister.

Jason gives another nod. "Yeah, of course." he says. He doesn't have all the facts, but it's not hard to see that this is a pretty big ordeal for Victoria. "I'll send the info right away, Vicky. And if there's anything else I can do just let me know, alright?"

Victoria nods "Yeah, I will talk to you later. I will call you if anything pops up." Vicky ends the call on her end after she hears Jason's goodbye.

Next Logs

Fergus (VI)
Jason Wolfe
Sarah Murphy
Victoria Steels
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels
Fergus (VI)
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels

Previous Logs

Fergus (VI)
Jason Wolfe
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels
Fergus (VI)
Jason Wolfe
Victoria Steels