#RedrockAgency – June 17, 2017

This logfile is imported from aitelogs2 and may contain errors or wrong timestamps.

Halisi sighs as she enters the results of the examination into Steve's record. "I could tell you this kind of activity is a very bad idea when recovering from injuries like yours, but you clearly didn't have a choice in the matter... I'm glad you got out alright. Or as alright as can be. Going after someone while they're recovering... cowardly. I suppose Redrock's line of work breeds that kind of enemy, doesn't it? Who were

those people?" She doesn't face Steve as she talks, continuing to type on the infirmary terminal.

Steve has remained entirely silent during the duration of his examination, merely staring at a point on the wall. The injuries he sustained during the scuffle were mostly superficial. There's a bit of bruising along his side and he has the start of a black eye showing through. The knuckles on his right hand are split and bloodied. It isn't until Halisi begins asking questions that he seems to snap back. It takes him a moment to

focus on the question. He clearly hasn't been paying attention for the past while, just lost in his head. "...Who were they?" he repeats, furrowing his brow at the doctor. His disposition seems to change as a grin crosses his face and he shrugs his shoulders, "Old friends."

Halisi seems to have little interest in prying, letting out only a faint sigh in response and then swiveling around to face Steve. "I've already patched the torn stitches. This will impact the timetable for your recovery, but none of the specifics that we discussed last time have changed. You already have the medication and supplies you need, assuming nothing was lost during the attack?" She furrows her eyebrows. "Ac-..."

she's interupted as Fergus' voice sounds from the ceiling. "Ser Briggs, Lady Vasquez wishes to have words with you."

Steve flatly nods through most of Halisi's explanation, his expression only changing once Fergus chimes in. He gives a roll of his eyes. "This should be fun..." he sighs as he climbs off the examination table. "I know the routine, doc." he says, hoping to cut Halisi off from continuing her speech as he starts towards the door, "No rollin' 'round in the mud. No fightin'. And I'm gonna have to cancel bowlin' night." He spins

around, giving Halisi a wink, "I'll stay out of trouble." he assures. "So how 'bout you go scrounge me up a shirt while I get my ass chewed out?"

Halisi scoffs slightly, a brief hint of amusement shining through at Steve's comments. "Make sure you eat something soon. I'm sure you don't need a lesson on the importance of proper nutrition for a biotic." she says as she turns back to her screen.

Steve gives a quick shake of his head. "That ain't seemed to stop you from givin' me lectures before." he teases, drumming a hand against the doorframe. "I'll get myself a bite to eat as soon as I'm done here. Promise." he says, hoping to put an end to Halisi's good natured nagging. "Shirt." he repeats, "Please." With a nod, he sets off down the hall knowing all too well that the words Vasquez wants to have with him probably

aren't going to be ones he wants to hear. As he reaches her office, he taps the door's interface.

Vasquez is seated behind the desk as the door opens, obviously expecting Steve. She gestures for him to come in. "Briggs. I'm glad you and Renala are alright. I was hoping you could tell me what the hell happened. Do you know who attacked you?"

Steve sighs and steps inside, folding his arms across his chest as he takes a seat. "Eh. Yes and no." he explains. "Ain't nothin' to worry 'bout, Chief. Just an asshole with a grudge. Some people just don't know when to let things go."

Vasquez raises an eyebrow. "So it was personal? Were they after you? T'Iavay? Was the 'asshole' in question part of the attack? I need information."

Steve brings a hand up to rub at his temples for a moment as he leans forward. It's quite obvious he isn't too pleased to be questioned. "His name is Henrik Richter. Me an' him go way back. He was with Eclipse. We had a bit of a-...." he pauses for a moment, gaining a frustrated look as he searches for the right word, "...disagreement a few years back. I moved on. Obviously he didn't." he explains, hoping it'll suffice. Another

sigh escapes him as he looks to Vasquez, "Look, I ain't tryin' to drag nobody else into my business, Chief. I appreciate the concern, but it's under control. Besides, Ren said she tagged him so the shitbag is prolly bleedin' out in an alley somewhere anyway."

Vasquez frowns, studying Steve for a moment. "...or he got away. Is this going to be a problem for Redrock? You said he was with Eclipse."

Steve immediately shakes his head as he settles back into the seat. "Was." he repeats pointedly before shrugging, "Henrik's crew was on Omega. Now I ain't too sure how up-to-date on current events you are, but that Archangel character seemed to do a damn good job wipin' 'em off the station. Last I heard the Talons were cleanin' up. S'pose Henrik could still be workin' with Eclipse, but given what I saw?" he shakes his head

confidently, "Ain't likely. If there's one thing I know about Eclipse, it's that they like to do shit right. This? It was sloppy. They were barely armed. No hardsuits. No backup. Not Eclipse's style."

Vasquez goes silent for a while, considering Steve's words. Eventually she offers a nod. "Alright. You've been with us for a long time. If you say it's not going to cause any issues for Redrock, I'll trust that. But you're going to keep us updated if there are any developments, understood? And I want to know more about this 'disagreement'."

Steve gives a single nod as Vasquez speaks, though his expression changes once she presses for more information. He falls silent and his gaze moves to the floor for a moment before he looks back to Vasquez. "I'm afraid that ain't any of your business, Chief." he says. His tone is respectful, but his comment is definitely pointed. "Unless of course you'd like to play a game of 'you show me yours and I show you mine'." he adds with

a wink. "See, when I had to rush headfirst into a high tech terrorist facility to get you out? Can't say I was none too happy 'bout it. But I did it. And I kept my questions to myself." A small smirk crosses his lips, "We've all got our secrets, Chief. All I'm askin' is you respect mine. You have my word that it ain't gonna bring you and yours any trouble."

Vasquez blinks. Her expression is a mixture of surprise, frustration, and perhaps a hint of embarrassment, the mere mention of the incident enough to throw her off. She shifts in her seat, staring at him for a moment before nodding. "Point taken." she says, sounding none-too-pleased judging by her tone. "So long as this doesn't become an issue, I won't pry."

Steve's smirk grows into something a bit more genuine at having found his ace in the hole. "Sounds good to me." he says. With a pained grunt, he stands from his seat, putting his weight onto the armrests for support. "Was that all, or...?" he asks rather than just outright leaving.

Vasquez ' mind seems to drift slightly, but Steve's question is quick to bring her back, and she gives a quick nod. "Yes. Yes, that's all."

Steve rolls his shoulder, wincing slightly at the pain that surges through it. "Good talk, Chief." he says as he turns on his heels and heads back the way he came. "And I appreciate you not jammin' a gun in my face this time." he says as he nears the door, casting a grin back over his shoulder.

Vasquez scowls at Steve as he leaves, leaning slightly against her desk.

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Steven Briggs
Linda Vasquez

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Linda Vasquez
Steven Briggs
Linda Vasquez
Steven Briggs
Linda Vasquez